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**Song: Arcade by Duncan Laurence

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"Have you talked to Louis yet?"

I ripped my attention away from the book in my hands and up at Nick.

"No I have not. Can I go two minutes without your or Riley asking me that?" I huffed in annoyance, closing my book and getting up from Riley's couch.

For the past two days, Riley and Nick have all been pestering me with that question. If I hear it one more time I might become the next Vincent Van Gogh.

"Why not?" He asked, sitting in the spot I was just in and watching me as I walked to the front door. I came here for quiet time to read my book since Brandon had his girlfriend at our place, but I can't even do that here because apparently, Nick had a key to Riley's apartment.

"He is still MIA. Can I read my book now?" I asked, clearly giving off the fact that I was bothered by this conversation.

He leaned closer and read the cover of the book in my hands. "They Both Die In The End? Really?"

I shrug and lift the book, glancing down at it. "It's a good book."

Nick only shook his head and got comfortable on the couch. "Whatever you say." He sang, closing his eyes. "What about Harry? Did you have coffee yet?"

"Nope. He wasn't home when I stopped by the other night so I guess I'll ask him today." I answered, sitting on top of his legs.

Nick lifted his head to look at me with a glare and then dropped it back onto the cushion. "You better."

Frowning that I now cannot focus on my unfinished chapter, I stood back up and started walking away.

"Where are you going?"

"I am going home to finish the chapter you interrupted." I answered, walking towards the front door and sliding my shoes on. "See ya later."

"Talk to Ha-"

I was out the door before he can finish that sentence, already knowing where that would lead to. I took the stairs up to my apartment, praying Brandon and Anna weren't doing anything inappropriate.

When I got to our apartment, they weren't even there, so that was a huge weight off of my shoulders.

I sat in my room and read a few more chapters of my book before eventually, I got extremely bored. It was almost ten at night so I didn't know what to do to keep myself busy. I wasn't tired at all and I didn't have anything important to do tomorrow, so that just added to my boredom.

I sat up on my bed and rested my chin on my palm, blowing air out of my mouth as I looked around my room. A smile formed on my face when I spotted my ice skates sitting next to my closet door, begging to be worn. I haven't really been on the ice since the Olympics, and I have to admit I missed it a lot.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." I muttered to myself, getting up to grab the skates and my car keys.

I locked my door behind me and practically zoomed to the parking garage, jumping into my car once I reached it. After I turned it on, I put the heat on the highest setting and sat there until my car warmed up.

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