Chapter 3

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3:24 PM

"Did you just wake up?" Jenna asked me as she stood in my doorway with her arms across her chest.

"No, why?"

"Because you disappeared last night and haven't returned my phone calls. What the hell happened? Thank god you're alive." She pushed passed me and dropped her bag on the counter before spinning around.

"I'm fine." I said with a playful eye roll, last nights events replaying in my head. "I left with Luke Hemmings."

"You what?!" She screeched, grabbing me by shoulders. "I need details. No wonder why you haven't been answering your phone. How was he?"

"We didn't have sex." I told her as my cheeks turned bright red. "I have a date with him tonight though."

"Holy shit. Thank god. I'm so happy for you. He's hot. Where did you guys go last night?"

"We came here," I shrugged, smiling at the memories of last night. "We watched Insidious and just talked for a while, but he had to walk in a show tonight so he went home about three. He did kiss me."

"He kissed you and you didn't have sex with him!?" Jenna squeaked, paging in my kitchen. "How the hell did you manage that? You had Luke Hemmings in your fucking house 10 feet from your room and you didn't have sex?!"

"It just wasn't like that I guess." I shrugged, seeing her point. "I liked him. He didn't really initiate it either - I don't know. Ashley told me last night that he thought I was hot and she pretty much shoved us together. I'm excited. He's coming to get me at 7. I'm so nervous."

"How was the kiss though? What are you wearing?"

"The kiss was great. Really great," I bit down on my lip again, walking over to my closet, "and I have absolutely no idea. I know it's not fancy so I'm leaning more casual- but I still want to look hot."

"Are you fucking kidding me? Look at you. And he already said you're hot anyway, you don't have anything to worry about."

"I can't believe I'm going on a date." I mumbled, grabbing a pair of my black skinny jeans that had rips at the knees. "I have not dated a single person since Adam."

"You know how him and his ex broke up, right?"

"No," I shrugged while shaking my head, flipping through distressed band t-shirts I had. "Do you?"

"Oh yeah. I think they broke up a bit before you and Adam. She cheated on him - with more than one guy. He found out at some party because one of the guys she had slept with was there."

"No way." I whispered, standing up straighter. "I think I was at that party."

"I can't believe you didn't hear about it. She made the rounds alright. He broke up with her on the front lawn and she appeared to not give two shits. It really fucked him up."

"Welp, nice to know I'm not the only one that's been cheated on I guess." I mumbled, thumbing at the shirt I held in my hand. "That happened just a couple of weeks before Adam and I broke up."

"Seems like you and that 5SOS guy have a lot more in common than you think."

"He likes Green Day too," I told her, laughing to myself. "I was wearing my Dad's shirt last night and he commented on it."

"Did you tell him? About your parents?"

"No." I whispered, turning to show her the outfit. "Do you like this?"

"Yes," Jenna smiled, eagerly nodding her head. "Wear some black boots and a leather jacket. I'm really glad you're dating again."

"Yeah...I figured it can't get worse, ya know? Or maybe it can. He just...He seems really sweet and I had fun last night. He wasn't too aggressive and he made me laugh a lot - plus he's so handsome."

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