Spies in Disguise: Operation - Part 3 (Finale)

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Narrative: An undercover detective and a S

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Narrative: An undercover detective and a S.H.I.E.L.D agent had initially two targets that night; a kingpin's lackeys and each other. But plans change and they end up having to work together. Will they bomb the mission (both literally and figuratively) with their incapability to tolerate one another, or will they succeed in capturing the bad guy and each other's attention?


"Good evening," Michelle politely greeted a woman, more specifically, Vanessa Fisk. What better way to get in touch with the man himself than through his wife. Vanessa was a classy lady, who was just as devious as her husband but knew how to hide it better. Even so, she was still kindly.

"Well hello, and who might you be?" There was a certain air of refinement within every word she spoke. "I'm...," Michelle glanced down trying to remember the name Ned told her to disguise as. "...Annette Chevalier, pleased to meet the host of this fine gala," Michelle's french accent was quite well due to her prior years of schooling.

Their conversation continued on, until a newcomer entered. It was none other than Wilson Fisk himself. Michelle inspected him for a moment. He was quite what the pictures depicted. Large in size, and well dressed. And similar to Vanessa, there was this atmosphere of superiority surrounding him. Except there was something cruel hidden in the depths of his heavy lidded eyes. Overall terrifying.

He introduced himself to her, snapping her out of her thoughts. "Oh I'm sorry, I'm Annette Chevalier." Though he seemed delighted, she could tell that he was inspecting her just as she had moments ago. Under his rueful gaze, Michelle could feel the bead of sweat dropping down her forehead. But she kept her eyes steadily on him. He waved it off and left to converse with a strangely familiar man.

His grey hair had been slicked back, and the wrinkles on his face made his age definite. Although, his eyes were far colder and even deadly. It brought a shiver down Michelle's spine. She looked down from his white tailored cashmere suit to the notably large ring on his finger that held an insignia. That's when realization dawned upon Michelle, striking her like lightning. She glazed over to the body guards not too far behind the man, seeing the same insignia on the butt of the guns they carried.

Michelle's breathing picked up its pace, and her heart was pounding rapidly. The memory flashed in and out of her mind, and her thoughts surfaced the question of "how?"

Why here?

And why now?

She was brought back to reality by Vanessa. "Are you okay? You're pale, as if you've seen a ghost..." Michelle looked up to her concerned face. She was going to feel real guilty having to turn over such a kind woman to the police, but that's something Michelle would have to deal with later. At the moment, she had a job to see through.

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