Chapter 2

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College AU

Summary: They’re both too familiar with not being good enough and always feeling disconnected from the rest of the world. Harry uses his camera to capture happiness he doesn’t have and Louis works so he doesn’t have to face his loneliness. They’re looking for something in New York, but they don’t exactly know that it’s each other.

Chapter 1

He was late again -- he was late again and shocker, it wasn’t his fault. He tells all of his employers that it’s imperative that they let him out on time, but they never do. It’s like they don’t understand English, which is quite hilarious because Louis is the immigrant -- he thinks. They all act like he speaks an entirely different language. Yes, his English comes with an accent and a few more s’s, but it’s still quite clear what he’s saying. Dialect differences aren’t that difficult to handle and he’s pretty sure that asking to get off on time sounds the same in England and in America. Then, the trains took forever because everyone was heading home at the same time and the station was crowded as he tried to sprint through the people to get to the cart; he had no chance.

            In reality, most people would probably look at him oddly if he told them he was in such a rush to get to a hot dog cart, but pride is pride. He’d sprint to work even if it was licking the dirt off of windows. Louis shakes his head and grimaces at the thought because that was fucking weird, even for him. He follows it with a chuckle because at least you can say your life is interesting when you manage to surprise yourself with idiotic thoughts. He finishes setting up the cart and stands there staring at the huge campus across from him. He wonders if he should be envious; jealous of all the people that walk past him without giving him a second look because they have some class to attend that’ll make them millionaires in a few years.

            Louis puts his hands down on the cart and steadies his breathing. He wants to think that he’s just out of breath because of the run from the station, but deep down he knows that’s not the only reason; thinking about the future feels something like getting hit by a truck. All the air seems to leave his body and it just hurts everywhere because he has no idea what the hell he’s doing, at all. Buying the plane ticket to New York was the most dangerous and equally spontaneous thing Louis has ever done. He loves it, mostly. He’s living in a shitty flat in Brooklyn, above a locksmith that makes copies of P.O. Box keys. Right next door there’s this new hipster bar that’s opened up that makes Louis want to set the world on fire. He would set it on fire if he didn’t work there and if he wouldn’t go to prison, but alas, both statements are real reasons to avoid arson

He loves it though. He really does love everything about being here – about being in New York. Anywhere but England is great, but New York feels… destined. Destined to bring him something.  Hopefully. If he’s lucky. Really that could be just the hysteria talking as he realizes that he’s selling hot dogs for a part of his living. Louis isn’t sure why selling hot dogs is the most embarrassing job for him, but it is.

He works topless 5 days a week and 6 days a week he’s working topless while covered in glitter, but the hot dog stand really takes the cake for embarrassing workplace. If he really thinks about it, it’s probably because serving a hot dog takes approximately two skills: knowing how to follow directions and hand-eye coordination. All he has to do is stand and he makes money, which is why most of the food carts in New York are run by families.

Louis in his desperation when he first got to America went searching on craigslist for both a place to stay and a roommate. He got both and thankfully Zayn isn’t a mass murdering bastard and a hot dog stand is the sketchiest job he has. The old man had been practically begging people to run his hot dog stand for him. He had two older sons, but they had both went off to uni, unlike Louis, and left the throne to the Nathan’s kingdom open.

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