part 6

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Khushi left the hospital in one of their cars through which her parents came, ignoring her parents calls...

her parents followed in worry as they don't know why khushi was crying and why she was in so much hurry...

After sometime...they saw khushi to enter their house...all wondered why she left alone to go to their own home...

All elders also went inside...

In few minutes khushi came down with a small bag...

Shashi: khushi...stop.. u are not yet recovered khushi... didn't u listen what doctor said...? He said u to not to take any stress...

Khushi: out of all people...the one i don't want to talk with is u... please... don't show ur fake concern pa..

She stopped abruptly

i don't even want to insult that word by calling mr.Gupta...i am not answerable to u...for ur kind information i just got to know your deeds... Just giving spending money doesn't let to call yourself a dad...
Moreover this was a deal for you right???, when you thought you can make more profit out of this, you planned so nicely mr.gupta....

Garima: can u talk to ur pappa like that..?

Khushi: oh common mom...u have lost that right long back. the moment you didn't bother to support and listen to your daughter and you are not worthy enough to be called as mom. i don't have any relation with you people nor with this house... someone needs me very badly... if u please move out of my way then i can carry on...

Shashi: u can't go khushi...

Khushi: oh...try and stop me!!!! u think that i am fool..?

She challenged...

Shashi: khushi don't test my patience...just go inside and take rest...i don't know what i have done that u hate me this much...

Khushi: very well said mr.Gupta..what have u done..?

Wah...wah... u should ask me what have u not done to take away my happiness...

Manohar: khushi beta...why r u talking to ur dad in this way...

Khushi: oh please...u don't come in between... those who cant take care of their only son... they don't have any rights to poke their nose in others matters...

Don't waste my time with ur nonsense talks...just let me go...

Shashi: you r not going anywhere khushi...

He said sternly

Khuahi: just look at ur back and tell that word again...

All turned towards entrance...

A guy was standing at the entrance with full confidence in his eyes...everyone gulped seeing him...

That guy entered in bringing sweat out of shashi...

He came and hugged khushi...

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