Chapter 9

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I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I walked out to Bianca sitting on her window ledge, nervously stirring a spoon in a cup of tea.

"Good morning."

"How are you feeling?"

"Alright, since I'm not coughing up blood."

"So... do you want to come to Rossi's?"

"Sure, I just have to leave by eight. Eliza has me doing a fitting at the Sax."

"I thought you weren't going in tonight."

"Eliza called me this morning," she stuttered. "It seemed urgent. I mean not as urgent as your job-."

"Hey. It's okay. I'm sure the rest of the team will be happy to see you for a little bit."

She smiled before stating, "I hope so."
We walked into Rossi's house. It was filled with the fresh scent of pasta and wine. The rest of the team was already there with their respective partners. Morgan waltzed over to us, kissing Bianca on the cheek. "Nice of you to join us, your highness."

Bianca blushed quietly in response. I grabbed her hand, pulling her down onto Rossi's couch.

Prentiss came over to join us. "It's good to see you out and about."

Bianca looked up at me and smiled. "It's good to be out,"Bianca said. How are you doing, Emily?"

"Great, thanks. How's The Sax?"

"We are doing well."

Penelope rushed over. "Can you teach me that dance to 'Crazy in love?' Oh and give me makeup tips?"

"Garcia," I began. "She needs to rest."


Penelope's face fell. "I'm so sorry, Bianca."

"You're sick again?" Prentiss asked.

"I'm alright," she stated. "Penelope, I would love to teach you the dance." She got up and pulled Penelope to the center of the room.

Morgan sat next to me. "She got sick again?"

"Last night."

"Was there blood?"

"Yeah." I scratched the back of my head. "She doesn't want to talk about it."

The night officially began. We gathered around, consuming pasta.

"Remember when Reid couldn't use chopsticks?"

"How could we forget? JJ replied.

Bianca looked at me with a huge smile.

"So," Hotch began, "Have you had any encounters with Bruce?" She grabbed my hand.

"No. No shop talk," Prentiss emphasized.

Bianca's phone buzzed. She stood up, grabbing her coat. "Eliza's asking me to come early. Thank you so much for the night, Rossi!"

"Why don't I come with you," I said.

"No, Spencer. Enjoy your time with your team."

"Okay. I-I'll see you later, then."

She gently kissed me on the cheek, earning immature giggles from Morgan. "See you later, Spence."

"Okay Reid keeps winning," Morgan complained, throwing his playing cards on the table.

"Well he's from Vegas."

"Reid! Why don't you just go up against me in Basketball?"

"I already agreed to your baseball team."

Morgan rolled his eyes so far I thought they were going to go straight into the back of his head. I jumped as my phone rang. It was Bianca. I walked into Rossi's foyer to answer.


"I think he was here."


"I think Bruce came to The Sax. There is a figurine of a black swan on my dressing room table."


"Spencer. Please-"

"I'm coming."

"No Spencer."

"Bianca. Stay there. Lock your door."

The Dancer: A Spencer Reid Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now