Dedicated to AveraLuna

104 5 5

Avera: hi guys

Hermione: 😏

Avera: I'm a Ravenclaw

Hermione: oh😭

Luna: Hello my fellow humans

Avera: oh a fellow Ravenclaw

Harry: Um

Ron: .........................................

Ron has left the chat

Harry has left the chat

Luna: Welp

Hermione: hmph

Avera: what house are you in Hermione?

Hermione: Gryffindor

Luna: Where brave dwell thr heart!!!!

Hermione: Ravenclaw is the witty smart puzzle loving house

Avera: oh ok

Luna: gtg Flitwick is hollering at me

Luna has left the chat

Hermione: And Harry and Ron are running through the Great Hall acting like Bloody lunatics
It was nice chatting with you!!!!

Avera: Harry and Ron....Aren't they the idiots????

Hermione: meh not always

Hermione: anyway gotta fly

Hermione has left the chat

Avera has left the chat

Fun chapter to write

AveraLuna please let me know if I got your house wrong



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