🍋 Devil's Tongue 🍋

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Stop being horny on main and switch to those alt accounts, friends. We’re headed for another badly written OOC lemon.

The human mind was a terrible place to get lost in. You’d think of something, and it would lead to more questions, spinning like a macabre carousel until you didn’t even remember where you’d gotten on said carousel. So many questions in your mind, and no way to find any answers; truly, it was maddening. Your routine had once again returned to “normal”, or what your brain struggled to identify as normal as to simply keep peace within yourself. Too much time on your hands gave you too much time in your head. Kars would give you menial tasks, such as pouring him and the others wine, brushing his hair, massaging his hands; all the tasks revolved around him.  Your world revolved around Kars, and Kars alone.

You were now back to sleeping in Kars’ bed, abandoning your small palette on the floor, which satisfied him. He was still smug over his victory in essentially manipulating you into seeking comfort from him, openly mocking your supposed “neediness” and overly delighted in reassuring you that he wasn’t going anywhere; a fact that you had to force yourself to face, abandoning day dreams of being saved by some sort of hero. You hated yourself every day for being so weak willed, falling into a trap you didn’t even realize was there. It was an unfair advantage, Kars having extensive knowledge of human’s instinctual intuitions, able to predict their moves long before they even thought of it themselves, thanks to thousands of years of observation. Once more, your physical boundaries meant nothing, Kars always seeming to keep you within reach, finding it difficult to keep his hands off of you. The only true blessing you’d received was that he hadn’t tried to force himself upon you, even leaving you alone while you bathed, which was uncharacteristic of him, but you welcomed the fact regardless. You never bathed for long, always quick, never wanting to get trapped in a compromising position.

He led the way through the dark, drafty building, the hair on your arms raising from the chilled air that somehow always seemed to be present, the winds outside strong. The boards on the windows creaked, bowing to mother nature as a strong gust battered against a boarded up window, but the boards held firm, much to your disappointment. He opened a large ornate door, allowing you to enter, the room a lot warmer than the drafty hallway. A large  fireplace resided on the firewall, all around you were shelves, housing books upon books, and a chaise lounge that looked like it had been plucked straight from a palace; different from the basic drab wood and occasional stone furniture of the rest of the place, save Kars’ room which boasted a lavish bed and desk. You stood uncertain of where you were to sit, feeling like a dog, unsure if you were allowed on the unfamiliar furniture or not. Kars didn’t seem worried about your internal dilemma, instead he made his way over to one of the shelves and pulled a few books out. You watched from your place by the door as he lay himself on the chaise lounge like a retro Hollywood starlet or long since forgotten Greek god, splayed out upon a stone bench, looking down upon those who worshipped him.

Curious, you walked to one of the bookcases, wondering what type of literature you could possibly find. Upon closer inspection, the books all ranged in various ages, some more modern looking while others looked simply archaic, spines hand bound and barely holding up, some even looked to be handwritten. There were several languages that you recognized and many more you didn’t, the writings and various symbols unfamiliar to you. You supposed it shouldn’t be a surprise that Kars knew several languages, likely even many dead ones, as he’d been around for thousands of years. He’d seen the rise and fall of countless civilizations, things that seemed almost to be simply a myth to you, he’d witnessed. You were unsure exactly how old Kars was, truth be told you didn’t know anything about him or his people, really. In a different world, in a different setting, you might have been bold enough to ask, but in this current state, you didn’t dare.

You gave up on finding something for yourself to read, instead you positioned yourself by the fireplace, sitting on the floor. You weren’t brave enough to have your back to Kars, opting to simply sit sideways, him in the corner of your vision. You watched the flames for a bit, recalling how Callum and you had sat by the fire, telling childhood stories, optimistic about returning to a normal life. You closed your eyes, putting those thoughts aside, mentally noting that now was not the time to grieve. You inwardly sighed, looking around the room to find something of interest, but found nothing; simply books you couldn’t read. Boredly, you eyed Kars out of the corner of your eye, his crimson eyes shifting over the page, looking peaceful for once. While you looked at Kars many a times at this point, you never really gave yourself time to really study him, odd as it sounded.

He was different, even from his fellow Pillar Men, or at least the last remaining two. You weren’t sure if, like human men, they had an aversion to being referred to as beautiful, preferring the more masculine term of handsome, but Kars did have an air of beauty about him. His features, though masculine, were more angular, sharper; more predatory. Unlike the other two, he bare no tribal tattoos or markings, simply a purple pigment over his eyes much like eyeshadow. You weren’t sure if it somehow signified ranking or sorts in the Pillar Men community or hierarchy, or if it was up to their personal discretion as to what markings they received or wore. He was also without facial piercings, instead he wore earrings and his circlet, which seemed more fitting for someone who carried themselves akin to royalty; or deity status, as he seemed more apt to call himself. Out of the remaining two he was the most human looking you supposed, which was both comforting almost as well deceiving. You never were deceived into believing him to be human, his skin radiated too much heat, his body too abnormally perfect to be considered as such, but there was an unconscious sense of comfort you supposed. The others had abnormalities, Wamuu’s dagger like piercings that jutted from his chest, Esidisi’s leather armor that seemed as though it was stitched onto his person, that Kars simply lacked, be it a status symbol or personal choice.

You looked away from him when he looked at you, probably knowing the entire time you were looking at him. You resumed watching the flames instead of your captor, drawing your knees in as a chill went down your spine. “Human.” Your jaw clenched kicking yourself mentally for drawing his attention to you. You swallowed hard before turning your attention back to him, a cat-like grin on his face as he looked you over, chin resting on his fist, his book neglected as it sat on his leg. “Come.” If you didn’t feel like a dog earlier, you certainly did now as simply pointed to a spot on the floor, directing where precisely he wanted you. It was always in moments like these where you pictured yourself standing up to him, defying him, and somehow freeing yourself from this place; wanting nothing more than emancipation from your servant’s role in this Hell on Earth. It never would be though, you had no power, you had nothing, the only ally you had now was the sun, essentially useless, as for thousands of years Kars had eluded his greatest enemy; you didn’t see that changing anytime soon, least he find what he was looking for. His red eyes narrowed at you when you didn’t immediately follow his command, “Y-yes, My Lord.” You said, standing up on wobbly legs, feeling like each step was one closer to your demise, even though you knew Kars enjoyed playing with you too much to simply kill you for a mere defiance, and yet his threats were still potent. He gave you a pointed look as you stood before him, kneeling down in response, missing the warmth of the fireplace. You knelt, eyes averted from him as he reached over to you, wrapping a strand of your hair around his finger. “Are you curious of something?” He asked, looming over you as he shifted closer to you, head cocked in a mocking fashion.

“No, Lord Kars.” You said, hating how well he read you, as if daring you to ask your unspoken questions. He hummed, gently tugging on your hair, drawing you nearer to himself. You instinctively flinched away as his breath tickled the shell of your ear, shivers involuntary running down your spine. Your ears were a favorite target of his, always sensitive and always yielding some sort of reaction from you. Satisfied that you were now within his reach with minimal effort, he moved back, your hair sliding from his grasp, allowing you to breath as he resumed reading. Your heart was pounding, frightened of the next time he’d place his focus on you once again.

Your boredom grew, no books around for you to read, instead you settled for simply shifting closer to the chaise lounge, crossing your arms over the cushion and resting your head upon them. You heard Kars stop thumbing through the book in his hands, the feeling of his eyes on you present once more as you burrowed into the crook of your elbow, trying your best to hide. He pet your hair, resting his hand atop your head, your mind going back to how he looked like a picturesque Greek God upon his throne, now you looked like a worshipper, kneeling before your unbenevolent God.

You didn’t intend to fall asleep, but you did. Having no idea how long you’d been out for, you shifted, your legs tingling and numb from lack of blood flow. Your mind felt cloudy, a common occurrence when you woke from a nap. Kars reached over, running his hand through your hair, you jerking away from the sudden touch, much to his amusement. He gracefully swung his legs over the edge of the lounge, standing to his full height. “Come, we’re taking our leave.” You pushed yourself up with the help of the chaise lounge’s arm rest, knees popping as you rose, the tingling in your legs growing as you bit your lip to distract from the very unpleasant sensation. He led you back the way you’d came, the winds outside still not letting up from their assault on the building.

These were the times you hated the most, when it was just downtime, no tasks or demands, just you and Kars in his room. These were when he seemed most predatory, not surprisingly as it was his domain; not that he saw any place else as out of his jurisdiction, but the unspoken judgement from his fellow Pillar Men kept him more at bay it seemed when outside the room. You lie on your back idly staring at the ceiling, Kars’ hand lazily stroking your upper thigh, daring to graze the skin just beneath your tunic, the urge to curl up and shift away from him growing. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for him to do, so, as much as you wished this wasn’t a normalcy, you just lie there, trying to will yourself to mentally disassociate yourself from your situation. It wasn’t until he swung his leg over you, now seated over your hips, hands resting beside your head, caging you in, that you grew fearful. There was a glint in his eyes, one that made you worried for your own sake.

You swallowed hard, pulling your arms in, crossing them over yourself as if it would in some way protect you from whatever he was planning. He reached up, hand grasping your chin, as he ran his thumb along your bottom lip, his eyes half-lidded at he watched his thumb. His lips parted slightly, looking as though he’d say something before closing them, an arrogant smirk taking over as his eyes flicked up to your own, “Kiss me.” You blinked, eyes widening, surprised by the command. Your eyes cut over to the side, face red. You wanted to ask him to repeat himself, as if you’d just imagined it, but you knew that wasn’t the case. You’d kissed Kars before, obviously, but it was always he who initiated it with you occasionally half-heartedly kissing him back as to not anger him. Your heart was hammering in your chest, unsure of why it was different than other times; because this time it required you to put your dignity aside. At your hesitation, he tilted your chin up more, bringing your attention back to him, “Where has your bravery gone, sun conquer?” He asked mockingly, his sharp fangs on display as he spoke.

You cautiously reached a hand up, stopping half way as if silently asking his permission to proceed with his own demand. He said nothing, looking at you with a lustful, power-hungry gaze as your fingertips met the soft skin of his jaw, sliding up slowly until you were cupping the side of his face. He leaned into your touch as you slowly brought his face down towards yours, your heart rate erratic as you once more paused, your eyes flicking down to his lips for a second before you closed the gap between the two of you. As much as you would have loved to push him away from you right then and there, just a simple quick kiss, you knew he wouldn’t tolerate such a chaste kiss. Tentatively, you parted your lips, using your hand to angle his face slightly before biting at his bottom lip, causing him to let out a low guttural growl, one of his hands fisting into the bedsheets as he fought to keep control. You bit at his lip once more, pulling at his lip with your teeth as you felt his own lips part, inviting you to take action, apparently not satisfied yet. You were thankful that kissing was an activity in which people closed their eyes, as you could only imagine the grimace on your face as your tongue sought his, him all too eager to return the gesture. He slowly took over, his dominant side winning in whatever mental game he was playing. You stopped, blood running cold as he rolled his hips into your own; this game had gone too far.

He moved back, your hand falling away from his cheek, just enough to shift down your body. Slowly, sensually, he rubbed his face across your neck, his tongue trailing in it’s path, before placing a soft kiss against the side of your throat, right over your jugular. You lie there, for some reason you thought of family, friends, people from your past, they’d all be so ashamed; you were ashamed for them. He placed kisses along you jawline, moving up to your ear, as one of his hands trailed up your side. You tried to prepare yourself, steel your nerves against this attack, but it was still effective. His teeth caught your earlobe, his breath hot against your ear as he nipped at it. You made a small noise at the back of your throat, unknowingly igniting a bomb fuse, the noise appealing Kars’ more feral side, like a predator hearing the calling of an injured animal, but worse. This wasn’t a simple hunt and kill dynamic, this predator played with you, toyed with your mind at every chance it got; it was breaking you over and over again.

He bit at your neck, now not caring about being gentle, earning a pained whimper from you as his canines threatened to pierce the skin. One he’d covered all the skin he possibly could get to at that moment, he rose up on his knees, towering above you for a moment, looking down at you with a fierce look in his eyes. He moved so fast you didn’t even get a chance to see what exactly had happened, instead just feeling the aftermath. You flinched, letting out a whimper as a small stinging pain now present as you opened your eyes again. Kars was still on his knees above you, but your heart stopped as you saw your own face looking back at you, reflecting off of the flat of his now drawn blade, his tongue running over the edge as he gazed down at you. You shifted a bit, trying to worm you way out from under him, before stopping completely, seizing up when you realized that your tunic had been split, a single long precise cut down the front, your skin now revealed. Somehow your bra and underwear were still intact, now on full display for the leader of the Pillar Man’s viewing pleasure; you had a feeling that he wouldn’t limit himself to simply just looking though.

A few small beads of blood began to bead up on your stomach, a small little tail of red connect-the-dots leading down your body where the blade had left a small bloodline from your sternum down to almost your pantyline. You reached up, intended on trying to push him off you, cover yourself, but he was quicker, seizing your hands in his own as he lowered his head back down, his tongue sweeping down your collarbone, down the valley of your chest, stopping only so he could kiss and bite the tops of your breasts; a territory he’d not yet explored. You clenched your jaw, trying to wiggle your hands free from his to no avail. He resumed making his way down your body, moaning mockingly as he reached the end of the trail now by your lower stomach.

You tried to squirm away from his grasp, his hands likely bruising your wrists with his hold. His head turned sideways, his fanged teeth biting at your hip bone. A whole new sensation overwhelmed you, your hips bucking upwards. You face grew red hot, not even remotely aware that you’d find that as pleasurable as you did. Now was not the time to find various things that may or may not turn you on. It certainly didn’t escape Kars as he held you firmer, once again testing his teeth against your hip, seeing if that was what had caused that spark. You bit your bottom lip, determined not to react to the pleasure his bites sent though your body, finding it humiliating. He hummed in amusement, dragging his tongue across the dip of your lower stomach before trying out the other side, dipping his teeth into the hollow before nipping at the peak of your hip. You tried to pedal you feet, trying to kick him away, do anything to keep him from violating you further. It didn’t work of course, any hit you could possibly land on him was ineffective against the god like being. You clenched your jaw, your squirming doing nothing but exhausting you, making it easier for Kars to dip lower, now between your thighs. You squeezed your eyes shut, not daring to look, feeling Kars trying to decide where to start. His tongue darted out, dragging up one of your thighs, chuckling as you inhaled sharply at the unfamiliar sensation. He sampled your other thigh, this time nipping at it before sucking on the supple skin, likely leaving a mark.

He continued his path up slowly, taking his time as he alternated between each leg, until he was at your core, commenting lewdly about how excited his simple kisses had got you, before he drug the flat of his tongue against your underwear. Your jaw was firmly clenched, trying with all your might to not react. He lifted his head only to bite your hip one more time, this time you couldn’t hold back, a small noise escaping your lips. He moaned at the noise, taking the waistband of your undergarments in his teeth and pulling them down. You tried to push your backside into the mattress, to keep your underwear in place but it was ineffective. You were now fully exposed to Kars, your entire body seized up, terrified and embarrassed at your current position as he drug your underwear halfway down your thighs. You tried to keep your breathing steady and your head clear as he once again made a slow ascent back up your legs. Your nails were digging into your palms, wishing you were anywhere but here, be it dead or alive.

You flinched as his breath ghosted over your exposed body, the reaction making him hum in amusement before he pulled away. You lay there for a moment, tense, eyes squeezed shut, wondering if he changed his mind about this; it was all a game, and he’d let you go now. You counted your heart beats trying to focus on something else, reaching up to twelve. His tongue parted your folds suddenly, licking it’s way up your slit, making you jump and whimper at the intrusion. A breathy chuckle came from him as he did so again, this time slower, his hands tightening around your wrists. His tongue explored your body, becoming familiar with it, mapping it out before it found it’s way to your clit, swirling around it slowly, your legs shaking with pleasure at the sensation. You had no idea how much experience Kars had with sexual acts, as up until recently everyone made it out to seem like he’d never had any interest in it, but right now he seemed like he was an expert on the subject; his tongue knowing exactly where and how to move.

His pace varied: slow then fast, trying to see what made you react more. Kars gave an open mouthed kiss to your clit, sucking lightly, your hips involuntarily bucking at the sensation, thankful that your hands weren’t free; you were unsure if you wanted to use them to try and push him away or to fist into Kars’ plum colored curls and bring him even closer. He repeated the action, pleased when you let out a quiet moan from behind your tight lips. His tongue dipped down, pressing against your entrance for a moment before slipping in, pleasuring you with his tongue. Your head rolled to the side, bottom lip clenched between your teeth, trying to not push your hips back against his tongue, trying to keep a grip on your body and mind; this was wrong. This shouldn’t be happening.

His tongue had no give, strong and able to easily lick at your inner walls like some serpentine creature. It was maddening. You tried to shift away, his tongue retracting before he slowly drew the flat of his tongue back up the length of your slit a few times, returning his attention to your most sensitive area, lapping at your clit, swirling around it. Your stomach muscles tightened, legs shaking as he nudged your knees up over his shoulders, giving him a better angle. Your head lolled to the other side, seeking some sort of respite from the feelings washing over you, your hands numb from both you clenching your fists and Kars’ intense grip on your wrists. You’d certainly have a ring of bruises encircling them after this. His mouth once again captured the small bundle of nerves, you let out a small yelp as one of his sharpened canines brushed against you. You shifted your hips, the coil in your stomach tightening, feeling your body getting close, doing your best to try and keep your breathing even and not pant in pleasure.

You jumped, eyes opening when you felt something enter you suddenly, his tongue still working your clit. You hadn’t even noticed that now both your wrist were being held by one of his large ones, the other now fingering you, finding no resistance from your slick entrance. You knew this was a losing battle, weak against the pleasure Kars was inflicting on you, already too far gone. Your walls clenched around the two fingers, his tongue still merciless in it’s goal of turning your body against you. You swear you could feel the edges of his lips quirk upwards in triumph as you pushed your hips against him, willing his tongue against you more and his fingers deeper. You threw your head back as you finally came, shamelessly bucking against him, your body shaking.

He didn’t let up though, he ignored your body quivering at the over stimulation, now trying to once more get away, you struggled against him weakly. Electricity felt like it was pulsing through your body as you were caught in a crossroads between thinking how terrible this was and how good it felt. You didn’t know how much more you could endure, now brought to trying to plead, “P- please, hah, no, no more.” You moaned as his fingers picked up pace, his devil’s tongue circling your clit agonizingly slow to offset your pleasure. “Stop, please,” You became tongue-tied, feeling the need for release growing once more, “Please,” You threw your head back, hips jerking once more, “Please, Lord Kars, M-my Lord, My- Kars,” Your back arched against the mattress, feeling like you were about to pass out. You bit your lip to try and keep yourself quiet, ashamed at how effective his tongue was against you. You weren’t sure if he enjoyed the act itself if it was just another power play for him; possibly even both.

You came a second time, weak and tortured compared to the first. Kars finally retracted his tongue, fingers slick as they pulled out of you, your hands now free. As he moved himself away you firmly closed you legs and crossed your arms over your body, giving you a false sense of security against anymore advances. You lie limp, the sweat on your body now chilling you in the cold air as he ascended back up. Your head was turned, too disgusted to look at him, as he loomed over you, making sure you could see him licking his fingers out of your peripheral, his tongue trailing between the two digits; the same tongue that had just taken your dignity, robbed you of your free will. You did your best to ignore him, catching your breath as you tried to will your heartbeat to slow down. He lowered himself to your ear, nipping at it, “What did you call me?”

You blinked. What did you call him? You didn’t call him anything, just asking him to stop. Reluctantly, you mentally replayed the last few minutes in your mind, face red with shame and disgust as you envisioned your own self lying there on your back, rutting against Kars. You squeezed your eyes shut, as if that would block out your own mental image, as Kars turned your head to face him your eyes opened once again, grip on your chin firm as he held you there; physically and metaphorically pinning you there with his body and gaze, before his hand slipped from your chin, now both his hands supporting his weight splayed out on either side of your head. Your tongue darted out, licking your dry lips unconsciously, his eyes following the movement with a hungered look. “I-“ the words died on your lips, too embarrassed and ashamed to admit that you were so tongue tied in that moment that you had no idea what you’d called him. Tears stung the back of your eyes, “I am,” you paused for a moment, hearing up the few remaining shreds of courage and dignity you had to your name, “I don’t recall.” There, you’d said it.

A low laugh came from his throat, knowing exactly why you were so hesitant to admit that he’d successfully gotten you so riled up that almost anything could slip from your lips, and you’d be none the wiser; too lost in ecstasy to care about consequences to your words. He shifted his upper body weight, the mattresses under you bowing low as his weight was now placed on one hand, the other coming up to stroke against your cheek with the back of his knuckles. “My Kars.” He said, leaning in close, red eyes half lidded, drunk off the sheer control and fear he instilled in you, “Your Kars,” He scoffed mockingly, “as though a weak mortal could possibly may claim to a God.” You eyes widened a bit, tongue feeling numb with fear as you lie under him. You hadn’t said ‘my Kars', or rather you didn’t mean ‘my Kars'. You’d been so frazzled that your brain had attempted to say ‘my Lord’ or ‘Lord Kars’, instead a very unfortunate hybrid of the two came out. Your face burned red at the situation, unsure if you should even attempt to explain it to him or let him live in his own delusions; both having their own very different consequences likely. You assumed that he took your wide eyes and red face as his words were the truth, now cementing the idea that you actually desired the almost-deity, he grinned, his elongated canines on full display.

His facial features softening ever so slightly. “I suppose that if you wanted me,” He hummed, contemplative, before completing his thought, “I would indulge you.” His lips lowered to yours, softly kissing you.

Extra extra, read all about it, Kars has a tongue (and is way ooc in this story) and he knows how to use it… or I guess he does? Idk how sexually, uh, “advanced” Kars is canonically. I know the Diary of a Buff Ultimate Kars it says sex is “useless”, but that doesn’t mean he’s like sexually dormant. I don’t think he would have sex just because, I think for him it would be more so about power/humiliation, making someone bend to his will, and weaponizing their own sexuality against them. Idk tho, it’s just my theory; a game theory.

I don’t feel like I’m very good at writing lemons, tbh, so I usually avoid writing them. I find it so hard to keep in character while writing lemons at times. Also, There’s a million lemon stories out there already, I feel like I bring nothing new to the table p much. Womp womp

Also, I think the most relatable thing here is that we’ve all tried to say two things at the same time and just made things awkward.

Me getting food:
Cashier: I'll have that out for you in a sec.
Me: *Goes to say Okay*
Also me: *Goes to say No Problem*
"Nokay... "
FuCk ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

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