Chapter Seven

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Jack waited in the shower for his erection to fade. He'd changed the water to cold and apart from the initial shock that had definitely prevented his finishing, it still took a while to fade to the point where he was comfortable to go and get his towel from the heated rack next to the shower door.

He wrapped the thick white towel about himself and departed the bathroom as quietly as he could. Tyler was snoring quietly on the bed, his bubble butt displayed to the room and his face to the wall.

Jack quickly grabbed a pair of clean boxer briefs from his dresser and slipped out of the bedroom. He snuck down the hallway and into the kitchen.

It was dark, Blake must have gone to bed. Jack had thought he'd heard some movement down towards Melissa an Blake's bedroom but when he climbed up into one of the bars stools everything seemed silent.

Still wrapped in the towel, he allowed the boxer briefs to slip from his fingers onto the bench-top and buried his face in his hands.

What was he thinking bringing another guy home?

He could barely keep his arousal under control around Blake and Daniel Hennessy let alone a random guy he'd only met yesterday.

They'd barely known one another twenty four hours and Jack had taken him home after they were both pissed drunk.

And now it seemed Tyler was actually heterosexual.

"What is wrong with me?" He muttered at himself, not expecting his words to sound so loud in the otherwise silent kitchen.

The kitchen light came suddenly and Jack's eyes screamed with the pain of someone who'd thoroughly adjusted to the dark. He squeezed his eyes almost entirely shut in his momentary blindness, turning on his stool to see Blake standing there in nothing but a towel by the light switch.

"Sorry," Jack gasped quickly. Surprise laced his words while he pressed spread fingers over his stinging eyes. "I didn't mean to wake you."

Blake chuckled. "We weren't sleeping," his eyes sparkled with innuendo as he moved across the bright tiled kitchen floor with athletic grace towards the sink. He collected two upside-down glasses from the drying rack and filled them with filtered water.

As Jacks eyes adjusted, they began to follow the lines of muscle down Blake's, taking in the definition, all the way down to the point they came together at the top of the footballer's well-earned glutes.

Blake turned catching, and Jack barely had time to avert his eyes before one of the glasses were pushed across the kitchen bench to him. Blake leaned forward onto the bench, displaying his full arsenal of upper body brawn.

Jack thanked him with a quick smile, barely making eye contact for the briefest moment before he took the glass and downed its cool contents quickly, coughing and spluttering like the idiot he knew he was.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Blake asked him, taking a much more manageable sip from his own glass, and pretending not to have noticed Jack's mistake.

He leant back against the sink, pensively, with his spare hand gripping the Ben h behind his buttocks and one ankle resting upon the other. His midriff went taut, not unlike the arm that was supporting him.

Did he even know how sexy he was?

Not that Jack was noticing.

He set the glass back down and tried to think of what to say. Coming up short, he instead shrugged, shaking his head before settling it back into his hands, which were once again wresting on his elbows upon the bench in front of him.

He heard the second glass go into the sink and footsteps, but didn't look up. Honestly, he kind of hoped Blake had lost interest in his troubles and gone back to Melissa and whoever else might be in their bedroom with them.

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