Chapter 1-4

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Chapter 1

Kari POV

I felt a blaring pain in my head and I groaned inwardly. I groggily opened my eyes.

My vision was clouded and it eventually began to clear and what I saw was an endless amount of pink. And that moment I froze.

'Where am I? This isn't my base nor my bedroom. Could I have been kidnapped when I fell asleep?! Did someone find out who I was?' I panicked and I quickly look around. For a while, fear filled my eyes until I noticed something very peculiar.

'If I was kidnapped... I would probably be in a darkroom rather than a pink room.' From that conclusion, I decided to take my exploration to the next level.

I moved from under the covers and put my legs over the ledge of the bed when I noticed they were shorter than usual and very smooth and pale...I froze. 'This....isn't my body, is it?' Now I was in a panic.

I got off the bed in a hurry and found a mirror etched into the wall, I went to it and look at my reflection. I gasped, hands covering my open mouth.

I shakily lift my hand up to the mirror surface. Feeling a coolness on my fingertips as I touch it. This reflection was copying every move I did...which could only mean....that point, fear gripped me.

I kept walking backwards only having my steps falter as I fell onto my bump. I whimper and rubbed my sore bump, impact from the floor.

After comforting my bum. I got off again and walked towards the mirror, observing my new look when I felt a sudden suspicion rising in me.

'I look slightly familiar...I'm sure it's nothing..', then I noticed my tiny body which made me horrified.

Current Look


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Chapter 2

Kari POV

'No no...This environment is not suited for me at all! I'm an international world hacker and a famous assassin! This is not a place I should be in!' Long gone was the fit body I was so proud of.

My well developed 6 pack muscles that did not lessen my female features and charms, and not lacking in strength. But now...I was in a petite body with no muscles, I lost the 6 packs I worked so hard for. And my arms were as skinny as spinach! This body is terrible!

I stared at myself in the mirror. Turned to one side and another, observing my body. Suddenly, I heard the door open.

I whipped my head in the direction of the noise and I was greeted with a pair of green eyes, displaying shock. She was wearing a maid outfit and her auburn hair was tied into a bun. "Oh my god! I must tell madam and sir!"

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