CHAPTER 22: Need To Stop Damn Worrying

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I couldn't believe it. I went from being that asshole's victim to being a fucking murderer?!? Who would start such a rumor? Who hates me that much?

As I looked down at our hands holding one another's, I began letting the tears fall down even more.

"I'm so sorry." I started to sob a little.

"For what? You've done nothing wrong." He asks.

"It doesn't matter. Apparently for whatever reason, I know they'll accuse me of killing him. Somehow and for some reason, somebody hates me so much that they are willing to frame me for a crime." I started to say.

"Now listen to me..." He starts telling me before turning my head to face him and continuing. "No matter what happens, no matter what bullshit people try and say or do, nothing will happen. We will find out who started this rumor and figure everything out. I will NEVER let anyone or anything ever hurt you or try and take you down." He reassures me and I do believe him. It's just that I can't help but feel a bit guilty and scared still.

"You're right." I nod in agreement and take a tissue to blow my nose then was pulled closer as he held me against him.

"I love you Charlize. Together we are unstoppable. We both are a huge threat to others and they will always try and destroy that. No matter what, things will always work out for you and me." He finishes telling me real quick while I begin to hug him tighter.

He always knows how to put a smile on my face.

*****The Next Day*****

We got up real early and began to make our way through the woods with our backpacks and the map we had found in the book.

In a way, I tried looking to this as an adventure and we were looking for treasure.

I was even able to forget about all the shit going on with somebody trying to frame me. In fact, we were just enjoying each other's company.

Eventually, close to night, we made a fire and pitched the tent we brought.

"This isn't so bad." I comment as we smile while laying on our sides, looking at each other.

"No it isn't." He smiles back at me.

"You know, I've always wanted to go camping and not to mention, I'm grateful that you brought me with you." I smiled at him.

"Of course. You're my mate." He tells me.

"Yeah but, how many Alpha's let their mates go with them on things like these?" I mention.

"That's true." He laughs a little.

We both fall asleep in each other's arms and I end up dreaming of standing in front of the council as they judge me on the rumor that I supposedly killed Mort.

I then kept begging and pleading as I tried explaining to them all that I was innocent and never saw him after that night but no one believed me and right away soon after the verdict, they shackled me around both my neck, feet and wrists before escorting me towards my cell where I would remain in confinement for all eternity.

There's a part of me that doesn't think the Elders will ever believe the rumor because they need to be shown proof and solid evidence that I would have done it. Then again, there's the fact where the head elder recently has shown a side that leaves me and Taragon both baffled and untrustworthy in our eyes.

I remember thinking up until the end of the meeting the other day we had with him, if rather or not he was serious about keeping him alive.

"Baby please stop worrying. Everything will be okay." I hear Taragon say with his eyes still closed.

Starting tomorrow morning after waking up, I'm gonna try with everything I have to make sure I end myself from worrying about shit that hasn't even happened yet or that will ever even happen, for that matter.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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