Chapter 15

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So I've finally got a jump on this chapter and I've been sitting here for god knows how long, writing as I suck on a fucking spoon.

What has my life come to.

Anyways, please enjoy!

"Director Danvers, we just picked up some activity near CatCo." one of the agents at the DEO's monitor suddenly announces.

"What's happening?" Alex responds, making her way to look over their shoulder.

"Multiple unmarked vans seem to be at standby, and there's an alien or mutant in the vicinity: a large canine." the agent replies, glancing back at her Director.

"Shit, that's Y/N." Alex mumbles under her breath. "Prepare a few of our teams. We're moving in and we're going to bring her in." she orders, turning to call for Supergirl and to prepare herself for this mission.

An incoming call from Kara shows on her phone before she can phone Kara up. Alex picks up, "Alex, we've got a situation."

"Yeah, I'm getting ready, are you already there?" she asks.

"Yeah, I guess I'll see you in a bit." Alex can hear her sister engaged in a duel with Y/N's canine form as she grunts from a hit.

Upon arrival, Alex assesses the situation, taking in the number of vehicles and the fact that, they too, are aiding in the attacks, trying to keep Supergirl at bay.

Supergirl dodges a swipe, and counterattacks, pushing Y/N back. She retaliates, going for a low attack, and catching Supergirl off guard and slams her into a nearby building. The large canine steps back, readying herself for another attack. Supergirl dislodges herself from the building and continues to keep Y/N busy. The two continue to share blows, meanwhile DEO agents pour out of their own vehicles to fight back against the CADMUS agents, who had released Y/N into the city.

Between avoiding Supergirls brawl, fire from CADMUS, and Y/N's form, the DEO finds it difficult to diffuse the situation as quickly as possible. Two agents are already down, and civilians are still in the way as the people scatter and record the battle. The DEO focuses on taking out the multiple CADMUS teams stationed around the area. Bullets are exchanged between the two organizations, wounding and killing people from both sides.

"Alex, I don't know if I can get to her to snap her out of it." Supergirl says almost breathlessly as she dodges another one of Y/N's attacks and counters a swiping paw.

"Try to wear her out, when she gets tired, the rest of my team can move in and get her." Alex tries to think of a better way to take Y/N down.

Alex notices a CADMUS agent in one of their vans raise a hand to their comms, looking directly at the large canine, who momentarily pauses before changing tactics. Y/N changes her focus, charging straight at the DEO's agents and a few of CADMUS's agents, who are still exchanging fire, and knocks the majority of everyone down, trampling people and snapping at them as she races by and through the city.

"Supergirl!" Alex cries through her comms, silently urging her sister to give chase to the large canine.

"On it!" Supergirl replies, racing after the canine, who weaves through the city, trampling vehicles and other various objects in the street. She nearly tramples pedestrians during her race away.

Alex gives orders to her teams before taking her own small team and hopping in vehicles to catch up to Y/N and Supergirl. A trail of debris helps with the hunt, and the route seems so random, yet familiar to her.

Supergirl speaks through the comms worriedly, "Alex, she's heading straight for-"

"L-Corp." Alex finishes, cutting her sister off. "Supergirl, you need to locate Lena and evacuate that building."

Supergirl (idk who yet) x fem shy! reader (GxG)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat