Chapter 2

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12:48 AM

I unlocked the door to my apartment, feeling Luke behind me as I pushed the door open and flicked the light on.

"I'm going to just change real quick. Make yourself at home. Do you like popcorn?"

"Yeah, I do." He chuckled, taking off his shoes and leaving them by the door. "Where's your bathroom?"

"Oh, right down the hall on the right."

"Thanks." He smiled, making his way down the hall as I went to my room.

I grabbed my gray Calvin Klein leggings and my old Green Day T-shirt after shutting my door.

I did a slight dance to get out of my dress, tossing it on my bed, and then instead, tossed it in my hamper.

I'm not against sex on the first date. I'm not against sex at all. I just don't know if...that will happen tonight.

I quickly tossed on my clothes before walking back out to the living room and saw Luke walking back from the hall.

"Your place is really nice. A lot bigger than what I expected for New York."

"Thanks." I smiled at him as I went into my pantry and grabbed a bag of popcorn. "Just big enough. I couldn't imagine taking care of something else by myself."

"You like Green Day?" He asked, motioning to my shirt.

"Oh, um, yeah," I put the bag of popcorn in the microwave, turning around after and held onto the counter. "They're one of my favorite bands- well I guess childhood bands. My dad loved them when I was younger and it just kind of stuck with me. I do think they peaked at American Idiot though."

"That is such a great album. I remember listening to that for the first time. They're one of my favorites too. That one takes me back."

"Yeah, me too." I chuckled at the memory that came to mind, then stopped. I missed my dad so much, and I knew I had to change the subject. "So, what's your favorite horror movie, Hemmings?"

"I love insidious. That movie scared the shit out of me when I first saw it."

"Are you one of those guys that can fall asleep right after a scary movie or do you need to watch something funny before you go to bed?"

"I need something lighthearted for sure." He said as he stood beside me, his tall frame hovering over me.

I had the urge to kiss him so badly. He was so closed and he smelled great. It was messing with my head.

"Oh! I'm sorry, do you want something to drink?" I asked, stepping away and went to the fridge. "I have plenty."

"Yeah, do you have a bottle of water?"

"Regular or coconut?"

"Regular." He chuckled, standing up straight again. The popcorn finished right as I reached into the fridge. I grabbed a water for him and a coconut water for myself as he opened up the microwave, grabbing the steaming bag by the edges. "Where are your bowls?"

"There's one right above the microwave actually. I think you're tall enough to get it." I teased, earning an instant grin from him.

"Definitely not the first time I've heard that one."

"Well, I might as well use it to my advantage while you're here. I usually have to climb for it."

"How tall are you?" He asked as he got the red bowl down, swiftly grabbing it in one fluid motion.

"I'm only 5'3". That's the main reason why I don't do a lot of runway walking."

"I see," He said, turning to me as I handed him his bottle of water. "You don't need a runway though."

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