Meet The Bat

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My black heels clicked on the pristine white floors as I made my way to the break room, in my arms I carried a small bin full of documents from my night of research.

As I walked through the hall, everyone sole glances at me and I would be lying if I said I didn't feel empowered given my position. I was the only doctor entrusted with the Joker case and I would be the only doctor to help him with his mental illness.

I was damn sure of it, Harleen freakin Quinzel would finally get the respect she deserves.

I pushed open the door to the break room and shut it firmly behind me with my foot. I practically threw everything in my hands onto an empty table.

Doctor Mavis was also in the break room near the coffee maker and the shoddy vending machine that always stole my dollar.

He seemed surprised that I was here, despite me always being here earlier than him on most occasions. I was used to having the break room to myself spare a couple of janitors that I had become acquainted with.

"Dr. Quinzel as I live and breathe. Good to see you." he smiled at me, I waved in his direction.

I went to organize my documents, I had a list of medications with their side effects for Joker to look at. I even bought him some medical supplies for the cuts on his face.

"You used to be a gymnast right Quinzel?" Mavis commented.

I looked up to see he was still looking at me with his coffee mug in hand.

"Well yeah, I got my scholarship at Gotham State for my gymnastics." I said with a small smile before returning to my documents I was trying to focus but, I still felt his eyes on me.

I could feel his gaze even when I looked away from him.

"Is that why you're so used to wearing short clothing?" he asked coyly.

I was caught completely off guard by his comment. I looked down at my black skirt and it wasn't even that short. I had made sure it exceeded dress code expectations because of my curvier figure.

"Excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow, Mavis nonchalantly sipped from his mug.

"You're an attention seeker Quinzel. I take it you like to flaunt your assets?"

"That's not appropriate." I started to gather my things to leave, my heart was pounding out of my chest. Mavis inched closer to me and I found myself backing into the wall.

I found myself feeling like I did when I was younger and when much bigger men would intimidate me.  I never wanted to be put in this situation again but here I was and it was my boss nonetheless.

"I like you Quinzel, I'm sure you've heard that gentlemen prefer blondes. They have more fun, wilder in bed than most." he raised his eyebrows suggestively

My skin crawled as he inched closer and everything felt like deja vu. I felt like I was sent back in time but, I was older now. I could be who I wished I was way back when I could stand up for myself right now at this moment.

And that's what I so foolishly decided to do.

"You know doc, I also learned hand to hand combat at Gotham state or would you prefer the dull end of the butterknives in the drawer?" I threatened, Mavis stopped in his tracks.

He swallowed hard "You threatening me Quinzel?"

"No sir of course not, I could also show you my bat, it's in my trunk." I narrowed my eyes at the creep.

He watched me as I packed the remainder of my papers in my bin, the air was a lot heavier than it was before. His eyes pierced daggers in my skin as I opened the door.

"And you know what doc? Your pick up lines are cheaper than the suits on fourth street." I said before I slammed the door shut.

My heels clicked quickly on the floors as I practically sprinted to my interview, I still had a job to do despite being harassed by that pathetic creep.

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