Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Meeting Him

Liezl's POV

I was entering the school through the back entrance with my best friend Jen and her boyfriend, King, who was also my best friend. “Wow! Look at the bags underneath your eyes!” Jen exclaimed.

“Having those weird dreams again?” King said less enthusiastically unlike his girlfriend.

“Yeah,” I said and then I yawned.

“So, what is your dream about this time?!” Jen said happily as she jumps and down.

I and King looked weirdly at Jen. “Did she eat too many sweets again?” I whispered to King. And he simply shrugged.

“Why are you guys looking weirdly at me?” Jen curiously asked. And both I and King snapped out and looked to another direction and quickly mumbled, “Nothing!”

“What?” Jen asked and she earned more weird glances from me and King. “Oh guys don’t look at me like that. C’mon you have to admit that Naomi’s love life or also known as Liezl’s dreams,” and she glanced at me when she said my name. “-is sweet and romantic story.” She continued.

“I guess, it kind of is,” I agreed.

“Well, start retelling the dream. Did Lawrence finally ask Naomi to marry him?!” She asked excitedly.

“How do you put up with your girlfriend?” I asked King.

“I guess love gave me the way to put up with her.” I know King was supposed to say that as if it was a true, strong and firm answer. But it comes out more like a question instead.

Luckily for him, Jen didn’t notice it because she gave him one heck of kiss while we were walking down through the school halls. “Both of you guys know that PDA is not allowed in here, right?” None of them gave me any notice, and they just continue their uhm… yeah….

Good thing the school bell rang on time, otherwise I would have endured a few more minutes of their sickening kissing scenes.

I didn’t bother waiting up for Jen and King since we have different classes for the first period. Both King and Jen have Biology first while I have World History. Hopefully, there wouldn’t be any partner project for World History and if that happens I would probably do the project alone because I wasn’t particularly close to anyone of my classmates.

I quickened my walking pace, so I could get the first sit on the first row in class. I know it is kind of awkward for any teenager to sit in front of the class, unless you are a geek or a nerd. Luckily, I am not a nerd but I am just a simple and average girl. There is absolutely nothing about me is extraordinary. And hopefully with my so ordinary me, none of the jocks, cheerleaders, and other people would bother me because associating with those kinds of people will just lead you trouble.

Anyway back to reality, we were about to have World History like I mentioned before. But before starting up our lessons we have to do the attendance first. “Anders, Liezl Naomi?” my teacher asked.

“Present,” I replied and raised my hand. Mr. Reynolds, my World History teacher kept calling out the names but he paused after he said the name of James Lawrence who just barged right in the classroom.

James Lawrence Richards, the most wanted (in a positive way) person in California High. A lot of people say (especially form his fan club) that he was angel sent from above. The Jocks say that he was a sports prodigy. While the geeks and teachers say that he has the mind of Athena. And did I mention that he is one of the elite people in the US, yeah, he is really that rich.

I could never confirm all this information that I got because I have never met him. I do my best to try to avoid all the popular people in whole School Life because they always caused problems. I even beg to our principal, who by the way was my Godmother, to not let me have a class with them.

And she let me for the last 3 years in High School, but this year she changed her mind. She told me to get over this fear of mine because it could ruin my socializing skills in the future. Oh, I really hate her now.

Okay, back to the present time. I followed Mr. Reynolds eyes as he stared at the person at the back of the classroom. And I met the eyes of someone familiar. It was someone I met before, but I couldn’t remember. His name was at the tip of my tongue. For some odd reason, I felt I have known him in my entire life.

James’s POV:

This day was becoming into one of my worst. I woke up late today because of some weird dream (which looked really realistic) that keeps reoccurring. Then I didn’t have enough time for breakfast because I am late for school as it is. I also run out of gas on my way to school. See how terrible my day started.

Right now, I am walking in the school hallways with a cup of latte from Starbucks. I didn’t bother running towards my classroom because I will be marked late even if I did. With a coffee inside my stomach instead of a delicious meal of breakfast, I will end up being grumpy for the whole day.

My first class for today was World History, what a boring subject. This made my day even worst. I opened door of our classroom, rather rudely I must say. And I heard my name being called out. “Present sir.”

“You’re late Mr. Richards,” Now where have I heard that voice before? Was it from Math last year, or maybe it was from English two years ago? With me having an empty stomach makes me dumb. Hmm….. I know remember! He was my teacher in American History last year.

“It wouldn’t happen again sir,” I copied that line from Matt, my best mate since 3rd Grade. That guy was always late for school.

“It better be. Now, would please seat up with Ms. Anders here in front.” He pointed at the second seat to the right in the first row. It seems like I would be seating up with the new girl for the rest school year in this subject. I wonder if she would be affected in my charms, just like every other girl in school.

I began to walk up to my seat and gave at a good look to my new seating body. So far, I couldn’t get a proper look because was facing at the window behind her and not at me.

“Excuse me, but are you Ms. Anders?” I said as I placed my hand on her shoulder. I know, this is a pathetic way to start a conversation but I didn’t know what else what to do (blame it to the empty stomach). She turned around to face me. And all that I can do now is to stare at her with an open mouth. I never had seen that coming.


Author's Notes:

I changed Mika's name into Liezl because a close friend of mine requested that I changed the main character's name into hers. This is for you Liezl!!!

Can please someone help me advertise this story.

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