Chapter 5: C-Rank Mission

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Team 8 is standing in front of the Sandaime Hokage. He says, "Team 8 I feel you have enough progress to go on a C-Rank mission."

Kurenai asks, "Why is that, Hokage-sama?"

The Sandaime answers, "Kurenai-san, Team 8 has the best record of their graduating class. Naruto by himself has 19 D-Rank missions, 0 C-Rank missions, 15 B-Rank missions, 5 A-Rank missions, and 0 S-Rank missions. Which means that Shino, and Hinata also have 19 D-Rank missions. Kurenai, you have a combined total of 697 completed missions. If Naruto can't protect them, then you can."

Kurenai then asks, "What is the mission, Hokage-sama?"

The Sandaime answers, "A samurai has been making a name for himself as he is stirring up trouble, and terrorizing village's locals into providing for him under threats of his katana. The samurai is stealing, looting, and possibly raping. This Samurai may also have a partner. The mission is to investigate the samurai, and then put a stop to his antics."

Naruto asks, "Is their anything else of importance during this mission?"

The Sandaime answers, "They could be former samurai from Tetsu no Kuni (Land of Iron)."

Kurenai turns to her team, and asks, "Go pack for at least two month-long mission. Meet at the gates in two hours. I need to get the village name from Hokage-sama."

Two hours later, and Team 8 is at the gates of Konoha. Naruto asks, "So, Kurenai-sensei, where is the village?"

Kurenai answers, "Fujin Village."

Naruto smiles, as he replies, "Been there once. From what I remember it was a very peaceful village. It is very well protected, so I don't really know how the samurai is able to cause terror there. Well, unless Fujin Village's Protector was killed by the samurai, but the Protector is too strong. Jounin-level for sure."

Kurenai then says, "Anyway, let's go!"

So Team 8 then leaves Konoha to go on their first C-Rank mission. Well, after signing out at the guard booth.

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