Chapter 46

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Hihihihi lolll. Its 3:50am. Uhm. Hi :D another chapter here ya goo. I apolgise for the short chapter. I have a math exam coming up and I'm like super stress cause math is my worse subject and im panicking really hard rn.

Yea. Anyways, enjoy the chapter!




Kari- Female Protagonist

Amelia- Heroine of the otome game

Zayd- Male lead/ Demon King

Sugo- Assistant of Zayd

Xlec- Crown Prince of Sesta

Damon- Crown Prince of Dirus

Kain- Crown Prince of Ruirin

Arties- Crown Prince of Iduzia

Sazuki- Pink hair orphan that Kari picked up from the alleyway/ Kari's younger stepbrother/ Cyox's friend

Cyox- Picked up by Kari in the dungeons of the Demon Castle/ Kari's younger stepbrother/ Sazuki's friend

Chapter 46

Kari's eyes sparkled with curiosity and amazement, she clapped her hands in delight, "So you totally crushed that guy and taser him? So cool!!!"

Reina nodded shyly, her face bright red as she scratched the back of her head with embarrassment.

Yona let out a small laugh seeing her shy behaviour, "For a police officer, you seem rather quiet shy rather than super blunt and tough! Ah~ It completely ruined my impression of police officers!"

Reina widened her eyes and fiddled with her fingers, mumbling an apology.

In return, Yona got flustered and began moving her hands, "No- No-No- I don't mean that- I- I mean that like, I thought police officers were like, uh I don't know. Kinda barbaric? But looking at you now, you seem like a total sweetheart and not a police officer at all! I mean, oh my god."

Putting one hand on her temple as she leaned on her elbow as she tried to process what words she wanted to say.

Reina started blinking before giving a small smile, she opened her mouth, "It's okay. I get what you're trying to say..." A soft voice spoke out.

Yona let out a sigh of relief. "Phew!~ I apologise for my careless words just down."

When that matter was settled, all the girls look at Kari who got confused when she saw them staring at her.

"Uh... Yea? Need something?" Kari asked.

Megumi look at her, "So..." She dragged, "What was it like being an assassin? Did you have any other professions?" Asked with inquisitive eyes.

"Well, I was a hacker and an assassin..." Kari muttered as she look at her Nintendo switch. Having bought a new game called Hatsune Miku: Project Diva, and was currently trying it out.

Megumi gasped, she look at the other girls, "She is like a protagonist! I say that we're probably in a story right now and like, I think we're supporting characters!"

Yona furrowed her eyebrows, "What are supporting characters again? I forgot..."

Megumi gave an exasperated sigh, she slapped her forehead, "God! I told you that like 50 times since we met when we were children! How could you forget again!?"

Yona gave a sheepish smile, "Well, I tend to have short term memory..."

Megumi look at her with a raised eyebrow, "How did you become a lawyer with that memory? Goodness." Sighing once again, she reluctantly took the time to explain both to Reina and Yona. Kari also joined in, listening.

Although she used to play dating novels games in her past life. She wasn't very knowledgeable about the novel world which contained information on background characters, FLs, MLS, supporting, second and etc. Ect.

Just then, Kari heard a bam and look around. Getting up, she walked to the entrance and saw Amelia's face squished up against the glass doors, frowning and pouting as she gestured for Kari to let her in! What kind of conversations was Kari having with those girls without HER?

Kari walk over to the small digital panel next to the glass doors and pressed open. It slides open and Amelia rushes in, tackling Kari. "Who are those girls!? How could you discuss with them without me!" Showing pitiful eyes to Kari.

Kari struggled to come up with an explanation, "Well, I... Uhm," Trying to rack her brains for a good one.

Amelia saw her dilemma and decided to let it go, shooting a bright smile at her, she said, "Why don't you introduce me to them?"

Kari nodded and smiled, "Of course! Come on!" She then pulled Amelia over to the sofa.

Immediately, when Megumi spotted her, she blinked and look at Kari fearfully. Mouthing, Isn't she the heroine?!

Kari gave a knowing look to Megumi and she gulped and looked down, avoiding eye contact with Amelia who was observing each and every one of them.

Finally, Amelia smiled, "Hello! My name is Amelia. It's nice to meet you all." Introducing herself, the girls nodded, knowing who she was already.

Kari felt a tense atmosphere and clapped her hands together, "Uh, why don't we go do something fun? Have any ideas?"

Megumi spoke up, "How about cooking? I wanna give some snacks to the boys!"

Kari grinned, "Great idea! Alright, let's go to the kitchen, come on!"

Thus... They entered the kitchen.

Oh no.


Kk! That's the end of it. Sorry for the short chapter once again, like I said, my math exam is being a total shit head stress load to me. Fuck quadratic expressions, fuck probability and fuck math.

Words: 889

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