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Lisa wakes up to find Jennie has already left for work. She gets up and takes a shower before she grabs her things for the day.

She notices a little sticky note on her camera.

"I made you a breakfast bowl in the fridge <3"

Lisa finds herself smiling at the little sticky note on her camera and peels it off.

Just then, she feels her phone buzz.

Bestestfriendever: Hey! When are you coming? I'm outside your office... with breakfast!!

It was Rosie. Lisa hadn't bothered to change Rosie's contact name in the year they had spent apart. She instantly replies to Rosie that she was on her way, forgetting about the breakfast Jennie had left for her in the fridge.

Lisa parks up outside her office and notices Rosie stood outside shivering a little with two bags on her.

"Hey! When did you get here?" Lisa asks Rosie as she approaches her from behind. Rosie spins on her heels to see Lisa approaching her, breaking out into a smile.

"Not that long ago" She says.

Lisa unlocks the door and gestures for Rosie to walk in. Rosie unpacks the food she had bought for both herself and Lisa.

"So, I hope I got this right... I bought a blueberry and raspberry smoothie and some granola for you" Rosie says hoping she had remembered Lisa's order correctly.

"Wait! Did you get this from Berty's?" Lisa asks Rosie.


"Oh my god. How did you get there?" Lisa asks a little surprised Rosie had made her way down there given how it was a half hour drive and Rosie didn't have a car on her.

"I uber'd it" She simply replies.

"Dude why" Lisa says laughing.

"I- I don't know actually. I just, I don't know, I just craved it and I remembered how much you'd always try to convince me to wake up earlier so we could get there in time for the breakfast" Rosie speaks up reminding Lisa of the times she would beg Rosie to accompany her to Berty's.

"Oh man..." Lisa says as she takes a sip of her smoothie. "Still tastes just as good" She says relishing in her food.

"What do you mean? Have you not been Berty's since we last went?" Rosie asks Lisa curiously.

"No. Jennie gets car sick so I never bothered to take her down there. I am actually so stoked you got this. I've missed it ugh" Lisa groans as she swallows a spoonful of her food.

"I'm glad Lis" Rosie says as she digs into her food as well.

"So, today we'll just sort out the kind of background we want for the photographs" Lisa says as she continues to eat her food and switches on her laptop.

"Okay sounds good boss" Rosie says causing Lisa to laugh a little.

"Man... I missed you so much" Lisa says looking at Rosie. "Your silliness, your humour ahhh unmatched Rosie" Lisa says averting her gaze back to her laptop.

Rosie watches Lisa set up her laptop in between eating her food and drinking her smoothie. She felt a smile form across her face. She missed Lisa so much. When she went back to Australia she didn't have anyone like Lisa had Jennie to fill the void Rosie left behind after leaving Korea.

She tried to find someone to take Lisa's place but, she couldn't find anyone. "Stop Lisa" Rosie replies dragging out her name. "Are you trying to make me blush?" She says jokingly to Lisa.

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