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***Song: Demons by Imagine Dragons

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I stared up at the ceiling, twirling a strand of hair on the woman next to me.

Neither of us said a word about what just happened a few minutes ago, the air still lingering of long-awaited sex while we both breathed steadily.

We were beneath the blanket and she was cuddled up against my chest, wearing my shirt. I didn't know if she fell asleep or not, but I was given my answer when she was the first to speak.

"Will you come to Italy with me?"

I stopped twirling the small piece of hair between my fingers and looked down at her. Her chin was on my bare chest and she was already staring up at me. She's so beautiful.

"I wish I could." I frowned, brushing a flyaway behind her ear and watching her face fall in disappointment. "That's the time for you to spend with your family. But I'll be right here when you get back."

She nodded slowly before laying down again, her arm sliding across my torso and tracing small patterns on my side.

"I'm scared." She whispered, and it didn't take a genius to know she was talking about her grandma.

I felt terrible that she was going through this, and all I can really do is be here for her when she needs someone. Maybe the sex we just had was her way of distracting her mind. Either way, I'm not complaining because she can use me in any way she wants. She's the one in control, and I don't mind admitting that she has me wrapped around her finger.

"If there is anything I can do, tell me and I will do it."

"Just...lay here with me."

Her answer spread a warmth in my chest, and I hope she knew i was not going anyway. I would lay here forever with her if I could.

"Always." I murmured, kissing the top of her head.

I took in the atmosphere of her room, relishing in the comfort I felt being in her. Something about the way she decorated me me feel so...content. There were LED lights on the red setting that went around the borders of the ceiling, and she had a storage shelf near her window filled with records and cd's as well as trophies and medals.

On her nightstand, I noticed a journal. My journal.

Has she read it yet?

"Did you read the journal?" I voiced my thoughts.

"No." She answered quietly. "I can't bring myself to open it."

"I gave you permission."

"I know, but it stills feels wrong." She murmured into my skin, her breath fanning my chest and leaving goosebumps to rise.

"Well, I can't make you, but can you promise me that you will consider it?" I asked, because no matter how embarrassing I thought my letters to her were, I wanted her to read them. They were for her, after all.

Her voice was soft and gentle, I could honestly listen to her talk all day. I held my pinky up in front of her and she let out a quiet laugh, wrapping hers around mine.

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