Chapter 27

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"Well aren't you dapper for your first date, Pretty Boy," Morgan screamed as we got onto the elevator.

"How did you?- Why would Prentiss?-"

"Why did you keep this from me, Kid?"

"It's not a date," I clarified.

"Just answer me this: Did you buy that sweater vest just for tonight?"

"Shut up," I begged through gritted teeth.

"Is it going to end up on her dressing room floor?"

"Morgan, please stop."

"I kid, Reid. I kid. You know, we were all waiting for you to ask her out. Truthfully, it's about damn time."

"Well I had to fill out paperwork for Hotch. Consent-uh... because she's a....because we worked her case."

"Reid," Morgan begged, "you need to relax, man. It's all going to work out. And besides, she likes you."

Heat sneakily rose up to my cheeks, as Morgan winked at me, before walking to his car. My phone rang, as I got into mine. Bianca's ID flashed across the screen. "Hey," I said, in attempt for a casual greeting.

"Hey is this the Doctor who's taking B out tonight?"

It wasn't her. "Yes. Who is this?"

"This is her friend, Tashuna. Uh from the club. We dance together. She's not doing too hot."

"How do you mean?"

"She's been puking like crazy. She can't seem to catch her breath. Eliza ran to the store. "Between you and me,"Tashuna whispered into the phone, we think B's pregnant. And you know what that means?"

I did, unfortunately. It meant that Bruce could have gotten Bianca pregnant during her time in captivity. I quickly pushed that thought to the back of my mind.

"I don't know, Tashuna" I replied. Has she been keeping up on her meds? It could be a reaction to how hard her body is working to recover from the abduction. And if she's been having trouble with her injection and breathing-" I quickly realized that I was rambling. "Listen," I continued, I'm going to stop at the deli and pick up some soup. I'll stay over there, tonight. Make sure she's taking her meds regularly and see if she can eat something."

"I don't know if she'll want you to see her like this," Tashuna skeptically said.

"Trust me," I replied."


I wasn't sure what I was doing, or if I was making the right call, but if she was as sick as Tashuna said, I needed to see her. She had only been out of the hospital a month. Tashuna let me into Bianca's apartment. Bianca was in her bed, trembling in Eliza's arms. Eliza looked to Tashuna and me, "It's negative," she exclaimed.

"Thank God, right," Bianca muttered. "I'm sorry. I just couldn't even begin to think about if-."

"It's going to be okay," I encouraged. "Have you been taking your medicine?"

"They didn't show her how to do it. You know-with the needle," Eliza responded.

"Uh," I stammered, "I could help.

"You know how?" Eliza asked with raised eyebrows.

"He knows everything," Bianca commented.

The Dancer: A Spencer Reid Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now