Chapter Two

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My eyes jerk open, knocking echoing through my head. I sit up and look around at the dark dorm room. Kristin's sleeping body covers her bed, not moved since I last woke up. I glance at the clock, half past five in the morning, and groan.

Knowing I'm not going to fall back asleep, I quietly get up and pad over to my small desk to finish looking over last night's reading.

"So did you figure out your major yet?" Kristin asks as we walk down the sidewalk towards our classes.

"No," I snort, "I still have time to figure it out while I'm here. Find something that I would want to do for the rest of my life." My mind wanders back to the subject that most caught my interest: biology. It would be an interesting field to get into, and nice because it's heavily male dominated.

"Any ideas yet?" Kristin probes deeper. My answer is cut off by someone shouting our names. We look in the direction of the shout and see Alex jogging towards up.

"Hey." He says, not even a little out of breath.

"How do you do that?" Kristin demands in irritation. I hide a smile, she always gets mad at his ability to run and not become tired.

"It's called exercise. E-X-E-R-" Kristin slaps her hand over his mouth.

"Shut up smart-ass." She demands. "And I can tell you're smiling- ew! You did not just lick my hand Alexander!" Her hand jumps away from his face and she starts to wipe it on him while he laughs.

I scrunch up my nose, "That's a bit gross Alex."

"A bit! That's way more than a bit you disgusting person." Kristin continues to wipe her hand on Alex's shirt. He just laughs a little louder attracting the attention of a few other students.

"Can you quiet your laugh please. You're attracting attention." I say in a hushed voice, looking at all the people looking at us.

Alex smirks and puts his arm around my shoulder, "Nope. They've probably seen weirder."

I stiffen with the close contact. Shifting my shoulders, I maneuver his arm off my shoulders. "Alex, I told you before, I like my personal space."

He pouts, "Loosen up Evie. My arm isn't an engagement ring."

"Har har. Hurry up or we'll be late to class." I shoot back.

Alex takes out his phone. "Oh shit you're right." He kisses my cheek and then runs off. "See you after class!"

I scowl. "Alex!" I take a step to run after him but Kristin grabs my arm.

"Not worth it right now Evie. Kick his ass later."

I sigh and hang my head. "But Kristin. He knows how I am about affection and guys. I've told him before again and again and he just doesn't listen."

Kristin gives a short laugh. "Only you would complain about a cute guy giving you affection." I lightly shove her to the side.

"Shut up."

She sombers up and lowers her voice. "Maybe it's time to move on with a guy. Just try a relationship with him-"

I jerk away from her, a scowl forming. "No. I don't want a relationship with him. With anyone."

Kristin reaches out, her expression sad. "But Evie-"

"And I don't want to talk about it anymore." I walk away quickly, without looking back, and head to my class.

I quickly feel horrible for snapping at my best friend. My shoulders slump as I walk the rest of the way to class. In class, I slide into my seat, take out my stuff, and send a quick text to Kristin: I'm sorry.

Less than a minute later I get the response: I know.

Though I know she means it kindly, I can't help but feel worse. A headache suddenly starts pounding in my head and I rub my fingers on my temple. It must be from lack of sleep. Or stress. Looking up I see the professor about to start the lecture so I get out my notes and force the headache away.

After class I meet up with Kristin and Alex as we walk to our next one. "Biology." I say in the silence.

"What?" Kristin asks.

I smile, "You asked if I had any ideas. Biology is the thing that most interests me."

Kristin scrunches her nose. "Science? Yuck. I always hated that class. Never could understand what was going on."

"I think that's a great idea." Alex butts in, "especially because there aren't as many females in the field as males. You would be unique. Not that you aren't already." Alex mumbles and scratches the back of his neck.

"Thanks." I trail off and a silence falls over us before I break it again. "But you're right. Not many women are in that field and it's something I'm interested in."

"Go for it," Kristin says immediately. "Get rich and then invite me to your mansion so we can party every night."

I laugh, "How come you can't be the rich one with the mansion we party in?"

Kristin scoffs, "Because I won't want to share my mansion."

Alex clears his throat, "Excuse me," We both look at him. "what about my mansion?"

"Puh-lease. You'd be a servant in mine." Kristin says with a smirk. "I'd make you dress up in a French maids outfit. Complete with the duster and everything." I laugh at the visual of Alex as a French maid.

Alex smirks, "Only during the day that is. At night, you'd be in that little maids outfit," my jaw drops, "and I'd be the one in control." I choke out a laugh and cover my mouth with my hand while watching Kristin's face go red. I'm almost sure my face is almost just as red as hers. But Kristin recovers much quicker.

"Three seconds to run. Three, two, one." Kristin says this so quickly that Alex doesn't have any time to even take a step before Kristin's fist comes out and punches him in his privates. "Oops."

Alex's hands immediately go to cover and he curls over. "Owe Kristin! Told you to stop doing that." He grunts out, his face in a state of pain.

She shrugs her shoulders and starts to walk away. "Just reminding you who's really in charge."

I stay with Alex and try not to laugh at him but fail miserably. He shoots me a glare as he stands up straight. "Not cool Evie."

"You had it coming," I giggle at their antics. "I don't know why you like-" I sober up. "Never mind."

Alex looks at me with a bit too much longing. "Just give me a chance Evie." I start to turn away but he grabs my elbow and turns me back around while his hand gently goes under my chin to make sure I don't look away. "Please Evie. I'm not stupid, I know something happened in the past. I won't bother asking what happened, I can see it makes you uncomfortable, but just give me a chance."

I feel my eyes start to burn. "Alex I'm sorry-"


"But I can't." I finish, ignoring his protest. "Now I really have to get to class."

His shoulders drop a bit but he lets me go, "Alright Evie. But I'm not giving up," he gives me a wolffish grin, "that's not in my nature."

A/N: In honor of the Vikings win (Whoohoo!), I am posting this long overdue chapter. I am so sorry for this wait. You guys deserve much better. Thank you for sticking with me.

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