Chapter 8: the Death of Zori

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As soon as Naruto received the memories from his clone, his eye flashes red, with a slitted pupil. Midori asks, "Did you find the samurai?"

Naruto nodded, as he answers, "I did, Midori-chan. Now it's time to kill him! Zori will not get away with almost hurting you two."

So Naruto Shunshins to the bridge, but not before leaving a Shadow Clone to protect his family. He easily finds the warehouse. The Uzumaki then yells, "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique)!" He creates hundreds of Shadow Clones, who rush into the building. Only for it to collapse in on itself.

Naruto says, "Guess that was supposed to be a trap, huh, Zori?"

Zori, who didn't heal the burns from the previous battle replies, "It was."

Naruto creates another Shadow Clone, who appears behind Zori. They then Kawarimi, and Naruto spews a stream of chakra-infused gunpowder from their mouth, which surrounds the region. As the gunpowder is composed entirely of ash, it stays in the air around the victim like a cloud, which can be used like a smokescreen. The Shadow Clone rushes into the gunpowder with his tanto in hand, and then he attacks Zori with a series of swift slashes. It then dispels itself.

Naruto then ignites it with a flint placed on their teeth beforehand to create a spark, resulting in a violent explosion, burning Zori. The blonde yells, "Katon: Haisekishō (Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning)!" When the explosion ends, all that remains is that fucking damb log.

Zori says, "I now get why you shinobi-folk like using Ninjutsu so much. I think I'll learn more!"

Zori then turns around to see Naruto, or at least a Shadow Clone, who yells, "BOOM!" The result? The Shadow Clone blows itself up. While Naruto yells, "Bunshin Daibakuha (Clone Great Explosion)!" Which burns Zori even more.

In fact Zori was so burned that he couldn't move. So Naruto just cut his head off, and leaves to go to where the meeting is, which is in Rikou's office. So he just Shunshins there.

When he gets there, Rikou asks, "So is Zori dead? What about Nee-chan, and Moriko-chan?"

Naruto answers, "My child, and her kaa-chan are perfectly fine. They're being watched over by a Shadow Clone. Zori is dead. Burned to death by Katon jutsu, and a Bunshin Daibakuha (Clone Great Explosion)."

Rikou then says, "Take Nee-chan, and Moriko-chan to Konoha with you. Nee-chan is happy with you. I can see it, and I trust you to protect her, and your daughter."

Naruto asks, "Why, you never trusted me before?"

Rikou answers, "I was right not to trust you then, but I do trust you know. The only reason Zori was here was because of Midori's connection to you. Somehow he heard that you stayed here for awhile, and he wanted to kill you for some reason. Why is that?"

Naruto replies, "I killed his wife, his daughter, and his sister. They were planning something that had to do with the "Destruction of Konoha", and as I am a former Konoha you know what. It was my mission to kill them. He's been trying to kill me ever sense."

Hinata says, "Naruto-kun, you've had some horrible missions that you did in the past."

Naruto replies, "And, it's all under a S-Rank secret in Konoha. My birth? S-Rank secret. My parents? S-Rank secret. All of my missions? S-Rank secret. You can say that my whole life is a S-Rank secret. I know all of this information, but still. Ya know?"

This is when Naruto gets a memory, and then says, "Midori-chan, and Moriko-chan are almost here. I just got the memory from my Shadow Clone that was watching over them. 3... 2... 1..."

Midori says, "Hello Naruto-kun, Nii-san. What are you talking about?"

Rikou answers, "I'd like for you, and Moriko-chan to go to Konoha with Naruto, and Team 8."

Midori asks, "Why?"

Naruto answers, "He thinks that I can protect you better than he can."

Rikou says, "I didn't say that. I said that I trust you enough to protect them."

Midori then says, "I was going to go with Naruto-kun anyway. Moriko-chan needs a Tou-san, and she has just met her Tou-san. It be wrong for him to just leave her like that."

Rikou says, "I'll miss you Nee-chan, but I'll miss Moriko-chan the most."

Moriko laughs, but sees her mom pout. She says, "Aw, Kaa-chan don't be sad that Rikou-oji like me more than you. I can't help it that I am cute."

Naruto just laughs, and kisses Moriko on the cheek. Which make the young girl giggle. Then Midori says, "Moriko-chan, let's pack so we can go live with your Tau-san, okay?"

Moriko brightens up even more, and pulls her mother back to her house. With Naruto stuffing his hands in his pockets, and following them with a slight smile on his lips. Rikou sees this, and then says, "Well that is the first time I've seen him smile, even if it is a slight one."

Kurenai replies, "He was trained to be emotionless, Rikou. By the end of it, he still had his emotions in check, but now he barely like letting his emotions out."

Rikou nods, and says, "Protect my Nee-chan. It's all I have left of my family."

Shino replies, "We will. Why? Because we are teammates of Uzumaki-san. He will always help us, so we will help him."

Hinata says, "Hai (Yes)."

Rikou asks, "Wait... He talks?"

Shino answers, "I do talk, and it is illogical to assume that I do not talk. I am just a quiet person. I only speak when I feel like their is a need to."

Kurenai then laughs, before she says, "My team is a shy Hyuga, the always logical Aburame, and Naruto the S-Rank secret. Anyway, let's help Midori-san, and little Mori-chan pack."

Seeing the nods from the rest of her team, she gets up, and leaves the office with them following her. Rikou sighs, and then disappears in a puff of smoke to reveal Zori. Zori smirks, because as soon as Midori, Moriko, and Naruto enter that house it'll collapse on them killing them all the shinobi. The samurai now has a burn that has permanently closed his left eye. He even starts to cackle evilly, when he hears the boom of an explosion.

What happened to Rikou? Are Midori, and Moriko real? Between You, and Zori, Zori has him tied in the warehouse that collapsed. Which "killed" the protector of Fujin Village. Now with Zori thinking that Team 8, plus Midori, and Moriko are dead, he can start taking the village over, and rule over it with an iron fist. He is then shocked to see a piece of paper on his desk that says, " Hello Zori, from Naruto." The desk then blows up, finally killing Zori in the progress.

Naruto smirked, as he receives the memory of Zori finally being dead. You see, Naruto placed a Genjutsu over the desk, He then switched the desk out with a Henged Bunshin Daibakuha (Clone Great Explosion). The family of three were already out of the house by the time it collapsed.

Naruto then asks, "Are you ready Midori-chan, Moriko-chan?"

Seeing the nod from the two, he smiles. They then start to walk out of the village, when the rest of Team 8 joins them. After a couple of hours of walking, Rikou appears, and is very angry. He yells, "You blew up my office!"

Naruto replies, "Zori was impersonating you. Guess he also knew the Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique). But in all actuality, it was a Bunshin Daibakuha (Clone Great Explosion) Henged as your desk that blew up your office."

Rikou growled, and says, "Just protect Nee-chan, and Moriko-chan. They are all I have left, and remember you are always welcome here. Good bye Nee-chan, Moriko-chan, and Team 8." He then disappears in a Shunshin.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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