Adventures in Babysitting

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Narrative: Aunt May told Peter to get a job, gain experience. But he was struggling to find one he liked. Ned proposed simple steps such as babysitting. So when Michelle asked him to watch her little brother for a day, a window of opportunity opened for Peter. Although things take for a turn when Peter comes to realize he's inexperienced with handling kids. And Michelle came home early to witness the chaos.
No Endgame aftermath (We're just gonna burn the ending of that movie from our minds. Pretend there's such a thing as a happy Peter Parker.)

"I know it seems tough, already balancing life and being a superhero, but a small job now will better prepare you for the future. I mean you can't rely on your hero duties to provide money for you, Pete." Aunt May had been lecturing Peter for what seemed to be the fourth time already, and just in that day. After taking up a book club, the other members with children placed the idea in her head. She decided that since Peter had been old enough to drive, he'd have been old enough to finally get a job too. Better prepare him in his youth, as she states.

"Yes Aunt May, I understand. I'll try to apply for something by this weekend," Peter responded compliantly, having already been weary listening to the same words once again. She accepted the answer and went about to changing the topic. All the while, Peter's mind was struggling to identify what he should do.

Frankly, he didn't like the idea. Already balancing too many books on his head. But there was nothing he could really do about it. Now he just had to contemplate on exactly what job he'd do. He was inexperienced in a lot of things other than academics.

For three whole days, Peter had completely struck out. He listed out the jobs he thought were cool.

First, there had been working at the open market nearby Central Park, but that hadn't worked out too well considering there were already enormous amounts of volunteers. Especially when summer was nearing, it meant fresh food and time away from home.

Then he thought about putting his engineering skills to use. There had been a flyer that landed on his window, like a sign. They needed a mechanic at one of Ned's dad's favorite repair shop. Peter knew if he could make synthetic webs and hack alien technology, he most certainly could fix a car. He's studied car parts before, just in case. Yet when he applied, he was immediately denied because there were a lot of policies apparently to work in repair shops. A contract, practical knowledge through experience, and an associates degree. The last being the most essential, which still a high school student, Peter knew he wouldn't get the job any time soon.

And lastly, Mr. Delmar. He realized the only options a 17 year-old would have when it came to jobs were retail, cashier, serve at a restaurant or so. He knew he would opt out of that last option, not wanting to work a minimum wage job with whiny customers and only a fifteen minute break. He most certainly didn't know crap about clothes considering half of his shirts consist of the Walmart brand. So that lead only to being a cashier. But his dreams were crushed when Mr. Delmar informed him that the help wanted sign had no longer been needed.

Peter was then back to square one.

Friday had arrived faster than he expected and he promised May to find a job by tomorrow. He was running out of luck, patience, and time. When lunch came about, he trudged to his seat in front of Ned, sighing dramatically.

"Still can't find a job," Ned asked entertained. "Nope," Peter said as he withheld the 'o' sound a little too long. "May's expecting you to find one by tomorrow," Ned noted. "I know, Ned," Peter mumbled as his palms carried the weight of his face, elbows placed on the table. "You only have a few hours," his friend pointed out. "I know, Ned," he repeated. "If you don't she'll be mad. Maybe even disappointed. Or missapointed. How about dissad?" Ned rambled on. At this point, Peter had been irritated sarcastically responding with, "Gee, thanks Ned. I really appreciate the support." Ned felt embarrassed, apologizing slightly for his actions. "It's alright. I just don't know what to do," Peter dismissed his friend, still irritated at his dilemma though.

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