Kneel Before God

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You had no idea what time it was, the sun already risen high into the air when you looked around. A field. You were in a field, small white flowers as far as you could see covered the earth. You weren’t an expert on flowers, so you couldn’t identify them, but they were rather pretty. You sat amongst them, picking one up and holding it to your nose, but it was nearly scentless. You felt a slight wave of disappointment for some reason, holding the flower out in front of you as you stroked the petals, admiring their soft velvet feel. You’d been so enamored by the flowers that you didn’t even notice the shift until it was too late. First you noticed that there was a sudden fragrance in the air, your nose feeling overwhelmed by it. The flowers, it was coming from the flowers. You looked up, surveying the fields, quickly rising as you saw the sun had disappeared, the moon taking it’s place in the sky accompanied by a sea of stars. You stumbled back, ready to run. Where you were running to or running from you weren’t sure. As you took one final step backwards, planning on spinning on your heels and running, you stepped right into a trap. Arms encircled you, muscular arms; too much so to be human, surely. You began thrashing, trying to use your body weight to break free against the hold, but the arms didn’t budge at all.

There was a chuckle in your ear, tickling your spine. Your captor held you now with a single arm, his now free hand coming up to grasp your chin, moving it up and out of the way, revealing your neck to him. He buried his nose into your neck, breathing in, the arm around you tightening and constricting you even more. “My little sun conqueror.” He mused against your skin. You weren’t sure why, how, or when you’d changed back into the ripped black tunic, but your entire shoulder was exposed, the dip of your cleavage just barely visible. He kissed his way up your exposed shoulder, up your neck, intermittently biting at your skin with his canines, purring against your skin.

He let go of your chin, turning you around to face him, a predatory smile on his face, red eyes sharp and practically glowing. His hair was loose, plum colored locks spiraling down his back, a single thick braid keeping a small section of hair contained. Some of the white flowers you’d admired so much were caught in his curls, as if they’d been placed there ornamentally. He must have noticed your eyes looking at them, plucking one out from his regal mane, holding it before you. “Forget me not’s. So intriguing, wouldn’t you say?” You said nothing, your mouth dry as you just looked at the white flower trapped in his grasp. His hands were large, perfect, as if carved from stone by a skilled artisan of days long past. “During the day, they’ve almost no scent, considered to be boring almost.” His other hand came up to stroke the petals, much like you’d had done earlier, “But, at night, they flourish. Such a strong scent. So familiar.” He let the flower fall, softly spiraling back down to the dirt. You weren’t sure if there was some hidden meaning or metaphor he was trying to hint at, but you weren’t up to trying to decipher whatever meaning was behind his words. He used a single finger to raise your chin, closing the distance between the two of you, lips meeting yours, the smell of the forget me not’s stronger than before as he bit down harshly on your bottom lip.

You jerked awake, nearly falling off the bed. A dream. Of course. You rubbed your face, wondering what time it was. It was still dark out. Had you slept through the whole day?

“You okay?” You rolled over to see Cavalry propped up by his elbows, his hair disheveled from sleep. You blinked, tasting copper on your lip, “Y-yeah. Sorry, bad dream, I guess.” You licked away the small bead of blood, wondering if you’d unconsciously bit your own lip to wake yourself or if it was just an odd coincidence. You were still in the borrowed pajamas, the ripped tunic long forgotten somewhere on the floor of your old dwellings, discarded and unwanted.

“I understand.” He said sympathetically, likely used to his own nightmares from his time in battle. You ran your hand down your face once again, looking over to the window. It was closed now, curtains drawn. “Sorry about that,” He said, gesturing to the window when you turned back to him, “it was freezing in here.” Had you really fallen asleep while it was open? You recalled feeling relieved once you were able to look outside, just relishing in the ability to do so of your own free-will; nobody there to keep you from the sun or the stars ever again.

“Sorry. I-I’m sure it’s unsafe to have the window open, especially at night.” You said sheepishly, feeling the overwhelming sensation of shame that you could have jeopardized you and your companion’s safety for your own self gratification. “I would say it isn’t, but it’s okay, I understand.” He gave you a warm reassuring smile, “Thankfully, I think we managed to throw them off a bit, hopefully long enough to buy us some time until we can find a city, blend in with some people and such.” Your eyes shined with hope, “Do you really think so?”

He tossed the covers off himself and stood up, his chest bare, a pair of worn plaid pants covering the rest of him. Your eyes widened a fraction as you quickly looked away; not out of embarrassment from his lack of shirt, that much you were used to and more, but his entire chest and back was littered with scars. Cross hatching one another in no specific pattern and varying depths, they caught the light as he tossed another log into the fireplace, “If they knew we were here, I don’t think they’d just stand around outside the door.” He joked grimly, warming his hands by the fire. You supposed he was right. If Kars had found you, you doubt he would waste anytime in killing you; or something else just as sinister. “Yeah.” You said, trying to convince yourself that somehow this would all be over soon, as if once you reached some certain destination, Kars’ search would be called off and you could go back to the life you had before all this. Would reaching a city filled with other people stop Kars? Could Kars even be stopped? Aside from sunlight, of course, and other Pillar Men, you were unaware of any sort of weakness he and his fellow race possessed. The only reason you knew that Pillar Men could kill Pillar Men was because of Kars’ genocide against his own kind, making sure that the humans passed the story along amongst themselves, like a mother warning of a monster under the bed to keep children in line.

“Any idea what time it is?” You asked, having truly no idea how long you’d been asleep. He yawned, nodding his head at the clock on the wall you’d apparently missed, “Early. The sun will be coming up soon, which means we should get moving sometime soon.” You hummed in response, your body feeling no more rested than it did before you fell asleep. You longed for nothing more than a decent night’s sleep, to feel safe and rested. “Our host was gracious enough to give us some clothes better suited for the weather. She said her daughter doesn’t need them anymore.” He paused, frowning for a moment, as he sighed, “War never changes I suppose.” He turned away from the fire, an unseen burden heavy on his heart it seemed, as he grabbed his boots heading into the bathroom. You weren’t a stranger to death, not anymore, but the people who died while you were in captivity had nobody to grieve or mourn them. Just another dead body. This was different though, someone cared for that girl. It felt more tangible, more real, now. You grabbed the clothing that was at the foot of the bed, a deep sigh escaping your lips, trying not to dwell on it; you had your own issues to worry about right now, you could grieve later.

The two of you set off again, the sun peeking out over the horizon. Another day of walking. You weren’t sure how much longer you could take it physically, even with your “new” jacket and shoes, you were feeling frozen, not to mention the soreness of your muscles still, seemingly unable to recover fully. You had to keep going though, you didn’t have a choice. You couldn’t very well just sit down in the midst of the freezing forest and wait until you either froze to death or were discovered. You didn’t say much, too much in your head to try and start a conversation, as well as keeping your focus on your footing, making sure not to fall in the deep powder. Cavalry had received directions to the nearest town, nearest being a term he used loosely, as it was some good miles out.

You lost track of how many steps you’d taken, all concept of time lost on you as the sun hid behind dark gray clouds. Every now and then Cavalry would point out something, an animal track, plant type, or other various nature fact that you didn’t know. Truth be told, before you had been taken, you had never really spent much time outdoors, let alone roughing it anywhere. Now, having been locked away from things you’d taken for granted, you saw everything through a new lens. You wanted to spend the rest of your days feeling the sun; once you got to a warmer climate, that was, as right now you just wanted to curl up in front of a fire. You couldn’t offer much in response, you couldn’t identify flowers, or tracks, or anything useful really. He seemed thankful enough for just your companionship at least. The sun finally peeked back out, kissing your cheeks with it’s rays, making you close your eyes and relish the feeling once more.

“Forget me not’s.” A shockwave ran through your spine, recalling your dream. Your eyes snapped open, nearly walking into Cavalry’s stopped back, “W-what?” You asked, catching your balance. He nodded to a patch of white flowers, your blood running cold. “The flower, Forget me not’s.” He said, oblivious to your heart racing. “They’re pretty unique because during the day-“

“They’ve almost no scent.” You finished, echoing the words Kars had spoken in your dream; nightmare, rather. “But at night…” You trailed off, shaking your head to clear the feeling of him being so close.

“Yeah,” He said, bending down and picking one up, looking it over. You weren’t sure if you somehow foresaw this happening, or if the universe was just cruel to you, but it made you uncomfortable, even though it was broad daylight and it was Cavalry beside you. “They’re neat, different, I suppose.” He turned to you, and held the flower out to you. You looked at it for a moment, as if the flower was the cause of your anxiety, before taking it from him, gently placing it behind your ear.

The two of you carried on, walking as far as you could before the sun started to sink lower and lower. This time you didn’t have a house to shield you from the elements or creatures of the night, whatever that may entail. You two found a small shallow cave to bunker down in, Cavalry making sure that there wasn’t any sort of animal making it’s home in there before he led you in, making a small fire. He blocked the mouth of the cave with tree branches he’d drug over from the nearby tree line.

“It’s kind of like camping.” He said, offering a shrug as he tried to remain optimistic about the situation. You couldn’t help but smile a bit, “I guess.” You said with your own shrug. You both sat on the cave floor, him recalling stories of camping while growing up. You could tell he enjoyed that time in his life, his face lighting up as he told a story about befriending a raccoon and trying to hide it in his bedroom from his parents. After a while a comfortable silence fell over the two of you, just staring into the fire, lost in your own thoughts and memories.

“I-I feel silly for asking, but…” He paused, looking away for a moment, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. “I never got your name.”

For the first time since you’d been captured, you began to openly laugh.

You stirred, hearing strange noises. “Cavalry?” You mumbled in your sleep, rousing yourself as you lifted your head from your arm you’d been using as a makeshift pillow. It took a few moments for your brain to clear the fog of sleep from your mind, wondering who the man in the hat was and why he was attacking your companion. Your eyes widened, mouth opening in a silent scream as you shuffled backwards from the horror show you’d woken up to. You tried to stand, your feet having no traction against the loose rubble of the cave, slipping several times before you managed to stand on shaky legs. You now had the attention of the two men in the cave.

“(Y/n), run.” Cavalry choked out from behind Kars’ hand, his windpipe being crushed in a single giant hand, easily a foot off the ground. You stood rooted to the spot with fear, wanting so badly to run and scream, but your body refused, just, standing and watching in horror. Kars’ eyes shifted over to you, narrowing as he looked over at you, a sly smirk on his features.

“(Y/n).” Kars repeated, licking his lips as if savoring your name on his lips. You knew right now wasn’t the time or place, but your face grew warm with shame. This man- no, this monster, who used you, tormented you, hunted you, dared to touch you so intimately, didn’t even know your name. While he was distracted, Cavalry landed a kick to Kars’ hip, probably aiming for something else but missing. In the blink of an eye Kars manifested his blades from his forearms, a quick arc of light filling the dimly lit cave as the blade sliced into your companion’s skin. Cavalry hissed as he was dropped to the floor, Kars standing menacingly over him, the hatred in his red eyes unrivaled. “Run, (Y/n).” Cavalry wheezed from his place on the floor, clutching his side.

You finally convinced your feet to move, taking a frightened step backwards, only to be stopped, a dark-skinned arm coming around you, a hulking figure stepping into your view. Wamuu and Esidisi. 

“I’m feeling generous today,” Kars said slyly, gesturing to Cavalry coiled up on the ground, clutching his side, a pool of blood spreading below him, “Wamuu, you may punish him as you see fit, but he’s not to come back alive” That was the extent of Kars’ generosity. You swallowed a scream as your eyes became filled with tears, thrashing against the arm restraining you, “No, please. Please don’t-“ Your voice cracked, your words refusing to come forth any longer as you knew it was useless. Three almost-gods against two small mortals, the stronger of which was bleeding on the ground. Your legs gave out, Esidisi’s arm around you being the only thing keeping you from crumpling to the ground. The Pillar Man carried you, the tips of your toes not even touching the ground as he took you to the mouth of the cave. Kars stood in place, observing his “handiwork”, hand resting on his chin as he looked down at your “friend” with sheer disgust, before he too turned and followed Esidisi out of the shallow cave. As you hung your head the Forget Me Not spiraled down to the dirt, the urge to laugh and cry at your own foreshadowing dream growing stronger.

“Esidisi, take her back,” Kars casted his arm out towards the direction you assumed you’d originated from, “she’s to stay in my chambers. I’ll be back shortly.” You felt so defeated, as if somehow this was your fault. If you hadn’t have insisted on leaving, Cavalry may have been able to get free on his own. He may have been able to go back to a normal life, leave all the terrible memories behind. But he had helped you. He’d sacrificed himself to help you. You heard Esidisi say something, his chest rumbling with a chuckle against your back, your mind trying to block out everything, force yourself to mentally shut down.

You were freezing the entire trip back, the wind biting and stinging your skin as the second-in-command Pillar Man jumped easily through the branches, offering you a few snide remarks as he did. It wasn’t anything you hadn’t mentally said to yourself. Kars’ pet. That’s all you were. For the first time you saw where you’d been held captive for what seemed like an eternity, a large sprawling building, looking more like a castle; a dark dreary castle out of a horror story. Esidisi landed gracefully at the huge front doors, the two opening seemingly on their own. It wasn’t on their own though, red eyes in the dark told you that much: their legion, on the hunt no doubt. The white haired man carried you effortlessly down the familiar hall, to the familiar room you’d come to loath. He let you down, your knees buckling, bringing you to the floor.  “Your master will be back soon.” Esidisi chuckled, his words stingingly slightly though you tried to ignore them. You didn’t respond. They didn’t deserve your words. He left the room, leaving you on the cold floor.

You didn’t know how long you remained on the floor, your body feeling colder by the minute. Eventually you moved up to the bed, wrapping the silk sheets around you, trying to stop your shivering; fear and the cold being the cause. You wanted to curl up on the bed and sleep, not caring if you woke up or not, but you knew that Kars would wake you up once he got back. Your eyelids grew heavy, the siren’s call of the bed strong, but before you could start inwardly debating on whether or not to lay down, the door opened.

It was odd to see a man who you almost always saw nearly nude to be fully dressed, the only skin exposed being his forearms down and his face. He smirked down at you, the hat he’d been wearing now gone. You drew the sheets closer to yourself, as he came closer to the bed, standing before you.

“Sorry to have kept you waiting, I had other matters to attend to first.” He flexed his wrists, the joints popping a bit as he did so. You weren’t sure if that was supposed to be a veiled threat or not, but you took it as one. “With all the hunting I’ve done tonight I’ve grown tired,” That was a lie, of course, he wasn’t effected by time or efforts exerted, “You are to undress me.” He grabbed your arm, you instinctively let go of the sheets, letting them slip half-way off the bed as you now stood before him.

In this outfit you could almost pretend he was a different person, not the cruel monster who hunted and tormented you for his own amusement. Of course, the jacket was the most complex piece of clothing you’d seen, buttons and snaps all over it, not knowing which ones were functional and which were merely decorative. You swallowed and reached up slowly, his red eyes never leaving your face as a small smirk tugged at his lips, likely drinking in your fear, relishing in it. Your hands trembled, but you were quick, undoing the top buttons as fast as you could to get it over with, the small capelet around his shoulders now hanging open. You moved to undo more buttons only to have your hand confiscated by his larger one, his face leaning into yours, meeting your fearful gaze, “Slower.” He commanded, eyes half-lidded as he licked his lips, placing your hand on the next button and keeping it there, as if demonstrating the proper amount of time you should be taking with each button. He released your hand, straightening back up, letting his own drag down his body, as if trying to entice you to find this enjoyable. It wasn’t. You could have sworn you felt his chest puff out more, back slightly more arched, posing like a Greek statue as you continued.

You swallowed the lump in your throat, focusing on each button, inwardly cursing when you wasted time on undoing one that was functionless, purely there for aesthetics. Button by button you exposed his broad sculpted chest, no shirt underneath. He didn’t need it, the jacket wasn’t used as it was intended, for warmth, but simply donned to blend in; as much as the giant God-like man could blend in. The jacket fell off his shoulders, the sleeves tight around his biceps still. You wished you could just leave it at that, call it done and retreat back into the room you once shared with all the other humans, but you knew that that was just wishful thinking. You assumed that the next time you’d ever be allowed out of this room would be after your death. You belonged to Kars now, he was making that very clear, now isolating you even further by him and his fellow Pillar Men being the only beings you’d come into contact with.

You held his forearm in one hand, turning it over and trying to find the cufflink amongst the bunched up material. His skin was so warm against your cold hands, he always seemed warm, possibly just a trait of his race. You knew he probably wasn’t bothered by your numb fingers, he probably liked them being cold, hoping you’d find his warm skin that much more inviting to touch. You didn’t. It made you that much more aware that he wasn’t human. Any human would naturally be cold after standing around in the snow as you all had. You found the button, undoing it and sliding the rest of his chiseled arm free, moving to the other arm and repeating the same thing. His chest now bare as it always was; almost. He still had his head wrap on, the bands weaving around under his arms, back, and neck.

You stepped back a bit, frightened more so as now you had to deal with his lower half. The armor pieces he wore weren’t as intricate as his usual ones, these lacking in bladed edges. You tried to imagine how you would perceive him should you have encountered this cloaked man in your “past life”, just standing casually on the sidewalk, you probably would have just questioned what costume party he’d wondered out from. Now such elaborate clothing and near-nakedness was commonplace around you. You took a deep breath as you knelt before him, legs folding user you, feeling his eyes focusing on you, drinking in the image of you in a sense bowing before him; the regal God he thought himself to be.

You fumbled with the circular knee shields, trying to figure out if there was some sort of clasp somewhere or if they simply slipped on. You’d never worn any sort of armor before, the idea foreign, so you weren’t sure where you’d even locate a buckle or clasp of sorts on the piece. You didn’t touch him, even though he had pants on for now, you dared not actually touch him, only the belt that held the armor, as if that would keep you safer. You kept your head bowed, not wanting him to even see your face, not while you were so vulnerable, only the top of your head visible to him; it was an odd angle, as you had to peek awkwardly up through your lashes while keeping your chin tucked down. You finally found a small clasp hiding in the inner hollow of the disk, catching the disk before it could fall, not wanting to find out what would happen if you scuffed or damaged the piece of metal. Now that you were familiar with the mechanics, the second one came more easily, but you still took your time, knowing that that was what he wanted, but to also put off removing Kars’ pants; you knew he was going to absolutely make that entire ordeal as uncomfortable as he could for you.

Next was the grieves. Seamless bands that wrapped around his powerful calves. You took a deep breath, shifting slightly closer to try and solve the puzzle behind these, running your hand around them, finding a small seam in the inner side. You pulled a bit, seeing if it would budge any, but to no avail. You swallowed hard, shifting even closer. You hated this. You weren’t comfortable at all being this up-close and personal with Kars’ inseam. You jumped when a hand came to rest on your head, gently threading itself in your hair. He gave an amused hum above you. He didn’t force your head to move any, simply just enjoying the feeling of your clean hair sliding against his hand. You ignored the hand the best you could, going back to experimenting in getting the joined bands off, finding that you had to push them inwards, releasing an unseen hook-and-latch first to get then to come off. You carefully placed them down alongside the other two pieces of armor before you undid the other one.

His boots were your final task before you had to remove his pants. You awkwardly shifted up his pant leg, feeling like a twisted reversed Cinderella as you unbuckled the strap around his ankle, pulling the laces to slacken their hold. He gracefully lifted his foot, allowing you to pull his foot free. You weren’t sure why you found it humorous that he had on black socks underneath. You’d never taken the time to wonder nor care if the would-be ultimate life form wore socks. You removed the sock, rolling it over the instep of his foot, a groan coming from above you. He flexed his now bare foot in your grasp, making you quickly drop it as though it was a floundering fish, much to his amusement. He placed his foot back down as you repeated the same ritual, sans his flexing foot, on the other one.

Pants. His pants were the last article of clothing. He seemed to sense your palpable dread, only now tugging the hair at the nape of your neck to force you to look up at him, your eyes screwing shut in fear and defiance, face growing warm as you could only imagine the lewd thoughts going through his mind while watching you at this particular angle. His hand moved forwards, stroking your cheek in a mocking gesture before removing his hand completely from you, placing it on his chin. Now free to do so, you turned your head away, eyes opening once more, hating how tall he was. If he wasn’t thinking anything sexual before, he likely was now as you forced yourself up onto your knees before him to get at a proper height, face burning with shame as you turned back to him, reaching a trembling hand up to unclasp one of his two belts, starting with the top one. It seemed functional, cinching the high-waisted pants around the curve of his body, while the other just hung loosely around his hips. You leaned your upper body back, trying to put some sort of distance between you and him, as much as he would allow, you supposed. You didn’t remove the belt from the loops, just letting it hang open as you shifted to the next one, a large circular belt buckle adorning it. You unhooked it from around him, setting it on the floor with his other adornments before your eyes shifted back to the button fly on his pants. Of course. You couldn’t just undo a top button and pull a zipper down, you’d have to undo each button one by one; five buttons in all.

You were determined to just stay focused, just get this task done and put it behind you. You had no idea what lie underneath the pants, if anything, and that frightened you. You’d seen vague glimpses of Kars’ body, of course you’ve bathed him several times, but glimpses verses being before him on your knees was an entirely different thing. Your hands rose, body leaning away even further as you began to work your way down the buttons. To put you on edge even more, Kars would occasionally growl in his throat, hips pushing into your hands occasionally. You ignored it, holding your breath as you came to the last one. His hands rested high on his hips as to not inhibit your task, as your hands grabbed onto his waistband, slowly tugging them down. You nearly breathed a sigh of relief once you got confirmation that he was wearing something underneath the pants, you tugged further, blushing as you realized it wasn’t much of something. Black silken fabric kept his modesty, the same shape and cut as his “usual attire”, an odd leather waistband ran around the top with two leather straps that hugged the top outsides of his thighs, like an odd, functionless garter belt. You looked away, looking down at his lower legs, deeming it more comfortable to look at. “So modest.” He said, amused by your reaction, probably inflating his ego inadvertently.

The hard part was done, you just continued to shimmy his pants down, him gracefully stepping out of them, now back to his typical form of dress, sans the armor and modesty panel he usually wore over his lower half. You attempted to stand, his hand on your shoulder forcing you back down as his other hand tilting your chin up to look up at him, you defying him by not looking him in the eye. “I rather like you like this, I must admit.” You bit your tongue, not giving him the satisfaction of an answer as his fingers gently stroked your jawline. You could see him frown out of your peripheral vision, eyebrows twitching downwards for a moment before his wicked grin returned. He grabbed your arm, pulling you up, just as he did the first time he’d approached you. He didn’t keep his hold on you, surprisingly allowing you to take a step back, though it didn’t make you feel any better, no distance would alleviate the hatred you had for him.

You stood, face cast down to the floor, hands clenched by your sides, not sure what was expected of you now. You wanted to curl up into bed; his bed, your bed, you didn’t care whose bed at this point, and never wake up. You hadn’t even began to wrap your mind around what had happened over the past few hours, images of Cavalry on the ground rising to the front of your mind.

“Your task is not complete.” You wanted to let out a defeated sigh, but held back, your eyes rising to see him drag a finger across his clothed collarbone. His crimson hued eyes shined, nearly glowing with some hidden emotion. Your eyes followed the intricate wrapping framing his face, trying to figure out how to remove it. You’d seen him remove it, but have never cared to watch how he actually went about doing it, why would you ever need to know? You tried to recall all the times you’d seen him do it, knowing that he at least somehow started at the back. You moved to make your way behind him, but his hand stopped you, “You’re not to leave my sight.” You wanted to spit back a witty remark, but obviously lacked the courage to even begin to do so. How were you supposed to reach the back if you had to stand in front of him? His smug grin widened just as your eyes widened, realizing you’d have to put your arms around him; a faux embrace on your part. Your heart was erratic as you stepped back towards him, frightened. You took a moment to mentally talk yourself up, telling yourself to be brave, get it over with; it wasn’t anymore frightening than removing his pants, surely.

Your arms reached around his broad torso, bodies close, but not pressed together, an awkward space between the two of you, your hands following the straps around. You looked to the side, your cheek closest to his body able to feel the body heat from him, as if he’d just stepped out of a long shower. Your hands tried to stay on the fabric only, just as you’d tried to touch only the fastening belts on his armor, but occasionally your skin would brush against his, making him purr above you. You yelped as his arms encircled you, pulling you against him, you arms ceasing their exploration to lie flat against his chest, attempting to push against him. He inhaled deeply against your neck, unabashedly moaning into your skin, “I can still feel it on you.” Your eyes widened, having no idea what he was talking about. Your body arched into his, trying to escape from the nails he dug into your back, he seemingly lost in ecstasy. “I can still feel the sun on your skin.” You let out a whimper, his clawing you now causing pain, “It feels glorious.”

“L-lord Kars.” You broke your own vow of silence. His hot breath fanned against your neck at his name upon your lips, you voice hoarse and not your own it seemed. His nails retracted from skin, likely leaving small crescent marks behind, as one of his hands traveled up your shoulder, down your arm, taking your hand. His patience seemed to be waning, his hand bringing yours up to the back of his cowl, while his free hand grabbed your chin, his lips devouring your own hungrily. You felt his hand manipulate yours into grabbing one section of the wrap, pulling it. You felt it go slack in your hand, a ribbon of fabric as well as a cascade of curls flowing around him. You let go, hearing it fall gracefully to the floor as Kars pulled back a bit, allowing you to breath.

“So clever of you, escaping like that,” Kars cooed mockingly, his hand forcing your own to now skim along his collarbone, essentially teasing himself vicariously through you. “Did you think you could really escape, little (Y/n)?” Your body went rigid as he said your name, having forgotten that he’d said it once before. You were a nameless toy before, but now, he had your name, body, mind, and spirit. He took note of your reaction, red eyes shining with feral delight as he pushed you to the bed, his large body eclipsing yours as he hovered over you, his hair falling, curtaining around the two of you. He lowered himself closer to you, nose brushing against yours, just drinking in the image of you under him. He rested his weight on one elbow above you, threading his free hand into your hair. “As much as I enjoyed playing, I like you here better.” His words were false, your brain refused to believe he meant any of the words he spoke were genuine. Kars cared only for himself, for his pleasure, not for you yourself. He kissed your lips with a surprising gentleness, likely trying to lure you into believing whatever delusion he was indulging himself in. He moved back once again, surprisingly moving aside, leaving you petrified, just lying still on the bed as he ran his hand through your hair.

You eventually got up the courage to move, rolling on your side to face away from him. He didn’t protest, instead he brought you to himself, back against his chest as he held you tight. His breath tickled your neck, causing you to try and squirm away. Watching you squirm was his favorite game. You leaned your head back fully, trying to hide the hyper sensitive spot at the back of your back, not enjoying the shivers and tingles it sent down your spine each time he kissed or nipped at it.

The fork of his thumb and fingers came to fit against the front of your throat, your entire world around you coming to a halt as you’d been so busy trying to get away from the sensation that you’d left one of your most vital areas unguarded and on full display. He hummed in amusement against the shell of your ear, your eyes watering as you swallowed against his palm. The same hand he’d nearly ended Cavalry- No. Callum. His name was Callum. Callum’s life with. He let his hand stay there for a few moments, the threat lingering, unspoken, before his thumb moved up, resting against your pulse. Your heart was pumping wildly, lungs constricting in fear, as his index finger traced patterns against the soft skin of your neck lazily.

“Your heart is racing.” He cooed teasingly, his free hand tracing over your collarbone, “Tell me, are you scared? Or is it excitement?”


I have mixed feelings about it because I feel like I was just writing in circles.

confession: this took longer than usual because I started writing a sequal for this story instead of focusing on finishing this chapter. Oops.

Kars’ Wardrobe What-the-fuck-ary: This boy has more outfits then people give him credit for. He’s got the one he awakens in which includes a weird half-corset thing, and leather straps that hang on his shoulders and hips (hot). Then his jacketed outfit which I actually used the Eyes of Heaven version for in this story, which is where those goofy ass grieves come into play. Then in his normal rest-of-the-show outfit, he has the basic grieves, BUT THEN IN THE MANGA/EYES OF HEAVEN/FIGURE I PAID LARGE SUMS OF MONEY FOR HE HAS BLADES ON THOSE GREIVES. AND THEN. AND THEN IN THE ANIME HIS HEAD WRAP JUST UNRAVELS, BUT ON HIS EYES OF HEAVEN MODEL, THERES AN ‘O’ RING ON THE BACK. WHY DO I KNOW ALL THIS??? BECAUSE I SPEND A RIDICULOUS AMOUNT OF TIME LOOKING AT KARS. I PROBABLY HAVE DEEP ROOTED PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES.


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