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RavenousClaw: Hello fellow humans!! : )

ChosenOne: Hello

GoldenGranger: Hi guys

PureBloodDisgrace: Sup

StayAwayMudbloods: We don't like Filthy Little MudBloods like u Granger

ChosenOne: Malfoy...we will fight.

StayAwayMudbloods and ChosenOne have left the chat to kill each other

PureBloodDisgrace has left the chat

GoldenGranger has left the chat

RavenousClaw: Goodbye fellow humans : (

QuirkyButCute: Hello Luna

RavenousClaw: Hello Neville

RavenousClaw: Ohp gtg Flitwick needs me

RavenousClaw has left the chat

QuirkyButCute has left the chat

A/N hi guys if you have any personal questions to ask me please PM me



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