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Two Years Later

Megan cradled her bump as she waddled towards me with her toddler on her hip. Sometimes it was impossible to ignore the resemblance that little Lottie held to Kevin. It was striking. But thank the heavens above, she was far better looking than him. Considering she wasn't even two, she had a decent head of pale blonde ringlets and at the moment, her eyes were a steel grey.

"Lottie was asking for you," Megan said when she stopped in front of me. I took my little sister and spun her around so fast that she burst into breathless giggles. "Phoenix is parking the car. Grace couldn't come though, she said to tell you—"

Megan started signing and I watched, my smile widening at the message. Congratulations on the launch of your foundation Bea. Lots of love.

"Aw. That's so sweet," I said, clutching my chest. I'd decided to learn sign language considering Grace was a constant in our life now and it was amazing how much of a difference it made to a deaf person when you could easily communicate with them. It'd been useful on more than one occasion. "How come she couldn't come?"

"She's not well at the moment. She has the flu and she didn't want to spread it."

"Fair enough," I said, watching Lottie twisting the thin gold chain around my neck. There was a small dinky ring attached to the chain. The same ring that Dylan used when he took one knee in front of me and asked me to be his wife. It was the same ring that we'd used when we got 'married' in Vegas.

It had sentimental value and meant as much to me as the dazzling diamond that sat on my special finger, looking so pretentious that I had to resist the urge to sell it whenever I saw it. I wouldn't of course, Dylan surprised me with it on our first wedding anniversary. It is beautiful albeit snobbish, but still beautiful.

"This has come together so well," Megan stood beside me and peered around the room.

It was the opening of the Cassandra Haynes Foundation. As much as I liked the idea of being able to abbreviate the name to CBF, because let's face it, Can't Be Fucked is my mood, I couldn't stomach using Kevin's last name in association with mom. So Blake was out and I'd settled on using her maiden name instead.

I was moments from making a speech at the makeshift podium, there were people everywhere, snacking at the catering tables or wandering the outside of the room and looking at the photographs that lined the walls. With the help of my wonderful husband, I'd been able to purchase a two story building on the edge of Manhattan. It was run down and falling to pieces which made it rather affordable and I'd done a lot of the renovations myself along with the help of friends.

The floors were a dark stained wood and the walls were faux brick. It had a rustic feel to it. The ground floor had a kitchen, sofas, desks, photographs and shelves of books. The second floor had a studio for photos and seven oversized bedrooms that had about four bunk beds each.

"I'm here," Phoenix appeared through the crowd and leaned in to give me a kiss on the cheek. He and Megan looked like a walking Abercrombie commercial. She was wearing a pale blue maxi dress that fell like a sheet of silk down the length of her figure and Phoenix was wearing a fitted button up that hugged his muscular frame and a pair of shorts.

No two people could look more genetically destined to reproduce than these two. I imagined this next baby coming out to a red carpet and the tune of harps.

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