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Parker felt like he was easily the worst person in the entire world. He had just ruined Sebastion's life, and he knew that he did, no matter how much he wanted to believe that he hadn't.

He had heard the yelling start before he was even gone, and his heart had ached so, so badly when he heard the horrible things that Seb's mom was yelling at him for. For something that he didn't even have a choice over.

He had gone back home and locked himself in his room.

Sebastion would never even want to talk to him again. He would never want anything to do with him, ever again.
Why would he? Parker had known about Seb's mom, and how horrible she was, but he had just sat in his room, making out with him without another care in the world, only caring about how they were kissing, not even thinking about how Seb had told him that his mom was home. He should've been more careful. If he had been more careful, maybe this wouldn't be happening. No, it wouldn't be happening at all.

And now Seb was probably going through what would easily be the worst day of his life. And all of the blame rested right on Parker's shoulders.

Then he got the text, telling him to go to the lake.

He went to his car, and he went, but nothing would ever prepare him for what he was going to see when he walked into the small clearing in the woods, where the lake was.

Sebastion was nowhere to be found, at first glance.

When Parker saw him, he felt his heart drop into the pit of his stomach and he nearly got a heart attack.

"Get the fuck down from there!" He yelled.

Sebastion was standing on the very edge of one of the tall rocks that were on one side of the lake, and he was so close to the edge, that Sebastion knew one small slip, and he would fall. Underneath where he was standing, was a small island in the middle of the lake, covered in rocks. Sharp rocks. And the middle of the lake where he could fall was deep. So deep.

Sebastion didn't say anything. He was staring down, with an expression on his face that didn't show any emotion.

"Get down," Parker yelled, panicking so much that he could hardly even process his own thoughts. He had to do something. He just had to.

The next thing he knew, he was running. Running to get up to Seb, to try and get him down from there. He would pick him up and drag him off that rock if he really had to.

Just in case, he had his phone out and had 91 dialed into the dial so that if he couldn't get him down, it would be a press of the button before he was on the phone and getting help.

He slowly walked onto the rock, being careful as he walked. He wasn't scared of falling, but he was scared of startling Sebastion and him falling, to what could very well be his death.

"Seb, come on, let's get down from here," Parker said, unable to hide the shakiness that was buried in his voice.

"What's the point?" Sebastion asked, and it broke Parker's heart to hear his voice, to hear how broken he sounded.

"Because your mom... she doesn't matter, okay? She doesn't matter at all. If she doesn't love you, she's an asshole. The worst person. What about your dad?" Parker asked,

He didn't know if his words were helping, he didn't know if he was helping at all, or if he was just making things a million times worse.

"She doesn't love me, and my dad loves her more than anything. He's not going to do very much to argue against her," Sebastion said. He wasn't moving, and Parker couldn't tell if that was a good or a bad thing.

"Either way, you need to get down. It's not safe up here. One wrong move and you could fall. And Sen, you're going to get hurt really bad if you fall," Parker said.

He was trying his best to say the right thing. But he didn't know if his best was enough.

"Don't you think that's exactly why I'm up here?" Sebastion asked, though his head wasn't even turned towards Parker. "Maybe I can get hurt so badly that she'll finally care about me. Or if it doesn't work, I'll just die, then maybe she'll feel bad,"

Parker felt his heart drop at those words. So he wasn't just up there. He was up there to hurt- and maybe kill himself. He felt his face pale as he realized that he had no idea what he was supposed to say.

"Sebastion, this has been a bad day. Get down now," Parker said, his heart racing in his chest-but, not in a good way.

"A bad day? More like the start of a bad life," Sebastion said.

His voice still lacked emotion, and he still hadn't moved at all from where he had been standing, and while Parker knew that he should be glad that he hadn't done anything reckless yet, he had a feeling that him not moving just made everything so, so much worse.

"It's not a bad life. You don't have to deal with hiding anymore, right?" Parker asked him.

Please be saying the right thing.

"She kicked me out. I don't have a house anymore, I have my phone and a half-full backpack of clothes and fifty bucks,"

"You can come stay with me. My parents would let you, they won't have a problem with it. You can come and live with me. I have a guest room, you can stay in there," Parker said.

Sebastion laughed a little bit. But it was one of those laughs that barely even sounded like a laugh, one of them that you knew wasn't real.

"Because that will help so much. Go and live with your perfect family. Won't work," Sebastion said. "All of my legal stuff will still be with my parents. Might only work for a few weeks,"

"We'll figure something out. I promise you, please just get down!" Parker said, and he knew that he was talking too loud, he was pretty much yelling by now. And he knew that was the completely wrong thing to do the second that he did it.

"My own mom told me I wasn't her fucking kid!" Sebastion yelled right back, and it looked like he was about to turn around, and the last thing Parker saw of him was his tear-streaked face.

Because the next thing he saw was his foot slip and him fall off the edge.

The next thing he heard was a yell and a thud.

When he looked over the edge, the only thing he saw was blood. 

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