ch. 4

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Louis’ Friday night almost killed him. He got home from the hot dog stand after his long walk across the bridge, crashed for a couple of hours and woke up to get ready to go to work at his third job of the day. He dressed, scowled at the fact that he could already hear the music from work and melted into a hug from Zayn. Louis hates the hipster bar, so when he works shifts there it’s twice as exhausting as any other job.  

Friday night began with arriving at work to see more customers he’s ever seen during a shift before, in the first hour. Then, about an hour into the same shift, Niall went drink for drink with multiple clients and ended up getting pissed. Louis wanted to hate him, but the Irish bastard was endearing. Plus, he had the good sense to run to the bathroom to throw up and get all of his vomit in the toilet. He got off exhausted knowing that  Saturday is going to be hard to power through.

When he wakes up at 8 a.m., he’s not surprised by how heavy all of his limbs seem to be. It’s his first alarm, his “I’m going to move to a new country and become fit” alarm, which hasn’t actually been used. He’s  told himself that he was going to start jogging, but come on, he’s not going to start jogging -- especially not regularly. He hopes that maybe one day he will, so he leaves it on, but it really hasn’t happened yet, so he just sits up to turn it off and rolls back over to go to sleep.

He’s never going to be fit enough to be a model anyway. He likes the hot dogs he sells and sleeping way too much to ever grace the side of a building in Manhattan. He’s sitting there trying to fall back into a comfortable position as he starts to laugh hysterically at the idea of him even thinking he could ever be a model. He’s never going to have 9% body fat, his arse holds 11% alone at the moment. He starts to think about the cupcakes at the bakery in Soho that he got gifted from one of the ladies he helped last week and falls asleep happily.

The third time his alarm goes off Louis wakes up. He glances at the clock and leaps up because he was apparently so tired he slept through the second alarm that normally wakes him up for work. He would be mad at himself, but work had been a bitch last night. He had to carry Niall up the stairs and deposit him on the couch before he could even get ready for bed.  Louis shakes his head as he walks to the bathroom, honestly a little miffed that he won’t get to do the little performance in the shower that he normally does, but money and an IOU from Niall was more than worth it.

He hops into the shower and smiles, thinking about how last night, although tiring, was maybe a little bit worth it. A shitfaced Niall makes them more tips than a sober one and Zayn had stopped by to say hi and give Louis another hug because “Bro, you work really hard. I never see you anymore. Plus, maybe it’ll get you laid if someone else here thinks you come home to me every night. Have you seen my face?” Zayn had stuck around to have a pint and talk a little because all jokes aside they really haven’t had time for an actual conversation in ages.

He rinses his hair as he thinks about how shit timing in his life has been. He and Zayn had fucked around their apartment for a couple of months before deciding that they were both trustworthy. It was one of those nights where the television was on just for some background noise and they sat down with the cheapest beers money could buy and talked about how shit their modern existence has been. They got close and Louis got job after job after job. Now they’re lucky if Louis isn’t too tired to cuddle -- or even say goodnight -- before falling asleep. For Louis and Zayn, it is a really shitty inconvenience that they grow closer daily and Louis’ job count seems to grow at an increasingly faster rate.

Louis turns off the shower and thinks about it for a moment, how they barely have time with each other. He plans to take off work sometime to just go out to the city and show Zayn what he sees when he leaves. Louis may not be special as a composite, but how he sees things and how things make him feel is a special part of him he shares with few people. However, with all the pints Zayn buys just to get a chance at a conversation with his flatmate, he deserves a peek into Louis’ brain.

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