Mated At First Sight

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The Week After

I hear my parents' murmurs from outside the closed door of my bedroom. I can't hear exactly what's being said, but it's pretty obvious. Both of them had been trying to get me out of bed for the past four days, and each time, I refuse. I don't get out of bed, unless to go to the bathroom or to go downstairs to get something to eat.

My heart aches, as if it's slowly dying. But I know it's not because it keeps pounding on, not that I want it to stop. The tears that I had kept at bay when I left his house, flooded my eyes as soon as I started running home. They didn't stop either. For four days they've come and gone, but the ache hasn't left.

I curse the mate bond in my head. It doesn't know what I've been through. It doesn't know the betrayal. The hurt.

The door opens and my mom peaks her head in before opening the door all the way and walking in, "Sweetie, this is the fifth day you've been in bed. I know something happened, and it's okay if you don't want to tell us, but your dad and I are worried." Her eyes are glassy.

"We don't want another night at the hospital." She takes a deep breath while I try to hold in tears, remembering exactly why I was in the hospital.

I lift my head slightly as she sits on the bed and places her hand on my head, lightly moving my hair back. My mom takes a deep breath before talking again.

"We understand that it might a teenage thing. Everyone goes through a phase of some sort and this might be yours," I almost crack a smile at the irony, "but sweetie, you need to get out of this bed and back to school. You've missed so much this year and you can't miss much more."

School flashes through my mind and I feel a longing to see my friends, Katherine especially. I turned off my phone after the first night of it constantly ringing and buzzing, the same person calling me over and over again.

My mom's voice draws my attention back to her, "Since this is Friday, there's not much of a point for you to go if you don't want to. But next week your only option is school, understand?"

I nod.

My mom pats my head and stands up, "Oh, before I forget, Kristin is threatening the fly out here and drag you away from that bed. I would give her a call, sweetie." She leaves my room and a couple minutes later I hear the car drive away.

I have to crack a smile at that. It sounds exactly like something Kristin would do. I think of my dear friend Kristin and her schemes in the past, most recently the one to keep me in the closet so I wouldn't leave her. I miss her so much. She would know exactly what to do, and if not, she would have some pretty crazy ideas.

Suddenly, an idea pops into my head, a crazy, brilliant idea. I smile again despite myself and reach for my phone, excited for the first time in awhile.

Before I can turn on the phone, the pounding starts. I drop my phone and immediately cover my ears with the covers, trying to block out as much noise as I can.

I can still hear it.

It comes at the same time, everyday so far this week, and today's no exception. It's obvious as to who it is, and why he's here. Because right after the pounding starts, the pleading begins. He pleads to me, that he's sorry, that he regrets it, that he'll knock down the door if I don't answer. I never do and he never knocks down the door. It's the same thing everyday. Pounding, pleading, apologizing, leaving.

My heart yearns for him, yet I'm stuck where I lay as I'm forced to listen.

It lasts longer than usual. Probably because it's Friday and I've been MIA for the entire week. He pounds on the door and pleads for me to listen. He pleads that he regrets it with his entire being and that he's more sorry than he has ever been in his entire life. He wants to make it up to me, he pleads to make it up to me.

I lie and listen with the covers on my ears. My body screams for me to walk downstairs and answer his pleads. But I'm smarter than that, and I stay where I am.

Minutes pass and I stay where I am while he pleads and apologizes. I hear his voice hitch and tears cloud my eyes. It's one thing when a guy cries, but another thing when that guy is supposedly your 'soul mate'. It hurts to hear him like this, but I steel my heart. I will not be that foolish again.

With that resolve in my head, I reach down and pick up my phone from the ground. Turning it on quickly, it immediately starts vibrating and dinging so I put it down while it runs itself out. A few minutes full of vibrating and dinging later, it stops. I gingerly pick it back up, with my eyes close, and call the speed dial. She picks up after one ring.

"Evie! What the hell is going on! Why haven't you been answering! I thought you were dead-"

I cut her off, "Kristin?" My voice is scratchy after not talking for a week. She stops talking and there's a pause.

"Evie? Are you okay?" Her voice is much quieter.

"I want to come back," I say quietly. I have to keep my voice a whisper so he doesn't hear me, "I want to come back and finish high school. Away from here."

"What happened?" She asks.

"I don't want to talk about it." My voice hitches just a little bit but Kristin understands immediately.

"Alright. I'll tell my parents that you're going to be coming back." Resolve is hard in her voice and I know she won't be asking her parents if I can stay.

"Thank you Kristin." I whisper.

"Did you ask your parents yet?" Her voice is soft.

"I'm going to ask them tonight." But I think I know what they're going to say.

She sighs, "I won't pressure you now, but I want to know Evie. You seemed so happy just a couple weeks ago."

I know, but that was all a lie, "I'll see you soon Kristin."

"Bye Evie." We hang up and I feel much better. With this plan, I can get my old life back and forget about what happened here.

Suddenly feeling exhausted, my eyes droop as I snuggle into the covers. The pounding slowly decreases until I can't hear it anymore and sleep takes me.

A/N: After months of begging (and I apologize for that) I've decided to just post this. For now at least. I'm having a bit of trouble with inspiration and motivation, especially with this book. I don't know what it is, but I'm just never in the writing mood. Anyway, for now this is going to be it, and maybe that's what I need. I need the thrill of publishing again. Anyway, thank you for those who understand and for those who remind me I can't let you guys down.

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