Hand of God

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Your mind was hazy, still desperate for sleep, as you tried to piece together a puzzle with missing pieces. You were warm, so warm. You hadn’t woken up warm in weeks it seemed. You nuzzled into the silk covered pillow beneath you, enjoying the feeling of it against your skin. A luxury you were unfamiliar with. Laying on your side, you stilled your body once more, just trying to hold on to the warmth for as long as you could. For a few moments, you felt peaceful. It wasn’t until a hot and heavy hand curled itself over your hipbone that you remembered where exactly you were. Kars’ bed. You knew he could tell you weren’t asleep any longer, the god-like man had heightened senses, he could probably tell that your heart rate had nearly doubled in the last few seconds. Even though you know it was pointless, you still tried to pretend to be asleep; or maybe you should play dead? Whichever was more effective at this point. His thumb drew small circles in the dip of your hipbone, his large body shifting closer to yours. You didn’t need to open your eyes to know that his predatory gaze was on you, you could feel it. It wasn’t until he drew closer still, his nose brushing against yours, warm breath fanning against your lips that your eyes flew open, wide with fear as your body flinched backwards from the sudden intrusion. His grip on your hip tightened, a warning to stay put that you heeded.

He looked highly amused, a cat who had a canary in its paws. His hand idly stroked you, thumb lightly digging into your flesh under your tunic. This god-like being could easily snap your body in half without even using a fraction of his power, and yet he was currently content just feeling your body, hand trailing up, following the contours of your curves. He didn’t touch you in an inappropriate way; slightly risqué and invasive, sure, but nothing too terrible. You became inwardly self-conscious of how soft and doughy your body must feel to him, as opposed to his and his fellow Pillar Men’s firm and unmalleable ones; he was like a child with clay, just playing with it, feeling it give way under his touch. You stared at the silk sheets between the two of you, not wanting to look at him as continued to paw at you, occasionally grazing his nails against your upper thigh exposed by your tunic having shifted. His hand curved around you, pushing on your lower back until you slid against the silk, ending up pelvis-to-pelvis with the almost-god. You whimpered as your hand came up between the two of you, resting on the middle of his chest, trying to create a barrier of sorts as your face turned bright red. You fight back your primal instincts to kick and thrash, instead doing your best to subtly lean your upper body away from him, as he was currently holding your lower back. His other hand came up and covered yours, eclipsing it with its large size. You watched with fear filled eyes as his hand began to drag your own down his chest, making sure you felt ever peak and valley of his muscles as you went, mentally beginning to panic as your hand brushed against the top hem of his breechcloth, jaw clenched as your eyes began to sting with tears. His hand maneuvered yours to the side, following his hem until your fingers dipped into the valley of his well defined V-line muscles, trailing along the groove up over his hip, down to the small of his back. You stilled your body, too frightened to move, your heart racing, as he retracted his hand, leaving yours still around him.

Affection had become a distant memory, a now foreign concept, until Kars began to single you out. His actions weren’t genuine though, they were predatory in nature, a way to toy with a new victim. Likely you weren’t the first, nor would you be the last in the nearly-immortal being’s long life. You weren’t sure why or how he deemed you special enough to be in his presence, let alone touch him in such ways. He’d never asked you to reciprocate touching him, aside from in the bath, until now; demanded, rather, as he never asked your opinion in any matter. Most of the humans, mainly the women, upon realizing that their captors were muscular half-naked semi-gods, feared that their intentions were of a sexual nature; it was understandable, you yourself had the same fear. Those who had been around longer assured them, just as they assured you, that that was far from the case. Your kind was beneath them, servants at best. And yet, here you were, Kars contradicting the long stood assurance, even if it was all just a game for him. Cruel teasing was one thing, but this man was holding you, allowing you to sleep beside him in his own bed no less. You lay stiffly, your lower halves still flush together, your upper bodies still a small distance apart, counting your heart beats, the rhythm frantic. You could feel him looking at you, studying you, as your eyes looked everywhere but at his.

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