52 4 20


Thank you so much I honestly never thought I would reach 100 flowers this fast thank you everyone I will now make a list of the people you need to follow
(I say need because I'm happy)








Thank you guys so much for getting me to one hundred followers I'm just so fucking happy

And Ohmwreacker kept me up last night trying to argue about the best HP house personally I believe it's Slytherin But Gryffindors are my rivals so I cannot Give as much credit as I like but if you wanna see the whole arguement check out his message board and view all of the 5 million replies that made me go through 15 cups of coffee within ten minutes (no joke) I have a Coffee headache now and I'm on my 20th now but after this I'm done because I'm not finna try to go into a caffeine induced coma. If you're looking to rp go to VictoriaSampsel2 She makes me smile 😀 if you're looking for laughs go to Pixelfoxtfp we were up until like three in the morning last night arguing about blankets
If you're looking for guidance go to August_Parker and tell her DracoMalfoy3105 sent you if you're looking for a fight go to Ohmwreacker and I sult Gryffindor house (he won't take it lightly)

Anywho I gotta fly my Scaly Friends

That's all Folks


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