Thankful For You

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Narrative: A continuation of the recent chapter of my other book "~Semblance~"(check it out if you haven't yet). It's more like the rest of the chapter I didn't get to write because I was contemplating on the idea...


"Considering it's Thanksgiving, what are you thankful for?" Michelle and the spider themed hero continuously changed the topic of conversation. And they conversed for quite a while now.

The two still sat at the very top of Lady Liberty's crown, admiring the area around them. The crisp night air filled of the sounds of their voice as they chatted the time away. Spider-Man ruminated, searching for a good answer.

"I don't know where to begin," he told her. Michelle turned to him, her attention and interest devoted to him and him only.

"I'm grateful for a lot of things. My friends, my family, existing. I have a lot of things I could talk about." "Well then talk away," Michelle encouraged. With those words, Peter's adoration for the mysterious girl grew more and more, but she'd never know.

"I'm very thankful for my parents. I might not have known them for so long, but I know they loved me and I loved and always will love them. I remember hearing stories about them from people around me. About how they were brave, and always fought for what was right. I guess that's why I am who I am now. I want to be exactly what they were, and with it, protect the the world. I'm thankful for my adoptive family for caring and accepting me as their own. They helped me in my path of growing up.

"I'm thankful for my best friend. He means everything to me and more. He's the only person I can really be myself around. And he's always there, always has my back no matter what. I'm thankful for my powers. Back then I use to think it was awful. I mean why was I chosen to have an ability so dangerous. Why was I entrusted with trying to protect everyone when I couldn't protect myself. But I had help. Some very close people encouraged me, and when I put myself out there— everyone needed me. I felt wanted. My powers gave my life a sense of purpose.

"I'm thankful for them, because I also gained a new family. A family that's missing a few members, but I'm learning to accept it. I still miss him though. Sometimes, I wish it could've been me," there were a few tears now that slid down his face, but that wasn't evident as his mask covered him. Although, Michelle could tell by the little voice crack that he was in pain. And she knew exactly who he was talking about.

He sighed before continuing, "I'm thankful for everything else. Weirdly enough, I'm thankful for every experience in my life— good or bad. Because without them I wouldn't be where I am today."

The suited figure looked out in front of them after his finishing lines, probably too busy thinking to be even admiring the view. As lights glimmered upon his figure, Michelle took notice of his heroic outlook. His figure had such a dramatic flare to it, Michelle couldn't help but roll her eyes. He looked like he was straight out of a comic book, it was almost obnoxious. She knew now why he was so beloved. His words and intentions were so full of care, Michelle's pessimistic soul couldn't stand it. Her heart fought to keep from the bubbling feeling of admiration that brewed deep within her.

"I'm also thankful for right now. For these moments with you," he said turning back to face her. Michelle then knew she couldn't fight her feelings any longer. A kosher smile slowly appeared on her face. It brought a smile upon Peter's own face as well.

"What about you," he asked. "My thanks goes out to a lot of things Mr. Spider." Michelle teased him for a bit before truly answering.

"I'm thankful for the family I have now. For my bright little brother. Who could probably outwit me someday if I'm not careful. My dad, who struggles to provide for me and my brother, but is still smiling at the end of each day. And for my mom, the bravest person I knew.

"This dear old world that I'm glad to be alive in," she continues. She held her hand up to the sky as if she could reach out and touch the stars. Slowly, she let her hand back down to feel the smooth sculpture she sat on.

"I'm grateful to school, books, and food; many more of those materialistic things. I'm happy to have earned my spot as the decathlon captain at school. And the team who makes it worth taking charge. Without the team, I'd probably have no friends other than Ned and his weeby friend Peter.

"But I'm glad for having those losers in my life anyways. And..." Michelle hesitated. She contemplated on telling him the next part or changing the topic completely.

"And..." he looked at her expectantly, waiting in anticipation at her next words.

"And I'm thankful for you," she whispered softly, but he still heard. Though she couldn't see it, Peter's smile widened even more. His heart beating rapidly, and his stomach filled of butterflies dancing joyously.

Peter's suited hand reached up to her face nearby. The palm of his covered hand caressing the side of her face. His thumb stroking her pink painted cheeks, mapping the light and almost bare freckles that she had. Michelle felt comfortable enough to lean into his touch. Her hands fiddled with one another. She closed her eyes wanting to cherish this moment. He watched her expression. Even with the stars that twinkled brighter than before, his eyes were looking at her. He was always looking at her.

His consciousness ruined the moment though as he slowly started pulling his hand away. But instead of leaving her soft touch completely, he lowered his hand and reached her still fiddling one. With her permission through a nudge and direct eye contact, he held on to her hand. He turned his body to face the direction in front of him once again. His eyes following the horizon line of the vast body of water. Michelle looked at his figure for the last time, then gazed back down to their entwined hands. The red gloved one contrasting with her bare and tan one. Her lips lifted up; a smile creeping onto her face that etched on there for the rest of the night. She then turned to face the scenery too. And in a moments time, she began to lean her head on his familiar broad shoulder.

She wasn't lying before. She truly was thankful for him. She was also thankful for the rest of that night and the many more she spent with her web slinging hero.


A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed the added scene. I'm not certain whether I want to keep this as part of this one-shot book, or add it into the recent chapter of Semblance once I'be completed and revised the book. This was fun to write, though. But spideychelle is always fun to write about, and I think the reason why is because with Spiderman, Michelle can explore her vulnerability without that underlying fear of judgement. Honestly I love spideychelle just a tad more than I do pj or PeterMJ. Anyways, I've recently gained a lot of new oneshot ideas so it's back to work. I think I'll post two or three soon because I'll be having a four day weekend from school. Bye ♡♡♡

𝙄𝙣 𝙁𝙖𝙞𝙧 𝙉𝙚𝙬 𝙔𝙤𝙧𝙠...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora