Lazy and Busy

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Sneaking back into his hotel apartement was quite a hassle for the magician, he didn't mind the effort but it would have definitely been less of an embarassment if he would have had any clothes to cover his private parts. Oh well... This was nothing less like his usual KID heists, just... less pompous and glorious. Kaito sighed; this wasn't going to become any remotely good day.

Only I can have so much luck.

But Kaito knew he could await the chains of unluck holding him down if they allowed him to fly during his childhood- as Kaito and as KID. Oh Nakamori-keibu... if he would have only ever known... so far he had always cursed KID out for his numerous wins against the police. Maybe things would have taken a different turn, maybe Nakamori-keibu would have had accepted this part of his family, too.

I wonder... would you abandon me yourself if I would have ever revealed myself to you?

Kaito crawled as silently as possible out of the dumpster, Pandora in his mouth. He wasn't going to make any noise, thus wouldn't exactly need his mouth. Where to go next? He didn't have any of his convenient gear with him, thus the air vent wouldn't be an option and crawling 19 floors up was close to lunacy. Kaito inwardly snickered at this. Of course Kaitou KID was lunatic enough to pull off such a stunt but he wasn't KID anymore, he was Kuroba Kaito.
Yet much to his surprised it had been a piece of cake to sneak naked into the hotel. Kaito had broken the lock into the employee area inside the lobby and hid in one of the stored suitcases which would have beem driven up at any second, then simply waited. An innocent male came along to pull the carriage with Kaito hidden inside the luggage out and into the upper floors.
Kaito secretly counted with the elevator, then cursed inwardly as he noticed they were going one floor higher. Not a problem, Kaito told himself, and kept on waiting.

Soon enough he had been put down into an apartment and waited until the door had fallen shut before he began to widen the hole he had made beforehand to get on air. The magician jumped free within a blink and darted out of the flat into the hallway and from there a floor lower to his apartment.
Cluelessly standing in front of the lock, Kaito cursed his habit to seal any possible entries. For a minute he just stood there, feeling ridiculous in all his naked glory, before he marched back into the 20th floor to search the apartment he had left for anything to help him fix the lock.

About ten minutes later, Kaito fell with a groan onto the bed, nearly choking as Pandora shoved itself further into his mouth. He spat it into his sheets, exhaling relieved.

Finally. Now... how to get rid of the matress?

Kaito let out a muffled groan and shook his head. Housekeeping wasn't going to come before he ordered it... this could wait.
The young magician snuggled into his comfy sheets and wanted to catch a brief nap after all those events... yet his body disobeyed him. Entirely filled with energy, Kaito wanted to throw something against the next wall. He wanted to be lazy! Instead he wasn't tired at all and didn't even have any vent to let it out on.
Kaito's head shifted to be able to look at his arms. In all honesty, he could compare himself to a lobster. Maybe... he could experiment a little. A tiny grin, filled with mischief, came over his face.

At least I was always better than Hakuba in chemistry.


Conan stared at the glistening gem inside his hands, illuminated by the silverish moonlight. Blood dribbled in a slow and steady rythm onto his face but Conan couldn't find himself to care the slightest bit. There wasn't anything this blood could do more to his body than it had already done. He had discovered a few clean spots, majority of them gathered on his back, and honestly thought about letting this weirdly intoxicating gem do its work and change his entire body.
It wasn't going to damage him further anyway, else Haibara would have ripped the gem out of his hands.

It frustrated Conan to the core that he wasn't a single step further with his research. He had searched out famous magicians all over the world, read their biographies yet he honestly doubted Kaitou KID was going to continue the path as a magician. Conan came to a halt in his thoughts, a soft sigh of defeat passing his lips while his hand lowered slowly with the gem inside, allowing it to bleed instead all over his belly. He had gotten used to it by now, in fact, the feeling was a pretty satisfying one. Whatever this gem had done to him, Conan wasn't regretting it the slightest. No more food, no more water and he didn't feel tired without a single sip of black coffee. Any coffee.
Conan felt like reborn, ready to do things humanity had never tried before.
Megure-keibu had uttered his concern about every call Conan had been giving the Beikan police department every two to three hours about any new cases they had for him. It was refreshing to be able to concentrate for so long on the spot... yet without any doubts, Conan knew he would become tired of this condition soon enough.

I hope Haibara finds out what's wrong with me... Or what this gem actually is.

Conan took a glance at the clock across his bed. Two in the morning.
A yawn crossed his lips- the boy willed himself to get out of his bed and shamble downstairs to look into the files of the latest case Megure-keibu had been willing to hand towards him. Nothing spectacular... Conan sneered quietly and shook his head. Sometimes Megure-keibu acted like some kind of worried father towards him and, by all honesty, he wasn't too opposed of it.
Explaining to him the reason behind his change of skincolour, however... that was an entirely different topic.

Christmas update!! I hope you guys are all having a wonderful christmas. Author-chan will visit her girlfriend on the 26th~
I'm soooo excited!

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