#85 The beginning of the meltdown

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Lisa  and Jennie together with Lisa's mum trip to Paris was a success. But Lisa's financial situation is starting to be more clear on Jennie. Her suitcase was empty nor did she buy even for herself, there was none. Jennie got curious and her attempts on asking Lisa and making her lover open up to her is a failure. Lisa was too busy even during their short tour in Paris as arranged by Jennie. Mostly, it was just her and Lisa's mother because it was only Lisa who attended the "business meetings." Jennie know that something's up... she knows that there's something that her poopoo isn't telling her and being the intuitive Jennie, she knows she must find out. 

They are now back in Seoul and Jennie's father is  always in YG monitoring everything that comes in and comes out of his office, studio and the building itself. He is also helping the legal and marketing department in drafting Jennie's new contracts parallel to his conditions. To him, now that YG is like a ticking time bomb awaiting rather to explode but a meltdown, he knows that he must be able to push through with everything that he asked for before the company turns over it's 40% of shares to LV. 

Jennie's dad is a good businessman. He knows how to play his cards excellently that's why he is a sought after business man in Seoul. But despite his successful career in business, he lives alone, leaving his family to be able to travel the world and establish his roots in various industries. He was never contented. He keeps wanting more with a belief that even though he is already separated with his family, everything that he has worked hard for will be passed on to Jennie, his princess. But Jennie, the type of  girl that she is, doesn't care about his father's fortune, now that she has her own multi million savings in the bank, she could careless about all his father's excuses in leaving her and her mum. 


CEO : Managers, tell me something good! 

Manager Unnie : Mianhe, Sajangnim. I wasn't able to successfully negotiate with LV. I was told they'll be coming this Friday for the turnover and they'll bring their own media to cover the signing. 

CEO : Signing???? On Friday???? 

Manager Oppa : 4 days from now, Sajangnim. 

CEO : How are the talents' contracts? No client due for payment yet?

Manager Unnie : None. We have collected them all, Sajangnim. We are still short of $20,000,000.00.

CEO : Wae?!?!?!?! 

Manager Unnie : The burning sun scandal costs us too much. We are still paying for the damages. 

Manager Oppa : Also, we are still paying for the Hanbin's media play case. As well as what we owed to SM Town for the JenKai Project. It didn't really gave us much profit, hence, the debt. 

CEO : Is there anything, as in anything you can tell me  that won't piss me off right now???

Manager Unnie : Mianhe, Sajangnim. 

CEO : If that's  the case, liquidate everything. I want all in my desk tomorrow! Now, get out!

All the managers head out to their respective desks and started liquidating all the expenses in order to comply with what the CEO has asked of them. 

Meanwhile... Jennie's father got a text message that surprised him. 

"Annyeong Haseyo, Mr. Kim, Sir. I'd like to meet with you for lunch today, if you're free. I have a very important thing to discuss with you."

Mr. Kim was both confused and intrigued so  he agreed to meet with this person. 

@ The Restaurant 

"Good afternoon, Sir. I'm glad you agreed to meet with me. Please... have a seat. "

Mr. Kim : So... what is it that you want to discuss with me? I don't have all day for your child's play. 

Lisa : Sir, would you wanna order first? It's lunchtime... Jennie told me you have a very sensitive stomach. 

Mr. Kim : She knew that and she told you? 

Lisa : Ye, Mr. Kim. So we can order first to make sure that you're stomach will be happy while we're discussing  - - -

Mr. Kim : Neh. neh. neh. Drop the act. I'll order. 

Lisa : I am not trying to be nice infront of you, Sir. I'm really concerned. Besides, Jennie doesn't know that I am meeting with you right now so there's really no reason for me to act nice around you. 

Mr. Kim : Tell me, what is it that you want? Why meet with me? Are you scared to work under my supervision? Are you trying to negotiate about your career now? Well you are talking to the wrong person. I still don't think you're rightful of all your achievements if you can call it that. I still think my daughter should be number one and not you. 

Lisa looked down and was hurt upon hearing the hurtful comments from the father of the girl she  loves most. . . 

Lisa : Wow... with all that, Sir, I still have a hundred percent respect for you. But that is the main reason why we're here right now. 

Mr. Kim : What do you mean?  

Lisa : I am well aware that you now own 30% of shares of YG... and this friday, the 40% of the company will be turned over to Louis Vuitton to pay the debts of the company. 

Mr. Kim : And what does that have to do with me? With you?

Lisa : Sir, I came here not to be rude to you and not just negotiate... I am here as the wife of your daughter... and as person who genuinely care for the music and the company. So I ask you this, Mr. Kim, will you be willing to sell your 30% shares of the company? 

Mr. Kim : And why on earth do you think will I do that? 

Lisa : Because you surely won't like what will happen in YG on Friday. We will again be under new management... and I am certain that LV will not easily give in to your demands. By that time, they will own the largest percentage of stocks of the company and they will logically be the boss. 

Mr. Kim: And what are you suggesting? 

Lisa : I am suggesting that you leave the  company at once, Mr. Kim. Sell your shares with me and let me handle the rest. I am Offering you $10,00,000.00 for it. 

Mr. Kim : Bouya???? Are you crazy???? You can't do that. 

Lisa : I know you won't agree... but maybe you can consider waiving your rights to the shares and award it to Jennie. Think about it Sir. I promise to take care  of the rest if you must trust me.

Mr. Kim : How could you be so cocky? Don't you know you are already disrespecting me?

Lisa : If i came off too strong for you, Sir, I deeply apologize. But I am running out of time. YG needs saving. I can't allow any of us to suffer more. Believe me, these talents, all under our label deserves more. Please, think about it. You still have four days. 

Mr. Kim : I don't understand why you're doing this and what your plans are, but you gotta make sure that you will NOT include my daughter in this fiasco! 

Lisa : That's my top consideration. I don't want to jeopardize  any of my members' career and other groups. 

Mr. Kim : I can't give you an answer now but I'll think about it. 

Lisa : Thank you, Sir. This is more than what I could ask for from you right now. Kamsahamnida.


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