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Omfg I'm getting bulldozed by work today his week, I worked 32 hours this week. Compared to my normal 20-25 hours. I know for adult adults that's nothing but I'm still going here cut me some slack.

Who the hell am I yelling at, bruh I'm bugging out but anyway I'm proud to announce that I successfully survived and passed No Nut November! It was a long and boring month honestly but aye I'm through with it.

Last years was definitely harder but that's to be expected I guess. Thanks to all you awesome guys and gals who actually tuned in to this crap. I'd never expect this book to have my second highest reads. It's quite fascinating actually. But yea shout out to "you" man, you's a goat.

Now if you don't mind, imma open up da Hub and see what's been popping lately.

I may or may not do my DDD logs I'm not sure, but you'll see me update it if I change my mind.

Aight see y'all next year, hopefully that is 👌🏾

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