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Parker had noticed when his soulmate touched him. His mark had been just a small mark on his knuckles, and he knew exactly when it happened.

He had been walking next to Sebastion, when their hands had just grazed each other. The first chance that he had, he looked at it, and it had been hard to contain the massive grin that started to show up on his face as he realized that it had happened.

So he talked to Seb for the rest of the night, and it was crazy to believe how much the two of them got along. Well, they were soulmates for a reason.

A lot of people didn't meet their soulmate until they were adults. They would date around and they would wish that they would just meet them, but it didn't happen.

And he had met his at the young age of seventeen.

And a bonus- Seb was hot.

Parker had only realized that he was gay about a year and a half ago. A drunken hookup had lead to exactly that, and let's just put it simply that it made every single hookup he'd had with a girl look pathetic in comparison.

He hadn't exactly told anyone yet. His family didn't even know, or his close friends. It was such a big thing, and he just... he couldn't tell them. Especially because he had just came to accept himself for the way that he was. He had hated himself for so long right when he had figured it out.

But then he realized that it was okay. He was him, and it was okay. And after he had really started to accept himself, he felt like the missing piece had been found, and the puzzle was complete.

He didn't let any hint out either. To anyone who had just met him, he seemed like the straight jock that was a god at swimming and loved to party. The only tiny hint was the rainbow bracelet that he wore every day since he bought it a few weeks before he met Seb.

He didn't want to come on too strong though, so that was why he had made the suggestion for the two of them to add each other on Snapchat, that way they would be able to talk to each other, and he wouldn't be one of those people that he talked to once but then never talked to him again.

And why he had sent him something as soon as he woke up. He had went to sleep right away when he had gotten home the night before. So of course he couldn't do it then.

It was a quick selfie of himself with a smile, captioned; "Heya Sebby" He had decided that Seb or Sebby were going to be his nicknames, because they were easier to type and say than Sebastion.

He didn't respond for a really long time, like hours. Parker was constantly refreshing his snaps, just waiting for an answer. Maybe he was just one of the people that slept in really late.

Which was going to suck, because Parker woke up really early every day. He was used to it from the amount of early morning swim practices that he had, and it was basically second nature for him. He was never caught sleeping after eight am.

He had already eaten breakfast, and was downstairs playing Mario Kart with his family when he glanced down at his phone and saw a snap from Sebastion, whose contact name was "Sebby".

He opened it and saw that it was a quick selfie of him with a peace sign. 'Hey. Sorry, I was asleep'

Parker chuckled under his breath a little bit when he saw that. So his guess had been right after all. He couldn't respond right then, because the next race was starting. He was in 1st place, and there was no way that he was going to let either of his sisters beat him. His mom was playing too, but she just wasn't the best, and was in 9th place.

After that race was over though, he grabbed his phone and quickly snapped a picture with a reply. 'Well then, morning sleepyhead'

He finished the last race-winning of course- and then took his phone back upstairs to his room so that he could talk to Seb some more without the races getting in the way of him replying.

'Dude, I have a good reason, was up until at least three in the morning last night' Seb sent.

'Why on earth would you be up that late? I left after you and still went to bed way earlier than you did' Parker responded.

'Was thinking about stuff'

'What kind of stuff?'

'Just random stuff. Nothing really tbh. It's no big deal'

Parker had a feeling that he was probably up thinking about the whole soulmate thing. His mark had probably went off the night before too. Neither of them said anything about it though.

'Cool. What are you up to?' Parker asked him as he laid down on his bed with his phone above his face.

'Avoiding my mom so she doesn't go full ballistic on me again'

'What did you do?'

'Slept in haha. It's no big deal. I know she's just overprotective and things are hard with Elliott gone.'

'That really sucks' That was a crappy reply, and Parker knew it. 'Hope she doesn't get really mad and like, kill you.'

'Me too man, me too'

As Parker was about to say something back, Seb sent another snap. 'Got to go and eat. I'll be back later'

Parker responded with a simple 'Okay'

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