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~~Ello luvs! Welcome to Hogwarts where dreams come true. You know what they say, Hogwarts is the happiest place on Earth or maybe that's not.... The Truth... You'll find that many of the amazing people you meet will change life as you know it. Find out today.~~


This glorious day I am celebrating my 30th year at Hogwarts with a bottle of hardcore rum in my hand. It's been a rough past 20 years but I've managed with the help of Patrick, my roomie. Harry stole Hermione from me and killed my dear sister Ginny. He never loved her so that's that. Anyways, ah, here cometh thy new recruits.


I step into the magnificent castle with Ben at my side. Ben's eyes look ferocious in this moonlight, and his long hair blows in the mighty wind. I look over to him and he's shape shifting into a violent beast. "AHH not again!" I say as he growls and runs away. "Pip pip cheerio babe!" I yell to him as he gallops into the night and over the cliff. Wow. Ben has died. After that I walk into the castle and see a giant feast before my eyes and I can't believe this was all made for me. "Wow, how glorious!" I exclaim. I can't believe they knew I was coming!" I strut to the front of the dining hall and make my way to the podium. I clear my throat, "How did you know I was coming?" I ask to the crowd of wizards. I surveyed the crowd to find no one paying attention to their queen! Not even one glance in my direction. I assume it is out of respect and find a seat to wait for the upcoming sorting ceremony. "ATTENTION ALL NEWCOMERS!" a loud voice booms from the podium. "Welcome to Hogwarts! A place of wonder and amazement! We will now begin the sorting ceremony." I waited for my name to be called first since I am very important after all. "Peeta Mellark." the old man calls. Huh?!! What? Excuse me why am I not being called first! This is just ridiculous! R-i-d-i-culo-u-s!!!! This reminds me of my dearly departed husband. I wipe a tear from my eyes as I wait impatiently for my turn to be sorted. "Peeta Mellark, you are in the house of Hufflepuff! Please join your fellow members at the table." Everyone claps for Peeta, but what about me! I deserve to be clapped and cheered for. When is my turn!!!??? "Ron Weasley." The old man mumbles a name that I can barely understand, but I know it isn't mine. "Ron, you're in Gryfindor. What a surprise." He says that with no emotion. I watch as a 50-year-old man walks to the Gryfindor table. What? Why is this man a student here?? I realize I will not be called anytime soon. "Next up is... Whit? Slytherin... Patrick... Ravenclaw... Katniss... Gryfindor..." After what felt like an eternity, my beautiful name was finally called. Ah! Such a sweet sound. "Mal, please come to the podium to receive your house from the sorting hat." Eeeeee! I walk up to the podium and the sorting hat is placed on my head as the whole crowd is mesmerized by this ceremony. I am excited to receive this lovely opportunity. The sorting hat begins to speak to me, its raspy voice making me shiver. "Hmmm, I see a troubled past, full of mischief and adventure. But I see the courage and bravery at ones core.  I also see how much you value yourself and your determination to do anything. Hmm, Slytherin it is!!" Everyone claps as I stand to prepare myself for a heartfelt speech. "Greetings, people of Hogwarts. I wanted to say how amazed I am by your preparation of this divine feast. I can't believe you have done this for me and I can't wait to get to know everyone of you as your Queen of Auradon. Thank you!" 

~~Well, that was quite the speech Mal gave. Everyone was very confused on why she gave a speech and why she thought this feast was for her. What rubbish! Anyways, this is your narrator, Harry Styles, signing off. Stay tuned for the next chapter and many more to come. See ya loves! xx~~

Hogwarts: The TruthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora