Chapter 5

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WOOT. almost 4,000 words, holy hell. THEY MEET GUYS. THEY MEET. I hope you enjoy it. I’m pretty sure this is 75% edited. I’m exhausted. I’ll reread tomorrow! 

Unknowingly, both boys were running on the same schedule. Louis relishes in his “sleeping in” which was waking up at 10 and Harry just groans and turns over as usual. They both lay on their backs and stare at the ceiling for a little while. One contemplating life, the other questioning how long it would be before one of his jobs calls him in and ruins his day.

When Harry hears Liam stir he finally gets out of bed and gets ready to go to the park. There was a time when Liam would get ready and attend with Harry, but running was Liam’s strong point and that was it. If you put a ball in front of him he seems to lose all of his talent due to the presence of a spherical object.

Harry skips the shower because he’ll take one when he gets back. It never made sense to him to shower before going to get sweaty and dirty. He tosses on his gear and checks himself out in the mirror. He always does it not because he wants to see how he looks, but because it always reminds him to take of his necklaces.

There’s a set around his neck that he never takes off, except for Sundays. He remembers learning that lesson the hard way. He had lost a few of them before coming to the conclusion that he just shouldn’t wear them. Harry still misses his favorite necklace, it was a small silver chain that had a small replica of a 36 mm roll. He had gone out to the field to play and one of the lads he always plays with had slide tackled him and missed completely, so as their limbs tangled, the necklace broke and Harry never saw the charm again.

Harry leaves his room to find Liam at the same table almost in the exact same position, with his neck bent over the same book. He shakes his head and thinks that even he’ll probably be sick of just seeing the book before the semester is over.

“Still Kant?”

Liam sighs and replies,“still can’t.”

“Sorry mate. Want to come down and kick the ball around?”

“Nope. I’ll end up with a broken arm and I’ll still have two hundred pages to read. You take off all your necklaces?”

Harry smiles fondly because he seriously might have the most considerate friend ever and doesn’t really understand how he managed to pull that one off. “Yeah, took them all off.”

“Good. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so melancholy over a necklace before,” Liam replies, but not mockingly, never mockingly.

“Yeah, well you know.”

“I know, Haz. Have fun today. You taking your camera for after the game?”

“No. I took pictures yesterday, so I should be fine,” Harry answers heading towards the door.

“Don’t complain when all you have is instagram shots later!”

Harry peaks back around the door and gives Liam the finger before he walks down the hall chuckling to himself.


Louis finally gets out of bed when he hears the key machine from the store downstairs whir to life. Louis goes through his morning routine, including his concert shower performance series. He starts to dry off to Some Nights and Zayn is mumbling from the bed for him to shut the fuck up. Louis just sings louder and tells the younger lad that if he ever got off his lazy arse he might actually be a happier person.

“Something about endorphins,” he mutters as a second thought. Zayn just groans and tosses a pillow over his face refusing to acknowledge his roommate anymore. Zayn is not fond of football, Zayn is not fond of any physical sports.

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