Wolven hours

85 12 16

In slow blithe days of boundless
Wilderness, seeing through eyes
Of honey glaze so villainous,
Shivering beneath a peaceful
Moon, the hunted he becomes
Amid the gloom.

Shackled by night of coruscating
Rule, his fangs and rippling coat
Of autumn fall, a whisper of raw
Beauty cast in sin, the sunrise
Silencing the beast within.

His hollow life a thieves meed,
For irises of malice he will bleed,
The brisk winds a forceful foe of
Empirical reign caging beastly
Creatures bowing low, enslaven
Prey is he for florid faces day by
Day, baying for his blood in due
Hours of wistful may.

Malodorous is the air seeping from
His unlit lair - sat in pitch of night
Near carrion of ivory bare, sinking
Into his wrathful gaze of melancholy,
Immured by steel and mortal folly.

A life of torment and twisting bone
To which he has lived and darkly
Grown, until death arises seeking
Him, his lonesome soul unheard
And grim.

His wolven whiskers meeting a
Righteous blade, his final resting
Place the ancient hunters
Woodland glade.

Author note -


1.flashing; sparkling.
"a coruscating kaleidoscope of colours"

2.severely critical; scathing.
"his coruscating attack on the Prime Minister"

a person's deserved share of praise, honour, etc.

Immured -
enclose or confine (someone) against their will.

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