Chapter 20

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The veins in his arms jutted as he crossed his arms over his chest and settled back into the chair. "Who is Celeste's grandfather?" Bennett offered Gran a seat but she choose to sit at the farthest seat from everyone else.

Greyson didn't give me much of an option where to sit, because he had me glued to his side with one of his arms resting below my hip. I didn't even bother moving for he would make a silly grumble about how insensitive I was about his wolf's feelings.

And I thought I was the woman of this relationship-not that I'm saying we're in a relationship. This over bearing male wanted to show my grandmother that he had a claim on me.

"Celeste's grandfather is...a man I went down and dirty with, duh!" Gran took a sip from the cup of tea she held between her hands.

My poor ears. I don't think I can ever erase what she said from my mind.

"Diana, please don't tease with me. I'm a very impatient person and I don't like it when people waste my time." Bennett leaned forward, resting his elbows on his thighs and clasping both hands. "Don't make me ask again. Who is Celeste's grandfather?"

Gran set her cup on the table. "To tell you the truth. I don't know."

"You don't know?" Bennett sounded pissed.

Gran's ability to pull people's buttons is remarkable. There was no doubt in my mind she can make a happy clown turn psychotic.

"It was a one night stand. I was young and wild! I went to one crazy party and I got knocked up. Because of my recklessness, my daughter practically grew up without both parents. If you meet my Tracey, you'd see why she hates me so much. She's a book worm and I'm a failure as a mother." She smiled sadly.

For once, I actually sympathized with Gran. Mom can be cynical sometimes, but it's not because she is old hearted. With everything she's been through, it's hard for her to express her feelings to anyone but her kids.

"Tracey moved out as soon as she could afford being on her own. I didn't get to see my grandkids grow up because of that." Gran looked at me and sighed. "But I have no regrets. My grandchildren are all good kids."

I smiled. "We love you too Gran and mom does too."

Regardless of the people watching, she reached her hand across the table to touch mine. "I love you to sweetie. If my recklessness has ever bothered you, or embarrassed you, like your mother. I'm sorry."

I shook my head. "You are amazing Gran, I wouldn't change you for the world."

"I hate to break up this touching moment, but we really need to get down to business." Bennett mumbled.

His diligence was beginning to get annoy. They contained me in this house like a prisoner, deprived me of privacy and now they won't even let me have this touching moment with my grandmother?

"Why are you so eager about learning my family history? What does learning about my grandfather have to do with you?" I shot at him.

"Celeste." He waited until he could control the tone of his voice. His eyes, I noticed. were kind of a darker shade than usual. Greyson explained to me once, that their wolves intensifies normal human emotion in order to manipulate transformation. In other words, their wolves want out and it takes a lot of control to hold them in.

It sounds to me like werewolves PMSing.

"I have some notions. One being that your grandfather, was a rogue that entered our land undetected years ago. If he is still alive, he could still be here in my territory. That does not set well for me. It is a danger to my pack and my family."

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