"Don't You Wanna Rev Up Your Harley?"

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You decided not to tell the team, a risky decision but you had to be sure. If Waller got the information you were sure she would have it wiped off the face of the Earth. Harley Quinn being a caring human being? That would be a terrible blow to the checkmate's image. You were at a dead-end, not sure who to trust but eager for more information. You had so many questions but most importantly: you couldn't quite figure out what happened after the breakout.

Where did the clown and his harlequin go?

"You sure you got your eyes closed?" Harley sang with her gloved hands over the Joker's eyes. He beamed with happiness as he eagerly bounced with anticipation.

"I promise!" he said with his pinky finger up in the air.

Harley took a deep breath, the two of them were seemingly in the middle of nowhere in the "bad" side of Gotham.

"I'd like to introduce you to the best comedy club in Gotham: Ha Ha's!" she squealed with excitement before she uncovered his eyes.

The two stood before an old night club, it was old and abandoned with graffiti all over it. The neon sign that used to be upright and atop of the building was slanted, worn and hanging off.

"Used to belong to one of the oldie big gun mafia guys my gramps used to run with," Harley grinned before she leaned in to whisper "There's more underground, for our future endeavors."

Joker was stunned, he said nothing but held on tightly to Harley's hand. His glossy eyes were completely transfixed on the club. It was a dream of his to own a comedy club and perform his routine every night, now it would be a reality.

"Harley?" he said quietly.

She appeared right in front of him with a concerned look on her face. She worried about him when he got all besides himself.

"Yes Puddin'?" she answered, still searching his features for a hint of what was wrong. Did he hate it? Had she done something wrong? Did she stir up an unpleasant memory for him? She wouldn't forgive herself if she hurt her precious puddin'.

The Joker pulled her close, his hands caressed her blood-covered face. The two of them were filthy from the break out that happened just a few hours before they arrived at their new hideout.

He traced the outlines of her face, he always found her so beautiful even when he first laid eyes on her. Now here she was, wearing red and black for him. Loyal to him and only him, his magnificent, gorgeous, Harley Quinn.

He planted a kiss on her lips, it was sweeter than the last time they shared an embrace. The passion lingered as he pulled away from her, she silently begged him not to stop.

"Show me around?" he offered with a wink, Harley took his hand and led him into the club.

Inside was no better than the outside, pieces of the floor were missing, it was obvious that some drifters had taken shelter here one or two times. The ceilings and walls were cracked, cobwebs were in almost every corner. The stage was covered in boxes and some of the old lights had fallen from their original place on the ceiling.

The bar had dust all over the countertop and what barstools were there before were now a broken mess.

"It's going to need some fixing up but I think I know some people." she beamed and squeezed his hand lightly.

He could care less about the look of the club, he was just more than happy to have a place that he could call his own. It might've been a dump to everyone else but to Joker and Harley, it was a new start.

"This isn't even the best part J, wait till ya see the super-secret underground!" She exclaimed and beamed with pride.

"You did a great job Harley." He said as he looked at the woman who had given him everything.

Her heart jolted as she took in the radiance of his warm smile, she replayed the words he said to her in her head.

"You did a great job, Harley."

She, Harleen Quinzel, did a great job? Her grandfather called her a screw-up, a good for nothing waste of space when she did anything. Her whole life she was never good enough for anyone or anything and now she was, she was finally good, no great at something.

"Can you say it again J?" she said as she inched closer, Joker grinned and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You, Harleen Quinzel, did a great job." he said and pulled her closer.

She couldn't hide her blush as her lips crashed into his, the two of them fought for dominance with each kiss as they eagerly tried to close any space between them. They bumped into walls as they desperately tried to undress one another, each second apart felt like cruel torture.

Joker quickly cleared off anything that rested on the bar top and sat Harley on top, she bit her lip as she tried to help her man undress. 

"Don't you wanna rev up your Harley?" she asked innocently and barely above a whisper as she trailed her finger down his bare chest.

Joker pulled at her hair, demanding that she look at him and only him as he kissed her all over. She never expected him to be as rough as he was but she'd be a liar if she denied the excitement.

Joker planted kisses from her neck all the way down to her sweetest area, Harley quivered in anticipation, the both of them were sweaty shaky messes.

Jokers mind was racing a mile a minute, Harley was like all those girls he had in his routine book. She was perfection in its most human form right in front of him practically naked. He couldn't handle her lust-filled gazes as she watched him hover over her. Her moans were almost enough to send him right over the edge.

"You want me?" he asked, as he looked up at her. It was a small gesture but it drove Harley wild, she nodded.

Harley could barely contain her excitement, she needed him like a druggie needed their next hit. She was completely drunk on everything Joker had to offer her and she knew after this she would never be the same. This would be the beginning of something beautiful, shocking, terrifying even and she was ready.

Or at least she thought she was.

"I'm all yours."

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