Special Meeting

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Ello luvs!! All the lights couldn't put out the dark. I'm so excited for you all to have read the wonderful first chapter of this beautiful work of art that we have made. Hold on because this chapter will knock you out of your chair. See ya! And hope you all will enjoy this story as much as I do. xx

Ah, what a lovely feast that was and even more lovely that I am in the house of Slytherin. I do not know anyone in my new school but I know they all adore me. The house prefect shows us around the dorms and I love the bedrooms and everything. The big beds are against the dark stone wall surrounding the room and it feels very homey. It's like they made it just for me. I'm a dragon and it's very dark and green in here. Not like those princess rooms that Evie liked long ago. Rest in pieces.... Anyways, we all gather around the fireplace in the huge central room in the center of the bedrooms. "Welcome all to Hogwarts, the school of witchcraft and wizardry. I'm so excited to have you all here and I can't wait for you all to see your classes first thing tomorrow. Make sure you have all your books, your wand, and your brooms as you will be needing them in your classes. Also, we are all one house, so we can earn points and get points taken away by professors. We need to win the best house so everyone be on your best behavior at all times. That's all. Everyone now head to bed. We have an early day ahead of us." Wow I'm super excited for tomorrow! Except I have no supplies. I'll have to head out tonight. I'll have to be sneaky ;)

Ah, I'm so delighted to be in Gryffindor once again. I can feel the same excitement I once had as a first year. I need my rum now or else I think I might explode. They've tried to kick me out of the school but what can they do? I'm just a fella with a good reputation and that's all I gotta say.

Whit POV
Hello. You should know who I am. As I walked to Diagon Alley late that night to manipulate some objects with my CIA skills, I noticed another woman shopping at closed stores and I knew what I had to do. She looked so perfect for my plan. Hehehehe...
"Hey you! Your husband is trying to steal custody of your kid!"

I was shopping at some stores when suddenly a man shouted at me. What??? I am so confused. My husband is dead and I have no kids. I should go talk to him because he seems very troubled.
"Hello, what is your name?"
"I CANT TELL YOU THEY WILL TRACK ME DOWN!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed at me and ran away. I love how unique people are. It's what makes them beautiful and special! I can't seem to find anything so I'm going back to the dorms now before I get caught. I don't know what i'm gonna do. I have nothing for my classes. Surely they will let me take the first day off to go get supplies. Of course they will because I am their queen. They have no choice but to do what I say and obey me. I should make them all my slaves. No, that would be very bad. Anyways, that  was such a very special meeting with that man. I hope he is alright because he is such a unique personality. Ill see you tomorrow when classes start!!!! Bye my peasants.

Well luvs, this chapter was a short one, but I wanted to give you all that I have for now so I can think about the other ones. Luv you all so much and thank you for 100 reads!!!! Such a wonderful achievement!! I can't thank you enough for all your support. I'll see you next time lovelies!!!! xx

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