Chapter Four

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Their stroll had been more like a walking race.

Jack kept up with the pro-athlete easily, but it was clear that Josh was uncomfortable. Fair enough, his boyfriend didn't want people to know he was gay - yet - but plenty of men were walking this way and that; with other men.

The key to blending in, was to not draw attention to yourself, and the way Jack rushed to try and keep up with Josh, while Josh rushed to keep a space between them; definitely drew attention.

That old lady getting her newspaper from her stoop was watching them, right now.

It was Saturday morning, and that meant people who usually sat at desks all week were out and about getting their blood pumping and their bodies moving.

The typical pollution smell of the city was overlaid by the slightest tang of hard-earned perspiration, and there was lycra everywhere.

Jack didn't mind looking at guys in lycra, though it sometimes gave away more about their physical forms than they might have wished. Jack smirked at the couple of VPL's that just jogged by and barely hear Josh's muttering comments about something about his car getting repaired today or something like that.

Jack didn't know many mechanics that worked Saturday's, but he was too horny to focus on problems that weren't his.

Jack, even hustled by Josh, he was in great shape, and though it was a seasonally warm Spring morning, his singlet and shorts provided ample breeze to keep him fresh.

"Is there a problem you're not sharing with me?" He asked after a ten minute period in which Josh hadn't spoken a single word. "I thought we were just taking a stroll, you're even not dressed for whatever version of a run you think you're doing," he smirked. A thought occurred to him that wiped that smirk away, "are you trying to get me home as soon as possible?"

Josh definitely wasn't dressed for physical activity. He was wearing jeans and a v-neck. Despite his boyfriend's physical fitness, Jack was surprised Josh wasn't sweating.

"What?" The pro-athlete looked around at him in a distracted manner, "no," he answered, sounding hassled like he had, all morning, "why would you even ask that?"

"Why are you so defensive?" Jack got his back up now.

He was homosexual, not a pushover, and a footballer to boot. He could tell when someone wasn't happy with him.

"Is this because of that money?" He accused him.

"What? No," Josh hissed back, glancing around at him with a reasonably obvious scowl.

"Because I can return it if you have a problem with it? I'm not going to quit my job at Subway anyway, I like it," that statement startled him the moment he'd said it.

He hadn't liked working at Subway. There were five other employees his age, who went to three different schools in the local area; not including that red-haired chick that went to his own school.

He'd always been on edge trying to keep his sexuality a secret. Being the football captain meant that he was both well known and respected as one of the top athletes in the academic district.

People his age were much better these days with sexuality that previous. It had been such a hot topic for a long time growing up. And now that same-sex marriage was legal, most people who knew saw sexuality as just another thing about a person.

Like hair colour.

Now his workmates,who went to three different schools knew about him. That meant it would only be a matter of time before everyone else found out. Surprisingly, he was unconcerned. It felt freeing.

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