Chapter 25-28

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A/C: I honestly had no idea what to write as fillers, so chapter 25 is totally random lmao.

Chapter 25

Kari sat on the couch, a laptop on her lap as her legs swing from front to back. "Shadiiiiiiiiii!~" Kari whined loudly, catching Shadi's attention.

"What?" He asked, as he looked through the latest documents his assistant had sent him, which was standing next to him. "Why aren't there any good hackers in this world?" Kari said unhappily as she leaned backwards on the sofa.

"I don't know honestly," Shadi admitted. Kari sighed as she put away her laptop.

She grabbed the TV remote and on the TV, going to Netflix and watched Danganronpa.

Distracting Shadi from his work and putting it away, telling himself that he will do it later. The assistant could only sigh at this action of his boss who became 10× lazier when he was introduced to Netflix.

"Shadi, stop watching and go finish your work." Kari said sternly, Shadi looked at her and frowned, "I will do it later." She sighed, "Don't lie to yourself and me, you know you won't. Now finish it or I will force you to eat my cooking for you for a few months." Shadi stared at her and then horrified expressions formed as his assistant cheered for Kari silently.

Shadi gave in and did his work, finally finishing his work pile which has been increasing constantly due to him neglecting his work for many months.

Kari POV

"Hey Shadi, are there any more forgotten attributes?" I asked. "I will tell you if you encounter a person who has it." He said, his eyes focused on the TV.

I groaned, he had informed me about Sazuki's attribute so suddenly, I'm still trying to get over the fact that there were forgotten attributes.

I also have been trying to search around my past life memory to see if Sazuki was in the game. His backstory felt like one for all I know and his looks could rival the main capture targets.

I sighed as my mind filled with endless thoughts.

"Oh yeah! I forgot, where are the others and Sazuki?" I asked as I looked around the empty room.

"The pets are in the training room and Sazuki is in a forest filled with harmless animals that I have created." Two doors suddenly appeared, I walked up to them and opened each of them slowly.

The training room was a humongous squared room, it was completely white and there was a digital panel on the wall to design how you wanted it to look. Austin was fighting Isabella, Zeke was fighting Yuki and Pyshic was fighting Delta.

'I guess they're training...' I close the door and opened the other one.

The other one was filled with trees and bushes, plants and well, they were filled with greenery.

There were insects and many animals, like birds, squirrels and surprisingly many animals that I have seen when I was on earth.

I could see Sazuki sitting down, on his lap was a snow-white rabbit and he was petting it, smiling cheerfully at the other animals.

I walked up to him and bend down. "Are the animals nice?" I asked with a smile. He looked startled for a moment but relaxed when he saw it was me. "Yes..." He said softly. I

I rubbed his head with affection and left him alone, exiting the room. The two doors faded into the wall as I walked back to the sofa.

"Aren't you supposed to go to class now?" Shadi questioned suddenly.

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