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Anthony hasn't texted me today and I feel kind of sad. I feel like he always makes my day with his cute messages. I barley know the guy and for freaking sakes he is famous and probably has a secret girlfriend! Why do I feel like i'm catching feelings.
While i'm walking downstairs to grab a snack my phone rings.
Keith: hey bbg wyd ?!
Madi: i'm not your bbg anymore you ruined that so stop texting my phone you asshole.
This caller has been blocked
My phone rings again and again
Ken: hey, can we talk ?
Ken: Madi i know you're mad but pls
Madi: why can't y'all understand I don't want anything to do with y'all anymore!
Ken: i tried to be nice, but now say hi to the bitch side of me you've never wanted to see 😘
This caller has been blocked
I finished my snack and head up to my room to grab clothes and take a nice long hot sizzling shower. I put on Billie Eilish shuffle. She is so freaking talented like can I be like her please.
After I got out the shower my sister comes running in my room showing me that Anthony commented and liked my post. I explain to her that it isn't a big deal. It's like he knew he was being talked about cause not even a minute later he texts me.
Anthony: Omgg i'm soo sorryyy i've been busyyyy and I want you to know  I wasn't ignoring you !! PLS FORGIVE ME :(
Madi: Chill Ant it's cool 😂. What have you been up to tho ?
Anthony: I've been organizing a surprise for one of my friends :)
Madi: ouu sounds fun !
Anthony: Wanna ft ? i missed your voice 🤭
Incoming FaceTime from Anthony
I quickly answer the call while trying to hide the biggest smile on my face. He says "hey Mads" I reply with "that's a new one but hey Ant."
We talk about how he is doing and I told him about the Keith and Kennedy texting me thing. I get tired so I say "Goodnight Anthony" and he replies with "Goodnight bby." I didn't say anything I just put my phone on the nightstand with the biggest smile on my face while I turn back around and get all comfy in my bed.

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