Chapter 1: the Former Root

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Naruto Uzumaki is kneeling before the Sandaime Hokage. He is waiting for the aged Kage to speak to him, concerning a mission.

The Uzumaki has flat sunshine blonde hair, which covers his forehead. Naruto has one visible azure blue eye, that has a tinge of violet, which is the right one. While his other eye is covered in bandages, that covers a transplanted Byakugan. His outfit looks like the standard ROOT ANBU/ outfit, but very much personalized. Midriff showing, and everything. So, instead of the outfit being all black it is orange. The Kanji for "Kyuubi", for instance is written down the back of his short jacket, the sleeves of his jacket are pulled back by navy blue tasuki, and the Uzumaki Swirl on the right breast of the jacket. He also carries a tanto blade on his back, which is held their by the tasuki. His navy blue clothed Konoha hitai-ate is tied around his neck. Naruto also wears long, black fingerless gloves, which makes it look like his orange jacket, and gloves are one piece.

The Sandaime asks, "Do you want to know why I pulled you from Ne (Root), Naruto?"

Naruto answers, "Sure I do, Hokage-sama."

The Sandaime then says, "Then I shall tell you. You see Danzo gives me a monthly report on your missions, and skills. I feel your skills are best used as a normal Genin of Konoha. All though, I do know you are too skilled to be a Genin, you will only be considered a Genin in name. Because, as soon as you get to the finals of the Chunin Exams you will be a Chunin, and be my personal Bodyguard, when I'm away from the village. Do you accept this position, Naruto-kun?"

Naruto answers, "I will accept it with honor, Hokage-sama."

The Sandaime replies, "Good, now get to the Academy, they are announcing Genin Teams soon, and I know how you don't like to be late. You are to report to Iruka Umino's classroom."

Naruto just does a Shunshin. He disappears, and reappears in front of the Academy. The Uzumaki then enters the Academy, and walks to Iruka's classroom. After a couple minutes, Naruto sees a man, and walks up to him. Naruto asks, "Are you Iruka Umino?"

The man answers, "I am, and you must be Naruto Uzumaki, right?"

Iruka is described as being both big-hearted, and soft-hearted. This is most often seen through his teaching methods, often giving a watchful eye over his students as they progress. This however, does not mean that he is a pushover, as he can be stern when the situation calls for it most often seen when he shouts at his students in order to get them to obey him. Despite the tragedy of losing his parents at a young age, Iruka remained a determined and strong-willed individual with a kind disposition.

Iruka is a man of average height and build. He has brown hair that he keeps in a ponytail, dark eyes and a scar that runs across the bridge of his nose — which he has had since his youth. He wears the standard Konoha shinobi outfit complete with hitai-ate, sandals, and a flak jacket. His sleeves are also rolled up about ¼ way.

Iruka then says, "Now come in, and introduce yourself to your potential teammates."

Naruto, and Iruka then enter the classroom. A girl with pink hair asks, "Iruka-sensei, who is that?"

Iruka answers, "Sakura, this is Naruto, and he'll be on one of your teams. Now Naruto, why don't you introduce yourself to the class?"

Sakura wears a red qipao dress — at various times either with or without short sleeves — with slits along the sides accompanied by a zipper and white circular designs. She also wears tight dark green bike shorts with a shuriken holster around her right thigh, and blue sandals.

Naruto just shrugs, and says, "Sure, why not. I'm Naruto Uzumaki. I like training, and ramen... I guess. I dislike people who are unloyal, untrustworthy, and the three minutes I have to wait for ramen to cooldown after I put water into the ramen cup. My hobby is training. My dream is to be strong, respectable Jounin, and maybe have a family, but that is in the future."

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