Two Counterparts

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Bursting in joy, Shinichi stared at his reflection once he had gotten out of the shower Haibara insisted him to take.
Not that she would have needed to press the issue, Shinichi was more than in need of a good, long and hot shower.

But now, right there in front of this mirror, the person who was looking back at the detective was in no way Edogawa Conan. He looked... mature.

Is that true? I-I can't even believe this.

A knock at the door startled Shinichi out of his thoughts and Haibara's voice followed short after.
"Are you covered? I need to take a look at you."
Without any further thought, Shinichi opened the bathroom with a bright grin, letting the fellow scientist get a good look at him, obviously undisturbed by the fact he was halfnaked.
"Haibara, please tell me I'm not hallucinating. P-please tell me this is true."
The woman's lips curled up into a soft and relieved smile. There was hope.
"I already saw that at the cemetery, to be honest- I-I just didn't want to raise any hopes before seeing you properly in the light. Kudo, you... y-you are you. Pandora cured APTX4869."

She was barely able to finish before the strong arms of her friend pulled her close to his chest, hugging her tightly. Tears began to roll down his red cheeks; Shinichi had no way of dealing with the unbearable joy he felt.
"I-I'm me... I'm me..."
Haibara let out a muffled chuckle against his chest, pinching his arm to force herself out of the embrace. Squeaking, Shinichi jumped a step backwards and glared at the woman, soothing his now aching spot.
"Get dressed already."

Grumbling, the sleuth turned around and waited until she was gone to let go of the towel and slip into the new change of clothes she had taken from his own house. He felt like a new person, everything was the same yet so much more different.
Pandora tight inside his grip, Shinichi marched out of the bathroom and settled down on the living room couch, shooting a smile at his friend.
"Do you want a coffee? You could really need one. Or take a nap."
The girl in her pajamas made a dismissve gesture with her hand, already on her way upstairs to the bedroom.
"Don't wait for me... The last days were awful. I need some sleep..."
The last sentence was accompanied with a soft yawn while the door closed behind her, leaving Shinichi to his own thoughts...

...rudely interrupted by a way too familiar feeling. Shinichi breathed out a deep sigh and rose from the couch, turning around to expect the intruder, yet no one was there.

This is ridiculous...

"KID come out already, I know you're there. I'm not giving you Pandora."
No answer, not that Shinichi expected one. After a while of glaring into midair, the feeling died a little down and the sleuth fell back into the couch, picking a little inside his hair to flatten it again.
Not too long, the feeling was back and Shinichi had to resist the urge to roll his eyes. His head snapped into the direction the urge pulled him into.
"KID. I know you're here. Show yourself."
Once again, the feeling died down.

He knows I can sense Pandora as much as he can, right? It's literally impossible to sneak up on me unless he leaves his own half somewhere else.

Kaito on the other hand wanted to scream. He knew this very well, but he just couldn't bring himself to leave Pandora anywhere but his pockets. Right now it seemed like the world was hating him. Well, it had been worth a try. Now he at least knew there was no chance he couöd ever sneak up on the sleuth without leaving his own half elsewhere.

You've got to be kidding me...

Shinichi internally groaned as the urge became stronger, this time he just spun around where he expected KID to be and much to his utter surprise, he actually was. Kaito stood right in front of him, hands pushed into his pockets, one clenching Pandora. God, Kaito hated this day.
"Pandora. Give it to me. Now," Kaito pressed out between gritted teeth; Shinichi's response was a mere amused snicker.
"Yeah. How about no."
He took a step closer to Kaito who backed away almost immediately. This was kind of amusing, it was like approaching a shy animal that would make a run for it as soon as Shinichi did anything unexpected. Yet this time, Shinichi knew he had to address the issue differently. He didn't want KID to run from him again, this time was over.

"KID, I... even if I wanted to, I can't."
That actually got Kaito to pause. Why not? Seeing the other's stunned silence, Shinichi took this as his cue to continue his elaboration.
"Your words were 'This will be over. All of it.' KID..."
Shinichi bit down onto his lip, swallowing whatever leftover anger he had concerning the phantom thief. He did not want to fuck this up a second time.
"...Look at me, I have my body back. I'm Kudo Shinichi. I'm finally myself. Finally, thanks to Pandora. I... what if...?"
Eyes widening, Kaito stared at the uncomfortable detective. He knew what he wanted to say.

What if he loses his body again as soon as he gives up Pandora? What if he returns to Edogawa Conan?

The tension between the two counterparts increased tenfold, nearly electrifying the air around them. Both selfish for their own reasons, both unwilling to back down from their opinions and goals.

Shinichi wanted Pandora to stay as it was. It brought him advantages beyond measurements, he knew for sure no one would ever be able to hide from a detective being able to work 24/7 on a case without unnecessary breaks for sleep and food. He was finally Kudo Shinichi again, and the risk was high he had to give up his body again just to make things right. Shinichi didn't want to give up something he loved and cherished, never again, especially now that he was able to find KID whereever he went, no matter how far away this was.

Kaito wanted to restore Pandora for his own peace and sanity, it wasn't like him to continue bothering other people with it. Pandora was a danger itself, if any more people would become contaminated by the blood, an all out war was sure to break out.
Kaito had to keep Pandora himself, it was the only goal he had left inside his life. He wanted to let go of his past, let go of Shinichi, let go of everything that ever reminded him of his time moonlighting as Kaitou KID. He wasn't Kaitou KID, he was Kuroba Kaito, and he never wanted anyone to see him as anything else. He was sick of it, sick of the secrets, sick of being unable to show his real self, wear masks of himself just so nobody would see his red skin.
Everything would be over as soon as Pandora was in his possession again.

Finally, Kaito opened his mouth, face cold.
"That is not my concern. Give it to me. Or I will use force."

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