Chapter 19

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"I really don't want to intrude, Spencer."

"We've been together for three weeks, and five days. You're allowed to come to my apartment. We don't always have to go to your place."

He held his hand out to me, and I hesitantly grabbed it.

We walked up the steps together. Spencer fumbled with his keys, eventually unlocking his door. His apartment was what I expected: Shelves upon shelves of books outlining the perimeter.

"It's beautiful," I said."

"That may be a bit of an overstatement."

I was too distracted by his books, to respond. He tried again.

"So I was thinking we could share a bed maybe? I only have the one. Would you feel comfortable with that? I mean, we've already um..."

A painting caught my eye, "Wow. Tolouse-Lautrec."

"Yeah. He was a famous artist and a major influence on bohemian life," Spencer explained.

"Yeah. I've studied his work," I said.

"Really? When?"

"I went to France for three months for a dance intensive, when I was 22. I was at Opéra National de Paris. In one class, I had to work on representing his Lautrec's art through ballet. I loved it," I expressed, whisking away a stray tear.

I turned towards him, "I'm fine with that. With the bed. I won't be here long." The power was currently out in my apartment, hence this impromptu trip.

"I want you to stay," Spencer blurted out.


"I miss you, Bianca."

"You were only in Dayton for three days."

"I know that. I want to make up for lost time."

Present (Two months after that night at the Sax)

I jumped as I heard the door shut.

"Hey, it's just me."

I turned to face Spencer, "I'm sorry. You just scared me a little."

"That's fine. How was your day?" He asked kissing me on the cheek.

"Good. How was the case?"

"It was just a paperwork day at the office. I signed off on a few competency evaluations."

"Exhilarating," I joked.

"That might be a bit of an overstatement,"
Spencer responded.

"True." He always said that to me, when I was sarcastic. "How long have you been looking at the painting?"

"Too long. I'm so mesmerized by his work."

" I should get more."

"Where would you put them, Spencer?"

"I can move some bookshelves around, or get rid of them."

"No. You can't do that."

Spencer cleared his throat. "We could get a bigger place."

"We? You want to live together? You want to live with me?"

"We've been together for a year, seven months, and eleven days. Isn't that something people do?"

"Yeah," I smiled.

"I mean, if you don't want to-"

I quickly interrupted him, "I promise it's not that."

"Okay. What would be your concerns, then?"

"That we won't have somewhere to hide, if Bruce comes back... or George. I'm toxic, Spence, and I can't lose you."

"You aren't toxic. Bianca, people have done horrible things to you, but we'll get them, in the end. The villains never win."

I smiled, "I'd love to. I-"

"Why don't we think about it. Who says we have to have it all figured out tonight."

I pulled my body close to his. "I love you so much. You are the best thing to ever happen to me."

Spencer intertwined his hand in mine, and placed a gentle kiss on my head. I know what he said. I wish it wasn't true, but I was toxic. I just hoped that he wouldn't be taken down with me. I would trade my life for his in an instant.

The Dancer: A Spencer Reid Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now