Chapter Five

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"Tyler!" Jack sat up quickly, moving the phone away from his face and clapping his hand to his mouth.

"Ah... yeah-" Tyler stammered.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He mouthed.

"Um- it's a, um... video call," Tyler continued uncomfortably, and Jack pulled the phone back from his face even further to see the awkwardly smiling face of the bellhop watching him and looking extremely awkward. "Yeah..." he added, biting his bottom lip, "I can... I can see you."

"Oh, fuck." Jack cursed, not even trying to hide it this time.

"Yeah..." Tyler looked as awkward as Jack felt, "So, um yeah... I'm gonna go,"

"Oh no, please don't," Jack begged quickly,

"You sound..." Tyler stammered still, already looking away from the screen, and not seeming to have heard him, his cheeks flushed, "ah... you sound busy so... yeah,"

"Please," Jack tried to get his attention.

"Another time perhaps," was the last thing Tyler said before the call ended.

Jack threw his phone against the wall.

And then promptly jumped off his bed to go make sure it and the wall weren't damaged because Blake and Melissa gave him the phone and he felt awful about it as soon as he'd done it.

"What the fuck was that Jack?" He admonished himself as he looked down at the screen. The notification there told him the call had lasted 12 Seconds.

Of all the attention he was getting right now, the one person he was most curious about was probably not going to try speaking to him again.

Why was he so fascinated with this boy? They'd known one another for a moment, it wasn't even big moment. They'd carried an unconscious footballer to bed and then made one another uncomfortable and said their goodbyes.

There was just something about him. He seemed so... innocent? Jack didn't even know what it was that made him feel that way, it was just something he seemed to know about him.

More alerts sounded on his phone then and he opened Snapchat. More dicks from more boys. These seemed different to the last though.

More alerts and follow up messages from them all, each message more thirsty than the last. This wasn't hazing, not like the initial messages.

Clearly word had got out. Jack Bird was gay and man meat was on the menu this Saturday night.

He skimmed through them realising even as he did that he didn't know any of these guys, and before he finished he'd received several invites to go dancing, to drinking, go party, and even more to just go Netflix and Chill.

One guy even asked him outright if he just wanted to meet up in the park after dark for a blow job. Wait. Nope, that was Alex again.

[wtf Alex?] he wrote back.

[what? Words out that you're with the program] Alex wrote back to him.

With the program?

[I'm not going to fuck you, I don't want a blow job from you] he texted back feeling annoyed.

[harsh, but someone beat me to the punch, I get it? Who was it? I could probably give you a first hand review] Alex responded.

[wtf are you talking about?] he texted confused. Why would he think he'd made plans elsewhere?

[you're with the program, DTF?] the snap came through at once,

[DTF?] Jack scowled at the screen.

Captain Jack (Book Three - ManxMan ManxManxWoman)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang