Chapter 16

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Whoop whoop, I'm flying through this one! This one and the last one were about 500 words shorter than normal, but I can't think of anything to fill that space. But have two updates in one day man! Savor this moment and cherish it for years to come man. jk. But please do enjoy!

But besides that, I think they're coming along fine, and now I'm obsessed with this again. I was thinking of doing some art for it but I suck at drawing people and it was a dumb idea to begin with.

Anyways, Enjoy!

"Listen, my name is Jeremiah Danvers, and I'm going to break you out."

This piques Y/N's attention. She glares suspiciously at him, still refusing to take the food he's offering her from him.

"I know it won't make you trust me, but I do hope to earn it." he responds to her expression. "I will be on duty every other day. During my breaks I can conduct a route to get you out of here. It will take a while, but I will do it."

Y/N continues to ignore him for the rest of his shift, which he understands and leaves her alone.


Two days later, Jeremiah shows up for his shift and stands near the shifter. He offers her a snack, just like last time. Y/N hasn't eaten since yesterday morning and she's quite hungry, yet, she ignores the snack, despite how much her stomach yearned for it.

"I know you haven't eaten since yesterday." Jeremiah softly says, still offering the snack.

He gives up after a couple of minutes and silence fills the room. Ten minutes pass before he breaks it.

"Do you know someone by the name of Alex Danvers? Or Kara Danvers?" he asks.

Y/N remains silent.

"They are both my daughters. They know I'm forced to work here and I know they're constantly worried about me." he continues.

"Have you been to the DEO before?" he questions.

Y/N looks down, remembering when her group of new friends still got along before she happened. She remembers when she was taken there because of her incidents. Jeremiah reads this as a yes.

"My Alex is the director there. She does a fine job of running the place, wouldn't you say?"


He continues to make conversation with the shifter every day he's put on duty. He maps out small portions of the whole base and shows it to Y/N every time he comes back. He always Greets Y/N the same, offering a snack when he approaches for the first few minutes, then tells a couple stories about Alex and Kara's childhoods.

Jeremiah finishes mapping out the whole route after about his fourth shift. He then moves to map out each and every agent's positions, again, showing Y/N each update to the plan when he returns. He continues to share stories about Alex and Kara with each visit.

By his seventh shift, he's finally gotten Y/N to accept his snacks. She even answered a couple Yes or No questions. She's been starving a lot lately, and the snack really helped then.

Jeremiah didn't show up for his eighth shift, and someone else took his shift for the day. This worried the shifter. Was he caught? If he was, would she be punished too?

Jeremiah shows up again two days later for his shift. "Sorry I missed the other day. I was put on another duty. All is good."

He spends time with her every shift, talking about calculations. He explains about times where the least amount of agents would be in or near their route of escape and where they'll be headed. He spends a lot of time trying to map out every agent's spot, and comes in every shift and shows her an updated version of every piece of the map he's created. Starting day thirteen, he begins to update her with what weapons he's managed to pull together to help her escape. He gathers multiple guns along the route, and explosives for when they reach the hangar.

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